Omaha World-Herald from Omaha, Nebraska (2024)

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Omaha World-Heraldi

Omaha, Nebraska

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Grains Trim Quotations on the New York Stock Exchange Early Losses Nl Stock Mart Now York Stock Tuesday: Olv Sale High 35 Rato 9 9 13 Closes With Vo 38 Vi 12 ft Slender Gain 74 27 184 16V4 Va 140 2 Chicago Grain Table Va 72 Vo 146 16 5 iboeosu SouColE I South Co Vo Va Vo 3 Va 1V 22 Mt 168 1247 Vo H65 1145 Vo 7975 Vo 7930 7925 7950 7925 Va Ito PrCI Vo 156 yi'Lonr ir zip Conf Can 160 Conf Con Va Vo Minneapolis 189V V1 Kansas City 164 163 'A Vo i Va 1 Vo ederal Vo Vo 007 Odd Lot Transactions Vo 1 Vs Aro Corp 90 Vo tlons bv principal aeuiers ivi nvv Purchases of 238370 shares sales of Arv ina i 423 Ml shares Including 8310 shares sold AsNd OiM20 Assd Spg 120 Vo 1 4 Vo Vo Vo to Vo 160 to Vo mefol 73t Vo 29 'to Vo Vo Va l'a High 44 4 yield for to Va 2V 445 8 to 10 IV Ito Weyhr 01675 to 160 Vo 250 Vo 7 to Vo 4 to Vo and to State Vo 20o Midwest Stocks to to Vo Va 10 Vo Vo to to 50 Vo Vo Va Vo 60 27 Vo 1 292 Nalco Ch 45y2 i2 Norco Scl 3 130 Vo Vo Vo to to Vo Va Va Vo 140 4 4 Vo Vo onto 3 Vo to 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VlctComp 50 Villager VaEIPw 112 VaEP pf884 VaEP pf772 pf 5 VaEP pf480 Vornado VSI Corp 48 Vulcan Mat 1 VWR Unit 72 70 Omaha World Herald Wednesday Nov 18 1970 Leave: 8:05 am 2:00 pm 4:00 pm 6:30 pm 20 23'4 60'4 67a 13 22 417a 57' a 37Va 41 45'to 18 25 29 12 13 a 9'a 7 16'4 6Va 23 2'a 34 Va 31 Va 21 52 31 16'to 12 27 27 16'a 22 29 24 18'to 6 23'4 32 21 45 10 3O'a 20 52Va 29 OMAHA TO DALLASORT WORTH 76 63 14 60 3 64 27 32 85 14 99 4 70 21 132 204 33 37 24 2 19 14 34 160 300 2 27 138 75 32 16 10 50 18'4 8 19 33 11 Va 17 42 39 23'a 9Va' 31 84 24 367a 107 19 UVa 307a 7 UVa 24 45 46 72Va SVa 5Va 6'a 21 43 51 Va 147a 18 59 44'4 12 UVa 47 8 17'4 24'4 13 33 9 7 'to 49 60 41 lO's 9 30Va 36Va 26'4 23 OMAHA TO MINNEAPOLISST PAUL MINNEAPOLISST PAUL TO OMAHA 58 7 28 20 8 41'a 51 15 6 28'4 19'to 2 8 6 16 12 18Va 3 13 UVa 8 32 17a 55 32 10 23 21 8 19 7Va 41 51 15'4 6Va 28'4 18 1 8'4 6 5 6'4 8'4 60 17 26'4 13'a OZ' a 29 UVa 57 21 11 24'to 109 63 53 Va 19 41 247a 6 14 13 26 40'to 63 BdbckW BakrOIIT Rnl) 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61 'to 24 I 42 i 42'4 i 8 7 453 18 14 29 36 4 64 Z60 Z100 5 Z150 15 118 9 2 45'a la 20 12 U'to 9'to 7 16 6'to 9 2'to 34 31'to 21 53 31 16 'to 12V Va 2'4 27 16 23'to 297 25 18V A 23 32 21 20V 1 45 10 Va 30 2U7a 52 297 UVa as 52 51 9 43 23 45 13 6 27 35 47 Xerox Cp 80 XTRA Inc YngstSD 120 Zole Corp 64 Zale pf A 80 Zapata Norn ZapaNor pf 2 Zavre Corp ZenlthR 140 Zurn Ind 28 74110 13'4 14 27 15 23'to 23 27'to 28 17 277 21 30 577 31 55 13 23V 14 117 7 7V 9 40 227 9V 13 214k 68Va 67 44 50 Va 36 137 67 48' 9 67'4 78 52 5 77 48' 72 27 26'4 18'to 12 36'to U'to 47 79 35' 4 18 16 45 36 18 37 42 ClevE vua 51 Va vi Pac GE 150 Pac Ltg 160 PacPetrl 30e PacPwL 128 Pac Swst Air 120 PacTLTpf 6 PalmBch 25 PanAmS 80e PanAm WAIr Panh TP 180 Pargas 80 Paprcrft 50b Pargas pf264 ParkHan 150 Park Pen 80 Penn Cent PenDIxle 15r Penn ruit Penney JC 1 PaCo pf347p PaPwLt 160 PaPLt pf860 PaPLt pf450 Penwit 120a Penwit pfl 25 PennzUn 80 PenzU pfl 33 PeopGas 208 PepsiCo 1 Perkin Elm Petlnc 120 Petlnc pf 1 Pet Inc pf8O PetePaul 120 PetroIn 90 Petrol pfl 37 Petrlm 153e Pfizer 60 Phelps 210 Phlla El 164 rnu ti PhilaEI Phil El Phil pf 440 Phil El pf380 Philip Morr 1 Phil pf390 Philip Ind 16 Phil Ind pf 1 Phill Pet 130 nnii vh 0 PledNGs 120 Pillsbury 136 PlonNGas 80 PitnevB 68 Pitorg 80 Pittston 50 Plan Resrch PlesseyLt 12 Plessy fnU Ploughinc 68 Polaroid 32 Portec 120 Porter pf 550 PartG El 130 Potlatch 1 Potom Elec 1 Pot El pf 450 PPG Ind 140 Premr I pf90 ProctGm 140 PubSCol 112 ProdRsch 10 PSvEG 164 PSEG pf962 PSEG pf506 PSEG pU08 PSEG pfl 40 PubSvIn 216 PubSNH 164 Publklnd It Pueblo In 28 1 PR Cmt 110 PugS PL 176 Pullman 280 Purex Co 84 Purolatr 160 All Rich edNat Mtg Minn Gulf Oil Telex Corp Am Hosplt Am Tel Tel Natomas Nat Lead ord Mot Tlshm Rlty Tenneco Gillette Co Chrysler Kinney NSv 6080b 26010 156 15n KerrM pf450 120 Kldde Co KlmbCIk 120 KlngsDSt 40 KlnneyNS 25 Kinney of425 KLM 222e KLM fn222 KnlghtN 50e 1 Koehrlng 120 Koeh pf 275 Koppers 160 Koracorp Ind 1 Kraftco 170 Kresge SS 44 Kroehler 20p Kroger 130 227 16 167 38V 8 11 317 10 20 24 117 3 1A7to 9V 19 uy 22 'a UVa 17 160 163V Hdlliburt 105 HamWat 25t Hamm Pap 1 Hammnd 40 Handlmn 68 Hand Har 72 Hanes Cp 50 HannaM 130 Harcourt 1 Harris I nt 1 Harsco Co 1 HartSMrx 80 Harv Al 120 HawllEI 144 Haves Alb 1 Hazeltine HCA Ind 10p HeclaMn 17r Heinz HJ 1 Helene Curt Heller Int 60 Heller pf407 U'to 20V 25'to 29 26 35 13V 25 104 85 18 22V 29 22 26 92V 43'4 40 36 16 34'to 30'to 7 54 18V 34'to 80 83 78 85 85 75 90 59 87 4s 93 88 4'toS 94 89 3s 95 657 VV 30 9 20 29'4 6 39 8 4 15 24 25 47' 45 26 82Va 187 8 44 189'to 163 a 127 21 32 Va 55 123 50 84 16 74 8 81 150 2 76 4 37 35 Z10 111 32 27 47 100 2 87 52 44'to 8 64 27 3 7 24 136 6 80 Z620 Z90 ZU0 Z60 81 4 35 13 48 54' 59V U'to 17 22 16'to 13 34 16 68 32 32'4 27V 34'to 24'to 8 28 167 25'a 52 8 6 30'to 18 8'to 28'to 38' WA 'to 14 1027a 12 93 12' 6 4 27 36 25'to 33'to U'a 47'4 87 211 160 60 III Cent lU'III Cen pf350 'III Power 220 12 Illi Pw bf2 35 'to 77 26 16 10 15'to 247a 42 26 109 297 38 41 U'to 26 31 6 32 18 49 36'to 297a UVa 15' 20 4f 81V 45'a 23'4 43 31'4 12' 32 49 13 44V 11V 21 157 U'a 147 14 18 22'to 12 22 16 167 38 8' 12V 10 21'to 22 24 117 14 37' Wa 9 11 4 8 6Va 35 68 5'to 1 128 15 157 15 46 106 98 607 66 12 11 18'to 4 20'4 22'to 51Va 24'4 28 10'to 25 107 25 22 84'a 4 60V 34 68'4 26 68 33V UVa 18 5 5 6 92 40 36 16 30V 7 34'to Sole (Hds) 59 31 6 19'4 49'4 36a 30 20 15 20 44'to 51 81 47 23' 44'to 31'4 12 33V 49 44 17 26 U'to 327 10 23 48V 17 109 a 15 10 18 12' 11 mi 74'4 59 53'to 38 93'4 26'to 28 31 60 10V 37 77a 327s 36'to 35 17 28V 39'4 23 43'to 51 34 25 29'4 13 16'to 46 29 29 12 25'to 45 37 30 10 29'to 8 OSa 2O'a 24 89 1 17 38 34'to 'to 25 Va 7 14V 17 40'to 36 22 i Land Bank Bonds i' NEW YORK (AP) Closing ia uano banK eonas A fiAe Ckh (Hdl) High A UH 12H 72 72 tn Mewmnt NY Hon NW Ci 83g 14 Mag MP 6'4 Mirj nf Metal Prices New York (API Snot nonferrous prices Tuesday: Copner 56 56'c a pound Connecticut Volley lead U'to 15c a pound New York zinc 15c pound East St Louis tin 1173 a pound New York sold $3795 per troy ounce New York sliver $1785 per troy ounce New York quicksilver $355 nominal per flask New York Pittsburgh scrap steel No 1 heavy quoted bv Iron Age ot $37 38 iiChosVa 160 iJiChes Ohio 4 1 aba a 1 44'to ZU 72 37'to 33'4 59 14'4 U'to 56 207 15 195 11 'to 26 19 30 OgdenCp 20p Ogden pll87 OhloEdls 154 Oh Ed pf 440 Oh Ed pt 390 Oklo GE 116 OklaGE pfBO OklaNGs 124 Olin Corp 88 Omarkln 49t 70 oellko 1 rangeR 120 Otis Elev 2 Outbd Mor 1 Outlet Co 65 OverTr n80 Owen Cng 75 Owen III 135 Owenll pf475 Oxf Ind A 60 Vc Norton 150 V4Nor1Slm 183t Nort 5 ofl60 Toft Brd 60 TalcottN 110 Talley Ind Tolley pf Bl Tampa El 80 Tandy Corp TappanCo 40 TechMat 13f Technlcon Cp Tektronix Teledyn 109t 35'to 20 8V 1S' 58 live 9 11 57 17 34 45 36 23'to 14 164 IVa 11 5 27'to 1 High Low Close uc wnoi 186 185 157'to 155 Marrn WhMt Minneapolis 189V 187 bl88 Kansas City 161 162 162 Moy Whoot IBVV IBV' IBWto I 1637 Va 2 Arc md 9 an AcmeClev 80 Acm Mkt 2b AdmsE L24e AdMIlill 20 Address 155a Admiral AelnaLt 140 Aguirre Co Alleen Inc Air Prod 20b Air Red 80o AJ Industries Akzona la Ala Gas 110 Alaska Inters AlbortoC 32 Alberfsns 36 AlcanAlu 120 AlcoStand 30 Aiexnars Alleg Co AlloaLud AllcgLud of 3 Alleg Pw 132 inea (n Aim Main AlldMill 75b Allied Pd 68 AllledPd of 3 AHIedStr 140 AlldSuo 15p Aills Chaim AlphaPC 40e Alcoa 180 lAmalSug 160 1 AMHAr so AMBAC 50 Amer fcs 120 Am Es PI260 Am Hess 22r AmeH PI350 AAlrlltr 80 Am Alrlln 80 Am Bak 05e A BrndS 210 AmBdcst 120 Am Can 220 Am Ccm 45p A Cham 160 ACrySug 140 ACyaniu 125 Am Distill 1 AUlsffel 30e Am DualVest ADuVt pf84a AmEIPw 170 Am Exp Ind AmExp pf A6 A Genins 50 A Gnln pfl80 Am Holst 40 A Home 160 A Home pt Am Hosp 24 Am Invst 5U A Medical 12 A MtICIX 140 Am Motors ANatGas 210 Am Photo 12 ARosDv 23e Am Seating 1 Am Ship 60b A Smell 190 AmSoAfr 70 AmSAtr fnO Am Std 1 A Std PI45 Am Sferll 48 AT8T wt Am T8 260 Am WWk 56 AW 4 lot 143 Am Zinc 'to 5 1 oote ul220 iz! ordMot 240 iJ orMcKs 80 inar ir nil 11 Market Averages Dow Jones: and thirty secor to maturity for eb 5 1971 eb 7 1971 Apr May May Aug Oct Klnv Nov 7 i ep eb Apr May May Orf Apr 1'to May Aug 8'to Oct 1 eb 7 Apr May 7V Aug 5 Oct Nov 5 eb 5 Apr 18 16 417a 237 77 23'to a 6 18 57 57 31V 9 20 22'to 56 1 51 23 1 11'to 21 15 11 I 1 18 38 I 22 I 12'4 227 35 I 46V 81 Va 11 29 21 26 18V 17 17 81 7 UV 11' 41 14 31' 40 33 21 6'4 10 14 49 39 217 103 57 21'4 30 43 39 20 39'4 22 21 47'to 33 19 36 197 104'4 87 58 55 48 53 U'a 18 28 13 18 46'4 16V 25 13'to 39 18 27 27a 72 65'to 17 60 17 27 13V 52'to 30 58 WheelPitt Stl WheelPit of 6 WheelPit pf Whirl Cp 160 WhlteCon 40 WhltCn pfA 3 WhltCn pfB 3 WhltCn pfC 3 WhlteCrss 44 WhteMot 50o Whittaker WlckesCoro 1 WlebtStr 25b Will Ross 40 Williams Brp WmsBr pf8O WlnnDIx 168 Winn Dixie Wlnnbgo Ind WIsEIPw 148 WIsPSvc 116 Wltco Ch 92 Wolv WW 50 Wometco 44 Woods Cp 48 Woolwth 120 1 World Alrwv Wurlltzer 40 12040 19 27 28 28 31 14 11'to on CNA lnl 50 CNA pf Al 10 Coast St Gas CstSGs pfl 19 Coca Col 144 CocaBtlg 132 Coca Btlg wl Cola Pal 130 Collins lAk 1 Collin 20p Cololntst 160 loio Colt Colt Colt CRS CBS of 1 Colu Ga ColuPIct 45r ColSoOh 176 com bn ComlSolv CnmlRfti ComwE 220b ComE pf944 ComE pfl42 Comw Oil 60 Comput Scl Comsat 50 Cone Mills 1 ConnMtg 66e Conrac 60 Con Edis 180 Con Edis pf 6 Con Edis pf 5 ConE pfC465 81V 4i 15 27V 71 25 25'to to 6 6' 16 12 U'to 8 13 41 4 56 85Va 62 81V 41 14 26'4 40'to U'a 45 12 4 13 14 27 15 23V 23 27 28 U'to 27'to 20 30 57 30V 55 13 23 14 11 7V 7V 9 39 22'to 9 13 207 67'Za 67 43 50 36V 137 6 48 49 66 77 52 5'4 7 48'a 39 71 27'4 26 18'to 12 36 18 45 79 35 17 34 16 15 18 56 57 30 30 a 20 11 MV 23 23 11 "IV 15 cn uuuia ini 7jLV0 Corp iS VkYng 450 13 'to MacAn 20b 215 Z10 187 82 5 2 32 5 10 80 18 2 2 31 26 398 15 3 24 lbrcbrd 70 eldctM 140 iltrol 140 in ederatn lrestne 160 stChrt 184t joe ieu rouxviiy stNStr iJse Budd Co pf 5 Budd Co 45p Budg of 60 '4 Budgt In 48p 1 IBufforg 110 Va BulovoW 60 3A 1 ft i DanRivr Dana Cn Dart Ind Dart Ind 1 Data Process 1 DovcoCp lU 1 DavtnHud 50Da'tnPL 160 DPL nfD7 48 2 lU 110 29 21'4 26 'to 18 'to 167 17 'to BU 7'to 13 10 40 14 30'a 40 21 6 14 49 39 21 103 57 21 30 39'4 487 19 39'4 21 Va 21'to 22 47 33 19 36 36 19 'to 28 13 42 1 UV S5 3Va Va 'i Va 148 32 U'to 16 'to 'to rz 93 19V 6 4 'to 27 'to 35 25'! 33Va UV '4 46 34V 74 87 1 211 13'4 100 10024 1008 98 101 1014 998 97 9816 10220 119 8 13 469 710 26 Z280 3 12 13 207 20 38 138 43 15 4 14 21 223 37 5 5 46 7 4 2 12 31 7 16 sn'a au' 41 22 19 15 8'a 9 24'to 48Va 17 31 15 14 2O'a 15 14 27 11 10224 10316 10212 10212 928 101 104 89 8924 9024 81 868 9 ructions represent 1974 1974 1975 1975 May 6 1975 Oct 1 1975 eb 6'4 1976 May 6 1976 Aug 7 1976 eb8 1977 Aug 7 1977 15 45 181 U'to 13 14 15 23'4 23 27'to 28 17 27 21 30'4 57'a 30 55 13 23 14 11 ya Kaiser Al 1 yaiKaisCem 80 klivhlt zuo KC Sou I nd 2 Kan GE 140 KanPwL 126 Katy Ind Kauf Brd 20 KawecB 20b KavserRo 60 Kaehler 120 Keller Ind 60 Kellogg 90 Kelsey 130 xenaaii Kennmet Kenncott KvrChk Kv Util Kerr Me 6 zl0fl 147 28 Branift coming and going lien lauui jtu 170 173Va 172 162 1 164 10012 1014 10020 99 10116 10120 100 9724 9916 1034 96 10324 9916 01216 10416 10228 10228 938 ffllo 90 9024 9124 82 87 8 85 24 32nd 17 46 50 21 25 13 44 21 12 20 I 20'to 7 21 27'4 14 23 17 26 65 1 80 27 13 I 16'! I 23V I 55 I 16 70 56 7 41 4'a 18Va 8 29 18 15 47 37 47 16 23 17 27 15 7'b 4 24 35 9 21 95 15 18 3 6' 37 25 43 25'to 8 38 35 22 6 34 51 17'a 27 73 24 26 9 14 39 118'a 47V 59 43 50 48 20 18 21 18 10 I 29'to 12 25 45 38 140 14080 Un Carbide 2 Union Corp Un Elec 1 28 Un El oU UnOIICal 160 UOCal OI250 Un Pac Co 2 UnlonPacIf 2 Unlonam 140 Unlroyal 70 Unishops 40 UnifAIrc 180 UnBrands 60 UNBrd pfl 20 Unit Co IUe Unit in Cal Unit Gas Unit Ind 20 Unit MM 130 Un Nudr Unit Pk Mln US ldG 2 20 USorS 3 US regt 140 US Gvosm 3 USGyp pfl 80 US Indust 50 US Leasg 28 USPIyCh 84 USPCh pfl20 US Shoe 88 US Smelt lb US Steel 240 USTobac 110 Unit Util 92 Unit Util wt UnUtll pfl25 UnvLeaf 150 UnlvOPd 80 Unlvsty Cmp Upjohn 160 UrlsBdg 40 lt 1 USM Cp 160 uranLon pfl 64 pfl 40 120 106e nfl20 GlantPC 60e Gibralt in GlddLew 20p Gillette 140 Glmbel Br 1 Ginos Inc Glen Alden GlenAI pf315 GlenAld pf 3 1 GlenAI pf225 Global Marin Globe Un 40 Goodrich 172 Goodyear 85 GordJIyA 24 Gouldlnc 140 GroceCo 150 Gronbv 160 GrandUn 80 GranlteC Stl Granltevlle 1 IGrantW 150 Grant pf 375 GravDrg 120 Gt A8P 130 GtNorlr 135g GtNoNek 160 GtNN pfB160 GtNN pfA40 Gt West lnl GtWnUnit 90 GWUn pfl 88 GtWashln 50 GreenGnt 96 GreenSh 120 1 Greyhound 1 1 Groller 90 GrummnCp 1 1 GlfLfHld 40e 1 GlfMOh 280a GulfMOh pf5 ruiT ni 1 so Resrces 1204012 44 zl 14 7U 11 as 51 13 21 273 9 177 Z50 MincieK ouu AM Inc 90 Amfac 80 AMP Inc 58 Ampox Corp Amstar 1 60 Amstr pf265 Amstar pf68 Amstcd 240 Amtel 32 Anacon 190 Anch Hock 1 Ancori Svc 1 And Clay 120 ApacheCo 25 ApcoO 137t APL Corp API nt C106 ilAPL Pf B50 I' a ARA Svc 106 10 3 58 0 33 77 2 10 23 10 12 17 3 5 119 1006 10026 9916 1002 10112 1026 9616 1002 10212 99 1026 94 I 10114 9824 92 8916 I 10330 I 10428 87 i 104 85 10124 9710 8216 9718 9710 8016 988 7816 9824 I 9918 i 10324 I 10618 insu Sublect to ederal taxes but not to State Income taxes 'to nvpr in Da''Chm 260 DravoCp 140 1 Dress I nd 10 1 Dress Pf 220 Dressr pfB 2 Dreyfus Cp 1 'to Duke Pw 140 Duke pf870 Hoov Bl 120 Vai Host Inti 36 ValHoud Ind 80 i Houo Miff 40 Househ 120 Hous pf440 Hous pf250 pf237 1 HoustLP 120 HoustNGs 80 HouGs pfl 50 How John 241 Howmet 70 Hubbrd 142e iHudBOV Hugh Hat HuntChm 51 16 3 23 20 1(12 50 25 115 24 73 25 26 206 8 3 5 247 32 9 26 72 16 102 7 'to 7 AJUU Coronetin 22 Cowles com Cox Bdcst 30 CPC Inti 170 Crane 160b Creditft in 1 crcmoK 80 CrouseHInd 1 CrowColl 40t Templeln 25 Tenneco 132 Tennec p(55O Texaco 160 TexETm 152 TexGosT 148 TexGs pfl 50 TexGSul 60 Texas Ind 1b Texas Inst 80 TexOHGs 05 TexPLi 45 Tex Util 180 Textron 00 iz Textrn pf2O8 5 Textrn pfl40 TlIaLaI kA GAC Co 150 'ZalGACoro 40 THinirni an 4 Thom Bet 104 Thom Ind 40 ThomJW 90a (4 TKrllfvnr Aft 12 8 1 6 41 4 18 7 29 18 15 47 37 47'to 16 22 16 27 15 6 4 24 34 9 21 95 15 18 3 6 37'to 25 401 aza i4 Memorex Co 38 What the Market Did Mon 496 801 320 1617 2 22 iino 25 5 6 ii 244 12 10 28V 16 21 33 2 6 153 12 Chicago (AP) Wheat com and soybean futures declined more than 2 cents a bushel on the Board of Trade Tuesday but a rally late in the sessloa trimmed the early losses At the close soybeans were around 2 lower to nearly 2 cents higher corn was unchanged to 2 higher wheat up to 1 cent lower and oats around lower Div Rata Jantzen 60b Japand 06 Japd fn06e JelfnPllot 80 Jergans SOP Jewel Co 150 Jim Walt 40 JlmW pfl60 JlmWglt pf 1 JohnMan 120 John John 32 Johns Svc 80 JohnSvc pf 2 jonLogan 80 JoneLau 34p pfS i aid i ftrA niwii uuw viuac (i1Mr upt rnau Bdwy Hale 1 BdwyHal pf 2 VelBklynUG 172 'Brown Co 'JackAtl pf40 680s eb 18'tos April 'il 735s April 12 J's 815s 845s limp Cp Am INA Co 140 Income Capit InCCum 90e Indian Hd 80 IndplsPL 150 Ind PL P1625 Indstl Nat 90 IngerRand 2 IngRd pf235 Inland Stl 2 Inmont 29p Insllco 70b Insllc PfA125 inspir Cop 3a Interco 110 Intrlklnc 180 IBM 480 Int Ch Nuclr Intlar 50b Int Harv 180 IntHold 143e Int Indust Int Ind pfl70 int Miner JntMiner of 4 itollntMng 40e is: IntNick 160a 1 Int Pap 150 'to 22 22 8'to 12 lo 51 16 20'to 25 29 26 35 13 25 104 Elect 16 1 occld Pet 1b 2) UoccldPel ol4 JOccidP of360 22'to occIdP pP16 70 60 48 40 Inti Rectlf 115 ITT Pfl 450 pfj 4 pfKZ InTT nfL 550 InTTpfN 225 Int Util 140 Int Util A Int Rrnnri 00 IntArsPw 124 31 1 InterstStr 60 3 1 Iowa Beef vJowaEIL 130 lAumllin 1 Qfl 22 15 9 12 22 45 17 3'to 42 24 18'i 62 19 U'to 74 31 37 35 35 15'' 26 71 55V 16 56 19 27 35 17 27 17 26'to 19 35 32 29 15'to 11 38 U'to ZI7 28 22 16 85 10 79'to 1 az'to 54 72 71 26'to 'to 18 10r 120 30 12030e 43 73 32 12 22 20 12 9 30 26 7' 20 21 23 67 46 6'to 6'to 5V 25 19V 8V 8 16 54 29 13 28 22 16V 64 31 49 23 63 23 312 58 14 UV 9 28 25V 4 28 19V 22 38 10 25 78'to 18 29 5 27'to 25 14 43 40 6 16 53 5 16 16 30 26 14 38 34nv7 10 13 19 6 29 10 15 19 30 24 92V 59 4 60 80 3 4 12 14 15 18 21 32 45 7 5 I 7 3 'to I 7'to a(ab (Hd) High Low CIjm Chg 27 12 12V 12 vn 47 7 21 20 21 43 22 21 22 110 43 43 35' 35'to 17 17 Net Low Close Chg 34 34 3' 3 36 36 15 UV 21 15 32 U'to 15 35'to 62 52 20 24 50V 112 10 56 56 12'to 31'to 30 29 17' 15 36" 7 31 32 29 35 36 15 20 15 21 8 16 U'to 34 5 i SoulnGE sniiNin Sou Pac 1 80 Southrn Rv 3 Sou Ry pf 1 SouUGas 126 SwtAirm 37t Swest PS 74 Spartans 45p SoartnA 45p Sparton 40 Sperry Hut 1 SperryR 50 Sprague 20p SprlngsMIH 1 SarareD 80a Squibb 150 SaulbbB pf 2 StBrands 160 StdBrd pf350 StBrPalnt 36 Std Inti 28 Std Kollsmcn StOIICal 280 StOIIInd 230 StOIINJ 375 StdOllOh 270 StOOh PI375 StdPress 22p StPrudent 66 StanWks 140 SterlDrug 80 SterlD pfl50 StevensJ 240 StewWar 180 Stoke VanC 1 StokeVC of 1 StoneW 190 StoneCont 36 StorerBrd 50 StudeWorth 1 'Stu Wor pfB5 StuW pt A 140 SuburbCo 68 Sub Prop 160 SuCrest 80 SunChem 40 Sun QH lh Sun Oil of2 2S Sunbeam 80 Sundstrnd 80 SunshM 52b SuperOII 140 SupmkGn 40 Survyd 55 Swonk 60o Swift Co 60 SybronCp 60 Systran Donn 8078 76 7673 73 43 73 32 12 21 20'to 12 9'to 30 a 24 1 7 20 'to 20'to zz 66 46' 6 5 5 24' 18 29' 8 8'to 16 54 29' 28 21 16 63 IVa 31'to 47 'to 23'to tzvi 23 12 58'to 14 U'to U'a 9'to 28 28'a 18 21 ZJ 38 10 25 'a 78'to 17 Z8a 5 27'to 25 14 43 40V 6 16 53V 5'to 16 27 26 17 32 10'to 23 47 17 14 33 109 21 15 10 44 17 22' 22 74' 58 53' 38 93 26'to 5 28 30 'to 59 10 37'to 7 32 36 35 3V7 23 43' 51 34 25 29 12 16' 45 28V 1 U'a 'to 28 IM 22'a 6 17 30 28 20 13 18 10 16 29 16 14 19 13 28 9'to 11 24 24 53 Teledyn 109t Teledyn of 6 Telex Corp UAL Inc 75p UAL Pf40 UARCO 110 UGI Cp 128 UMC Ind 72 Unarco 40 I Un Camp 1 Canada In NY (free) Britain (pound) 30 Dav utures 60 Dav utures 90 Dav utures Australia (dollar) Austria (schilling) Belgium (franc) Denmark (krone) rance (franc! Holland (guilder) Italy (lira) Portugal (escudo) Sweden (krona) Switzerland (fronc) (free) West Germany rdMitcrhfbmnrk) Argentina (peso) (free) Brazil (cruzeiro) (free) Mexico (peso) Venezuela (bolivar) 58'to (schbch 80 48 42 IT C3 I II I IL I CvJ LLI8I VI or ex dlslrlbutlon date Sales In full Called Ex dividend Ex dlvl dend and sales In full Ex dlstrlbu tlon xr Ex rights xw Wlthout war a rants With warrants When dis 'to tributed wl When Issued nd Next day LI 18 5 28'to 54' 16 3 22 31 31 13 32V 66 20 27 32'to 27 54 33 9 40 49 9 24' 15'to 32'to 42'to 43 9 OV 35 23 16V JO 20 24 16V 24 38 17 29 16 28 3 16 18'to 14 13' 35 36'to 32 5 37 65 72 88 21' 40 76 9'to 25 14 17 6W 15 12 'to 'WabR of 450 Wachova 120 Wacho pf220 'toWalgreen 1 Wall Murry 1 MacDonld 30 Macke Co 30 Macy RH 1 Macy pf 425 nnnn yys Mad Sa Gar Magic Ch 60 Magnvox 120 Manory inu Manhind 56b Manpowr 72 Man Han 280 MAPLO Mapc of Ma rath Marcor AAnrrnr Mar Mid 170 Maremnt 42t MarlonLb 32 Marlen 102e Mnrnfitt Cem 'Marriott 80t 'Marshd 110 i in MrvICup 40b Masco Cp 28 Masonite 72 Massey er 1 Massey fn 1 Mattel 10 MayDStr 160 Mavs JW 50 Maytag 110a MCA Inc 60 McCord 120b McCrory 120 McDermtt lb McDonald Co McDonnD 40 McG Ed 140 Me Gr 60a McGH pfl20 McGreg Don McKee 132e McLouth 40p I McNeil 70 Mead Corp 1 'to Mead pfA28O 'Mead pfB280 I Medusae 120 'MEf Cp 3MelvSh 75 'MelvShpf 4 i ya(AAerck 2a ia AAprprilh 130 iMesaPet 10 yf1? er ftn an Oft'iviCj Ot iMesabTr 84e IMestaMch 2ij MGM IMetromd 50 iv'MGIC Inv 20 'a Cle I I 1 6 32 18 49' 36'to 305 in IT7 74 15 20 44 51'to 1 81 Va 46 23 44V 1 31 12 33 1 49 441 17 157 New York (AP) The stock market advanced moderately in early trading and then fell back Tuesday Volume on the New York Stock Exchange again was light The Dow Jones average of 30 Industrials closed with a slender gain of 034 at 76047 after hav ing been up more than 4 points Wall Street analysts said the rise during the morning was based in part on hopes of further cuts in major interest rates However that optimism seemed to have been dashed by a hint by Paul McCracken chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers in Paris that interest rates might be forced upward if there is a rapid expansion of this basic economy 'Motors rubber issues mail order retails utilities cehmicals tobaccos and build ing materials were mostly high er Mich Gs Ut 1 Mich Tube 1 Microdot 4(e Mid ConT 88 MidSoUtil 96 Midld 140 MidwstOil 3 MilesLbs 120 Milt Brad 60 MinnMM MinnPLt MissnCp MIssRiv MP Cem MoPubS Mnhnail Mohas 110 Mohwk Data Mnlvhrt A4t Monarch 80 fviunuym I Monon 4 MonroEa 60 Monsant 180 Monsa pf 275 (vionruur Mont Pw MGNYM MorganJ 240 Moor McCor Mtg Inv 165e MorNor 80 Motorola 60 Mtuel 180 MtStaTT 136 MSL Ind 40 Munslngwr 1 Murphy 120 Murphy Ind Murph 011 60 MurpO pf520 nujrrvun i 'to 8 36 17 27 18'to 26 U'to 35 32 29 17 11 32! 32 I4 48 33 UV 16 6 24 31'to 38 10 16 26'to 21 92 36 16 25'to 'to 5'to 'to 5 18 16 7 20 17 38 15 18' 13'to 16 12 18 14 8'to 63 11 26 16 'to Hemline 62e i i 56'to 8' 21 62 8'to 16 8 38 a 29 28 24'to 48 18 31 'to 16 14 20 'to 15 'to U'to 27 11 Tues Advances Declines 9V Unchanged Total issues New 1970 highs New 1970 lows Md a4 flAlinPO NYSE 4196 310shares 3838700sharcs OIV Rate Nia Pf 410 Nla pf 390 Nia ot 340 Nln Shr 1 In Norfolk 5 NorllnCp 50r Norris In 80 NoAm Car I NA Coal 60 No Am Phil 1 NoAmRk 120 NoARk pfi35 Noeast Ut 94 NorCenGs 60 NorCenRv 2p NolllGas 172 No in PS 132 NaNGas 260 No NG 01848 wo NG pt560 NoStaPw 1 70 NoStaPw of 7 ns pw in NS Pw pf360 Nothaate 25 Northrop 1 Nortnp pfl 45 Nwst Alrl 45 NwtBanc 1 40 Nowsl Ind P(A5 Nwtlnd PICS Nwstln PI420 220 Call your Travel Agent or Braniff: 348 1321 CR 25 inc to pf250 Mfg Ind Bath In PI250 BauschLb 80 Baxt Lr 10 Bayk Cig 50 Beat ds 1 Beat ds bf 4 Beckman 50 Beet Dick 30 Beech Air 75 Belco Pet 50 BeldngH 60b Boh Mnw 60 Bell Intrcon 5 37 Bemis Co 40 5 M'Bendix 160 c'zalBendiX pt3 Aiir ft i 5U 556 570 622 616 638 635 647 687 687 681 654 696 625 666 648 655 525 569 EaglePIc tasco vp East Air Lin East 82f East Util 140 EasKodak la iEatonYa 140 Eaton ofl19 i Echlin Mt 52 EckerdJ 28 EdlsonBros 1 'to I 10 EtAAfietz OIa i leming iz lintkntfi lint pfA450 9 1 Pla Coast 12 a Gas 50 31'to i la Pow 160 15 loPowLt 2 15 la Steel 1 7 luorCp 1381 7 luor pf 3 MCK pfl80 ast Whl 80jiostWh pf 1 noxborp 30p 'I'iii rank Str 40 rnnnKnl on iruehCp 170 uqua In 45t 2 uiv Net Pnt Lnw Close Cha Cent Sova 1 venieiu vuo Cerra 160b to Cert teed 80 CessnaAir 60 Chadbrn Inc ul CbamaS 120 Charter NY 2 ChaseMn 180 ChseMT 43 Checker Mot iChrmetron 1 "ii'ChemNY 260 i'Chemwy 20b AheWn 1 xn NashuaCo KI nt Airlin iB NAviat 164e Ito! Nat Bisc 220 ss Nat Can 45 Can pf 150 1 NatCashR 72 'NatChem 50 NatCityL 90 Nat Distil 90 DiSt pf Vrl uel Il4 Mat Gem 20 iz Ma Gyp 105 v4 Nat Indust Mntlnrt nil OS Mat 250 4 plot Tea 80 "WjNatUnEI 90 Natomas 25 Nnv Paw VIA 19 9 16 27 'to 28 28 31 IOB 6 10 14 U'to Uto 41 40 40 48 21 28 22 U'to 85 10 79 9'to U'to 32 72 71 18 4 'Zi Va Helme Pds 1 HelmrhP 20 1'to Hemlsph Cap 'AiMomi nr five I' to'HercInc 120e iHershd 110 85 I Hew Pack 20 'to I High Voltage 'HlltonHotel 1 Hobart 120 ho*rnWal 90 Hoff Electrn Holidylnn 22 HolldA 170b HollySug 120 Homestke 40 Honeywl 130 BeneflCo 160 Benell pf430 Benguet Benguet fn Berkey Pho Beth Stll 80 Big Three 60 Black Dk 88 BlairJohn 48 Bliss Laug 1 BiockHR 36 Blue Bell 120 Bobbie Brks Boeing Co 40 BoisCos 25b Bond Ind 67 BookMth 128 Borden 120 BorgWar 125 Bormans 80 Bos Edis 224 i Bourns Inc Branf Air 50 BriggSt 240a 'BristMy 120BrlstMy pf 2 1 ft 11 ftx 40a DI II TCI HOC ChP'iBr Pet fn43e US Treasury Notes NEW YORK Closing US Treas ury Notes bld and asked prices in dollars and thirty seconds and approximate yield ConE ptC465 Con ds 120 (Con reght 1 Con Leasing ConNatG 188 Cons Power 2 iConPw pf450 I Conf Ir 7Sn corn Lop 22e Conti orp 2 Ct Cp pfA250 Ct Co ofB250 Cont Mtg 92 Cont 011 150 Cont Oil pf 2 Cont Tel 80 Control Data CnDat oU50 Conwood 190 Cook Unit 50 Cooperin 140 Cooper TR 1 CoopT pfl25 Copeland 120 CopoRgc 50b CopwldStl 60 CorlnthB 30e CorGIW 250a May July July i6s Oct eb July Sept Sept Oct Jon July July Oct eb Apr Jan Apr rown Cork ICrwnZell 160 'CTS Corp 40 Cudahy 68t Net I Olv Low Close Chg Rote 23 23 'cdDeptStr 1 18 ederal Oev 17 17 'to erro Cp 70 i 13V STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT 51 85'to 27 20'to 30 44 45 18 48 15 19 41 25 26 12 227' 38'to 8 34 43'to 3'to 29 14 23 34 10 20 ThrlltyDr 60 T1 Corp 120 TldewatM 40 Tlmeln 190a TlmesMIr 50 Timken 180 Tish Rlty 40 TobinPkg 40 ToledEd 172 TootRoll 40b Trane Co 90 TransUn 120 Trans Air TrnWAIr pf2 irnwin ur Tronsmra 55 Transa pf45O Transcon 10 Transctl Inv Transitron Travelers 80 Travlers pf 2 TrICont 245e TrICon of250 Trlanglnd 80 Tropicana Pd TRW Inc la TRW PI450 TRW pf440 TRW pfA425 TucsnGE 72 Twen Cent Tyler Corp Iz'a 25 10 'to 57'to U'to 24 a 19 74 31 37 35 35 15'to 26 71 55 16 a 19 071 20 ''tolK3s 35 17 27 17 26 19' 35 32 29 15 425 indust 20 Rolls 22 5 fl 0114 4 10 AKA OV iUO 500 Stks 8417 8281 UJ44 iu Arrafn ue New York Stock Exchange closing In Me fndustTlake47U6 Ce0S'07nVransoHatimil Arfz' PSv 108 UiliV inanCeASS16020 5682 004 Armc of210 Odd Lot Transactions NowYnrk (AP) York Stock ito' jr EszakAftAA i aftnriort odd lot tronsoc ArmCk pf375 1 duPont 375e 3gj duPont pf450 nT4 3s i Duq Lt 166 58 'Da 420rf210 Va DuaLt4pf 2 jDvmo Ind nunnam WHAT pec 171V4 Mor i73 May 172 Jul 162 Sep 164'to Dec M4 Mar 151 May 154 in 156 155 bOP if tn Mar A AT Dec 80 80' 79 Mar 78 78 77 U3 53 3' Jan 308V 3W 306 May 315 317 314 Jul Aug Sep kJ Al Jan 291 291 2 1310 1276 1255 1235 1208 1177 1 145 SOYBEAN MEAL Dec 7960 79B5 Jan 7945 7975 Mar 7930 7950 May 7935 7965 Jul 7990 8005 Aug vvu Sen 7760 Oct 75 25 7525 ICED BROILERS Nov 2535 2555 Inn MU 9A TO Mar 2750 2762 2750 2755 2750 Apr 2790 2790 2780 2780 b2780 Gam Sko 130 GamS pfl 75 GamS oil60 GardDen 130 Garlock 80 Gateway Ind GCA Corp Gemini Cap Gemini 56a GnAlnv 173e GAmOII 60b GATran 160 Gen Banc 56 GnCable 80 Gen Cig 120 GnDeveT 32t Dyn 50p Gen Elec 260 56e Z4 Gen ds 260 Gen Host2Gen Inst 30t '4 Gen Mills 88 pfl 75 to GenMot 340e V'iiiG Mot 5pf 5 to GenPCem 80 tolGPubUt 160 GenPubUt rt 'to Gen Refract Gen Sig 120 x'ii'Gen Sig pf 4 1P GenStllnd 40 Tel El 152 I KGTelEI OI250 4 GTel pfB130 2 1 Gen Tire lb US Securities NEW YORK (AP) Closing over the counter US Government Treasury bonds bld asked net Tuesday 2'to 71 66 4s 71 71 4s 72 eb 2'tos 72 67 Jun 4s 72 Aug 72 67 Sep 2'tos72 67 Dec 4s 73 4'tos 73 4'toS 74 4S 74 3S 74 4S 80 3 2S 3s 3'S 4VS 3'toS 4S Net High Low CIom Cha Jil'to u'to 48 48 48 1 42 41 41 54 14 14 4 54'to 54 0 9 9 LacIGas 140 Lamsn Sess 1 LaneBrvn 65 Lanv Ritz 68 LatrobSt 15p LearSleg 50 LearSg Pf225 Leasco Data LeasD pf220 Leaseway 50 LeedsN 50 Leesona 40 LehPCem 40 LchVal Ind Lehmn 170e Leverd Cap Lev ine 75a LC lnancl LE CP LE Cppf50 LibOd 190p Lib pf475 LlbbMcN LibbMcNL rt LlbertyCh 20 Librty Ln le LlbvLn pfl25 Liggt My 250 LlggM pf 525 LlyEII 140 LlncInN 180 LlncNtpf 3 LingTVt 33p LlngTV AA LingTV pf Lionel Corp Llttonlnd 50t Litton ptc pf Litton cv pf 3 Litton pf 2 Lockheed Air Loew Thea 1 Londntn 22p Lone SCem 1 LoneSt pf450 LoneSGa 124 LonglsLt 134 LIL of I 575 1 Loral Corp La Land 195 LouGE 158 1 LoulsNash 4a 1 Lowenstn 90 1 Lubrlzol 70 Lucky St 90b Ludlow 108 26 i lv Tiger Bit 16 MC CO 85 UP ChaHCmI on oote CB '60 oole Min cnnln on I duwv iimic BdwyHal pf 2 to Brkwy Gl 60 3 172 'Brown Co 20 BwnShoe 150 32 'to Brunswk 10 1 Buev Er 120 Athlone Ind ASSd Ub I ZU Avco pf320 AsdTran 05p AtICvEI 136 AtICE p(587 Atl Richfid 2 AtlRch pf375 Atl Rich pf 3 AtlRch pf2 80 Atlas Chem 1 Atlas Coro ATO Inc 08 I Aurora Prod lAutom Data (Automtn Ind AvcoCp 60e Avery Pd 20 Avnet 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22 RIviano 90 RoanST 1 23e RobshCon 70 Robrtsn 110 RoblnsAH 40 RochGs 120b RochTel 120 Rockower 24 RockMfg 140 RchmH 160b Rohr Cp 80 Rolllnslnc 20 Ronson 35r Roper Cp 1 RorerAm 72 RoyCCola 54 Roy Dutch 2e Roy Dut fn2e Royal Ind RTE Corp 24 Rubrmd 112 Rucker Co Russ tog Ryder Sy Olv Rate Seagrv 50b StarlGD 1U0 Sear )20a Seatrain Un Sedco Inc 00 Servmt 50b Shell 011 240 Shell Tr 82 ShellerGI 80 SherwWm 2 SherW pl440 Shullon 80b Siegel HI SlerraPac 80 Signal Co 60 Signal pf22O Signal pf I Slanod 110 Slmm Prec Slmmn 140o SlmpPat 88b SingerCo 240 Slnaer PI350 Skelly 011 1 Skll Corp 90 Skyline 16 SmlthAO 140 Smith Infl 40 Smith 2 Smucker 70 SolaBasIc 50 Sonesta Sonest pfl25 Sony Co 03 Soo Line 2e SOS Com 44 SCar EG 126 (SoJerlnd 152 10UUIIIUWII mu toSoutdn pfl80 to SoeastS 128 4 SouColE 150 south Co 126 170 1 0 7'to 51 15' 6'to 28V 19 IT? Cabot cp 70 Cadence Ind Ca inan "(aiionn iCompRL 45a Camo Sr 110 Cdn Brew 40 drt Pit 1 9H nreian rHDnr fnl 90 and decimals of a'CanaIR 110 Coo Bdctg Mon Carbrun 150 Carlisle 60 Taro PLtl46 Caro Tec 160 CarrierCo 60 CarrG 210e CortWal 40a CastleCk 60b 2(H 41 'to Va 22 20 2 15 8V 79 79 1 UVa 11 Va High Low 76848 75678 14809 14597 11200 11037 24631 24264 Poor's: High Low 9241 9093 30 5504 Solei (Hds) iz 34 142 106 32 46 17 15 101 111 83 23 15 33 26 22 43 14 Aoprox final total oiM420 Previous day Week ago u025iw Month ogo Year ago Two years ago Jan 1 to date 250512W8O 1969 to date 1968 to date 2568293386 Sales figures are unofficial Unless otherwise noted rates of divi ends In the foregoing table are annual disbursem*nts based on the last quarterly A rnMHl KKnilwl An lx4xx 41 14 An rlw nmmanl nnt ICAIIU UIVtULHUb VI I'W) noted as regular are Identified in jne following footnotes I Also extra or extras Annual rpte plus stock dividend Liquidating dlvl aena ueciareo or paia ivov stock dividend Declared or paid so far this year Paid In stock during 1969 estimated cash value on ex dlvi dend or ex dlstrlbutlon date Paid last I year Declared or paid after stock dividend or split up Declared or paid '1'1'5 "LUI Uli ULlUTiU IQ (1 vo I55UC Wtf'f dividends In arrears New Issue Paid this year' dividend omitted deferred or no action taken af last dividend meet Ing Declared or nald In 1970 plus stock dividend Paid In stock during 7 1 1970 estimated cash value on ex dividend Safeway St Joe Mln 2 StJosLP 104 StL Sa 240 StReglsP 160 SanDGas 108 Sanders 07p Sangcmo 40 Sa elnd 160 Se Ind pf s(j Sanelnt 30 SarWelScI 50 SavanhE 112 I JA "JUAUI I I 11 1 Henenie Schenl pf Schering Schic' SehlltzBr Schlmbr 140 Sclent Resrc SciRes pf41k SCM Co 45p SCOA Ind o0 Scott etz 80 Scott or 60 Scott Paper 1 Scovlll 140 Scovll of250 SrrewBt 50e Scud Duo Vst Scuddr pf72e 30 st Mtai 26 sfNCIt' 22 ValHtNStr lshr 20e ilsherScI 16 ZlIIeetEnt 16 i leming 50 Grain Purchases Chlcogo (AP) Grain future purcnae 'to I 795s 845s 795s 7 80s6'to i jvj 8s y5s eb i25s July ya 4s eb I5S pr 5s Jan Bld and asked 1 256 3 256 a 52 93 11 25 35 16 18'to 69 20 7 33 52 73 52 36 69 1 15 U'to 18 8 41 31 6 51 47 28 12 27 28'a 27 23 17 tojLukensStl 1 a Lums nc lvo corp to Lvkeof 250o 22 56 15 15 15 37 8 7 7 22 10 10'to 10 249 18 17 18 31 17 17 17 10 23'to 23'to 35 22 22' 22'a 6 10 10 1 9'to 9'to 266 29 29 29 186 36 36 36'to 5 5'to 5 144 18 18 18 750 5'to 56' 155 32 32 32 109 44 43 54 44 43 44'to 4 38 38 change and998 9912 9828 9949810 98189726 982 9510 9518'9630 976 9416 9424 9318 9326 948 9416 948 9416 938 9316 938 9316 9016 91 7920 8020 7428 7528 698 708 6816 6916 7416 7516 6812 6912 7116 7216 70 71 70 71 6812 6912 6812 6912 1 24 274 52'to 16 113 18 10 Z250 56 Z30 46 119 57 48 12' to 2 31'to 2 30 1 8 17' 87 128 7 12 37 8 7V 40 32 44 32 2 29'to 13 35 4 37 5 16 37 21'to 5 15 32 22 18 8 59 16'? 26 14 111 34 15 5 3 8 Z50 30 39 10 103 29'to 9 9 1 9 21 20 31 24'to 1 89 7 17 52 38 21 34 113 26 106 7 27 14 5 17 13 40 20 36'to 5 22 14 38 38 38 8'to 8 8 13 7 7'to 7 9A 11 in 11 'to 107 31' to 30 31' 124 30'a 29 30'to 'to 17 6 6 6 24 60 60'A 60 88 60'to 60 607 5 'a 40 26 25 26 5 47 46 46 'to 13 12 12 U8 22'to 22 'to x4 22'e 22 22 65 31 31'to 31 'to 2 28 23 28 91 13 13 13 56 20 20 20'to 148 35 35 35 16 4' 4'a 4 3 15 15 15 8 16 16a 16 173 55'! 55 3 54 53 54 18 33 32'i 33 'to 8 8 8 6 20 19 19 Va 28 23 22 23 Va Z20 60 60 60 'to 38 17'a 17 'a 54 21 21'to 21'to 32 16 16 16 136 45 44' 44 'to Wolworth Co 17 1 Va Ward oods 11 9 Warnaco 90 10 14 Warne pfl 50 16 23 Va WarLam 120 426 64 War Lam wi 27 63 'to Warn Sw 160 22 WasGas 180 15 28 Wash Stl 70a 5 11 WashWP 136 xll 20 Va Watkln Johns 22 17 Wuyn Gas 76 17 Vs Wean Unit 7 7 Wean nfA126 1 9.

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Author: Corie Satterfield

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Author information

Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

Address: 850 Benjamin Bridge, Dickinsonchester, CO 68572-0542

Phone: +26813599986666

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.