The Evening Sun from Hanover, Pennsylvania (2024)

I SIX THE EVENING SUN, SATURDAY, JANUARY 12. PAGE News of Westminster and Carroll County FAREWELL PARTY AT WESTMINSTER Many Friends Surprise Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Royer, Green Street, Who Will Spend Win.

ter In Florida Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Roger, West Green street, who will leave next maining Florida. mete given a day evening friends who of good eat at their were: and Mrs.

Harry Ditman, Mr. Paul Hoover, Mrs. Charles Rover. Mrs. John T.

Mr. Mrs. John Royer. Mrs. William Mrs.

Elsie Rinehart, Mrs. Ella Mrs. Charles Bond, Mrs. John Wei Miss Maitie Beard, Miss Laura Royer, Mrs. George Early, Mr.

and Mrs. Ezra Bish. Mr. and Mra. Pearl Johnson, Mr.

and Mrs. D. M. Young, David Witter, Mins Eleanor Ditman, Dorothy and Robert Hoover, Ennis Royer. Mrs.

Levi Barnes, Mrs. Clara Englar, Mrs. Harry Morningstar, Miss Martha Rover, Mrs. Jennie Wolfe, Miss Lodia Trostle, Mrs. Martha Mitten, Miss Edith Beard.

Mrs. Harry Helwig, Miss Lydia Taylor, Miss Grace Cookson, Mrs. Theodore EngJar. Mrs. Nellie Morningstar, H.

Carroll Leister, Liberty street, this city, attended a banquet Tronday night at the Emerson Hotel, Paltimore, given by the United States National Life and Casualty Company, which company he represents, Helen Gernand, Union Bridge, and Rita Morningstar, were recent quests at the home of Mrs. Nellie Morning. star. Penneyirania avenue. Watermelons In January John Yingling and his brother, Williar, both of Pennsylvania avenue, enjoyed their annual feast of water.

melon recently. John is an adept at preserving them till January, and both he and Bill do their heft eating them. Mrs. Sinnott Laid To Rest Mrs. Thomas Sinnott was buried Friday- Requiem mass was in charge of the Rev.

Father Martin P. J. Egan St. John's Catholic church, this place. Interment was made in the adjoining cemetery.

The pallbearers were: Edward Little, Joseph Little, Thomas Sinnott, William Sinnott. George Sinnott and Filmore Frock. Edward Huff, College avenue, has been suffering from a cold for, several weeks. He will soon be able resume his work fireman at the college heating plant" where he has worked for a number of years. John Biehl, Liberty street, who has been sick in improving at this time.

He has been taking treatment from Dr. Joseph Herring, Baltimore, Mrs. James M. Stoner has gone to Baltimore to spend the week-end with her daughters and families, Clayton Myers and wife and Earl Tyler and wife. Friday morning at about 5.45 0 clock this section was visited by a heavy downpour of rain accompanied by high wind.

The day following was warm and clear. Towson Girls Play W. M. The Western Maryland college basketball team will play the girls' Maryland State Normal school today. This will be the first game for the Towson tossers.

The game is at Westminster and the probable lineup is as follows: State Normal West. Md. Laird. P. Nutter McCullon.

Roberts Nealy. Warren Hanway, Hollms, Hisley. G. Lauder Sheppard. G.

MeAltine TYRONE Tyrone--Those who were entertained at Raymond Rodkey's last Sunday were the following: Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Rodkey, Frizellburg; Mr. and Mrs. Howard Rodkey and daughters Ruthanna and Alice, Mr.

and Mrs. Ira Rodkey and children, and Paul, Mr. and Mrs. William Flohr, all of near this place. Mary, Miss Grace Marquett and Carroll Weishaar were guests of Bernard Weishar and family, New Windsor, last Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. William Babylon and granddaughter Betty were visitors Saturday evening at the home of Ezra Spangler. Mrs. Charles Baumgardner, Charlestown, W.

spent from Thursday until Saturday with her brother, Levi D. Maus and family. While here she attended the funeral of her -sister, Mrs. Enoch LeFevre at Littlestown. Those who spent Sunday with Miss Naomi Rodkey were the following: Misses Margaret Halter and Leona Blizzard, Westminster, and Wilbur Halter, Mayberry.

Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Rodkey, Frizellburg, last Wednesday gave a dinner to the following: Mr. and Mrs. Howard Rodkey, and daughters Ruthanna and Alice; Mr.

and Mrs. Raymond Rodkey, sons Roland and Charles; Ira Rodkey and children Naomi, Grace, Martin, Luther, Paul and Mary; Mr. and Mrs. William Flohr, all of this place; Howard Dern and family, Jacob Marker, Mrs. William Rodkey and son Charles.

Mrs. Ivan Boose and Misses Ruthanan and Gladys Myers and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Welk and son Walter were visitors at the home of Ezra Spangler, on Sunday. Those who spent Sunday evening with Miss Grace Spangler were the following: Misses Carrie Myers, Anna Null, Mary Anna Fair, Frank- ORANGEVILLE DEFEATED BY WESTMINSTER HIGH Westminster.

Jan. High school basketers stiff opposition, but were forced down to defeat, 28 to 19, by the Westminster High quintet here last night at the Armory floor. The of Osborne, who speared the het for 17 of the winner's total, proved too great an obstacle for the invaders. Seitz also added a guartet of field goals to the winners' total. McDennell was the big boy at the penalty line, caging six of a dozen free shots for the losers, WESTMINSTER HIGH G.

F. Osborne, 1-2 Seitz, 0-0 Wills, 1 0-0 Wantz, 0 0-1 Roger, 0 1-1 Totals 13 2-4 28 ORANGEVILLE HIGH G. F. Kane, 2 3-5 MacDennell, 1 6-12 8 Hunt, 0 2-2 2 Scott, 0 0-3 Bittinger, 1 0-0 Totals 4 11-22 19 Referee Spier, Western Maryland. NEW WINDSOR New -Dr.

Lynn of the Maryland University hospital, and Dr. James Marsh, Baltimore, were in town Monday. Dr. Lynn paid a visit! to John C. Brown, who has been ill fo rsome time, not showing any in improvement.

Mrs. Bessie Smith has had a radio outfit placed in her present residence. Joseph Englar and wife, Baltimore, are occupying the home of the late Mrs. Clara Englar during this month and have with them Mr. Englar's mother, who is an invalid and makes her home with her children.

The Ladies' aid society of Winter's Lutheran church met at the home of Mrs. Thomas J. Haines to make quilts. Mrs. M.

D. Reid visited her mother in Thurmont Sunday. The latter has been on the sick list for some time. Mrs. John Cook, Annapolis, spent a few days here with her sister, Mrs.

Charles Bankard and attended to some business conected with the settling up of her sister's estate. John C. Buckey and Marshall Devilbiss expect to leave next week for California, going down through Georgia, Louisiana and Texas. They will be gone till about the first of April. George W.

Hull, N. Charles Graybill and David N. Cantwell went to Baltimore Thursday to attend a meeting of the horticultural society. The Standard Bearers of the M. E.

church will give an entertainment in the college gymnasium on Tuesday evening, Jan. 22. Samuel Hoff, and wife. spent this Thursday with Mr. Hoff's brother in Harrisburg, making the trip in their automobile.

HAMPSTEAD and Mrs. Preston V. Rhoten entertained a number of their friends on Thursday evening The evening was spent in the playing of games and enjoyment of vocal and instrumental music. At a late hour all were invited to the dining room where refreshments were served. Those present were: Mr.

and Mrs. Preston V. Rhoten, Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Brown.

Dr. and Mrs. D. M. Resh, Mr.

and Mrs. John Murray, Mr. and Mrs. Perry Hyson, Mr. and Mrs.

Jomes Hook, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Benson, Mrs. Seymore Leister, Misses Annie Leister, Elva Resh, Mayfield Walker, Louise Bankert, Miss Manahan and Dorothy Rhoten, George Resh, Gilbert Benson and Virgil Rhoten. Samuel Merkle i is spending several days in Baltimore.

Kenneth Cross, who has been in a hospital for several weeks in Baltimore, came to the home of his parents Prof. and Mrs. E. L. Cross on Thursday evening.

John Hyson, Baltimore, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Hyson, North Main street.

Mrs. John E. Burke, Emory, spent Thursday with her daughter, Mrs. Earle Culison. Mrs.

Susan Ekenrode, Baltimore, is visiting friends and relatives in and about town. Miss Rena Glick, Baltimore, is spending the week-end with her cousin, Mrs. Merkle. Miss Ella M. Blizzard, who has been WHEN THE GUNS BARKED The U.

S. S. Seneca, on its latest trip These photographs are the first to betaken aboard rum chaser. days. Its four-inch gun was along the Atlantic coast to pick up rum runners, staged a the actual the battle.

The center battle that recalled war Finally the came to a stop. Photos show firing during fired repeatedly. quarry rifles in hands of the sailors. shows the suspect drawing up alongside Sen eca. the Note the ever-ready picture Captain P.

F. Roach commanded the vessel. When the two suspects were brought aboard the Seneca, they were searched. The smiles on the face the one shown in this picture was proof voked by his own wit. When he climbed abourf he remarked: "Youse are sure bum shots.

You couldn't hit the side of a barn." But lest guys those words be misleading let it be said the shots did all but blow the little craft into eternity. The suspect, finally caught, was tied to the Seneca and brought into New York, pending the outcome of the hearing before the U. S. commissioner of the two men caught. No liquor was found aboard the tiny boat but the men resisted arrest, and so they were detained.

-ill for some time, is convalescing. Edward Tipton, Railroad avenue, is on the sick list. Kelbaugh and daughter, Miss Gertrude are moving into their new home on the corner of Bull Moose and Hill Crest avenues. the association. The gathering was on the lot across from the goose corral, where it would be quiet.

"Fellows," said Bill, "our attorney says we got sixteen ways of beating Jim's Mote's case. I will mention only a few of the legal points on our side. In the first place, Jim can't prove any of us cut the tree, being in the dark of the moon, when he was in bed, or ought to have been, and hearsay testimony don't count. If we cut the tree we got a counter claim against him for labor performed. "If he charges us with cutting down his tree to get a coon and it should turn out to be a "possum it would be a technical error in the pleadings that would invalidate the whole cause of action.

"That's what Matthews said and The had a whole roomful of books to prove it. He says we got the owner of the tree beat before he gets to first base. We'll take a vote on the proposition--shall We invoke the law President!" The Chair recognized the Treasurer of the association. "It won't do no good to go to law with this case." "I'd like to know why?" demanded the hound dog man. "Because.


$10, before One) to more have part of will will to possible turned blank friend book book from Gal- the the and his He the of GALBRAITH FREED OF MURDER CHARGE (Continued from Page Fair and Walter Well Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Halter and Cora and Rhoda, Mrs. Samuel Crosse and Mrs. Ivan Boose spent last Thursday evening with Ezra Spangler and family.

MILLERS and Mrs. Ross Hoffacker gave a dinner to their friends and Thursday night. After to the radio and choir pratthey were invited to the dinon at 11 o'clock where a table, decked of oysters, tato salad. orange desert, celery, pickles, chowchow, bread and coffee. Those present The Rev.

and Mrs. RebMr. and Mrs. Harvey Wertz, Mire. Luther Wentz, and Marie, Mr.

and Mrs. Charles Miller and daughter Frances; Mr. and Mrs. Preston Bollinger, Mrs. Leonard Millers: Mrs.

Harvey Erb son George: Mrs. George Wentz and daughter Virginia; Mrs. Paul Wareheim, Mrs. Edward Nagle. Mrs.

Emory Betwager, Mrs. Rudolph Wink, Miss Dora Leese, Miss Mildred Hanson, Miss Alverta Hoffacker, Miss Birdie Hofflacker, Greenmount. Clinton Reed, Elmo Strickler, CARROLL COUNTY SOCIETY PLANS ANNUAL BANQUET The Carroll County Society of Baltimore City will hold its fifth annual banquet at the Rennert hotel on Saturday night, January 19, at 7 o'clock. "Men and women of Carroll County as boys and girls remember the interest taken 1 in the children and the old soldiers of the county by Mins Mary B. Shellman.

There is probably no man or woman in the county who is better known or looked upon with greater respect for what she is and what she has done in helping steer all toward the right way, both in living and says G. R. Babylon, secretary. The Carroll County Society is aware? of this feeling towards Miss Sheilman and has arranged! to have her come from Charleston, W. her pres.

ent home, to Baltimore to address this gathering. She has known practically all of those who helped make the county, and has herself taken an active part in all the constructive movements within the past 30 years. Having her with the Society at this time will certainly add to the enjoyment of the occasion, Mr. BabyIon believes. The Society has secured Robert Ballard, a well-known baritone singer, and Edmund Royer Cook, violinist, to assist in the musical part of the program.

An invitation is extended to every Carroll countian who may wish to attend, dress informal, TANEYTOWN -Mrs. Jacob Lawyer who is ill with double pneumonia, snows some improvement. Miss Alice, little daughter of Merwyn C. Fuss and wife, received a hard fall on Thursday morning, and dislocated her shoulder. The accident occurred while she was riding her kiddie car, in the yard at her home.

George H. Birnie was taken ill on Thursday morning, with acute bronchiad trouble, but is better, at this writing. Miss Winona Greiman, Baltimore, was the guest of J. Albert Angell and wife on Saturday and Sunday. Wilbur Naylor, son of G.

C. Naylor and wife, who was taken to Frederick City hospital for an operation, is improving nicely. Mrs. Emma Fowler, Baltimore, visited her mother, Mrs. Jacob Lawyer, several days this week.

Harry Copenhaver and wife returned from their wedding tour, on Thursday evening, to the home of the bride's parents, J. Albert Angell and wife. I Miss Percy Adelayde Shriver, who spent her holiday vacation at her home, returned to her school at Eden Hall, Torresdale, Friday morning. The womens' missionary society of the Presbyterian church met on Thursday afternoon at the home of Miss M. Louise Reindollar.

The week of prayer services, in the different churches of town, this week, have been well attended. Samuel Brown, one of Taneytown's aged week. citizens, is on the sick list this the county jail until the trial. Kelly made the kitchen of the On Wednesday afternoon, witnessed were discharged, Kelly so regained his liberty. titled to witness fees for the was held here at the per day.

It made a total When Kelly drew this the county of York it was the largest sum he could for a long time. Gave Galbraith $50 But Kelly thought of his Galbraith. He went to Galbralth gave him 850 of the roll. Galbraith while talking to a reporter jury had rendered its verdict, stated that Kelly had owed him thought $50 pretty good braith exhibited a modest part of the money which Kelly had over to him, and a new issued by a York bank. contained an entry of $40 credit of Galbraith and subject check.

He also had a book checks. Galbraith had put his money away for safe keeping. A GOOD CASE RUINED FEED) BOSSY IS GLAD FOR, MEAL TIMES when you educate her feed! It is rich in nutriment for her, and will mean milk each day for you. It cost you no more than been paying before; and bring you cash returns. "Quality Talks" Richardson Vitality Eshelman's Feeds.

Main and Bond Streets, WESTMINSTER, MARYLAND Phone 197. Open Evenings. Jim Mote, who runs a farm down Salt River, came to Macon, on and filed a claim of $10 with the Treasurer of the Macon for chopping Coon Association down hunters a FEED) tree on his place. "Hound Dog Bill, the President, was away somewhere, and when he came back somebody told him of Jim Mote's claim the association. against the association.

After a talk with Matthews, the attorney, the President summoned the members of NEW STAR THEATRE WESTMINSTER, MD. PROGRAM SATURDAY, JAN. 12 William Fox presents WILLIAM FARNUM In his latest production "THE GUN FIGHTER" You'll find the thrill of lifetime in this smashing drama of outdoor adventure, romance and action. Fox -Dance or Die' Fox News No. 127 Ar.

Charlerik, Chiropractor, Graduate of the Palmer School of Chiropractic WESTMINSTER TANEYTOWN HAMPSTEAD JOSEPH L. MATHIAS Marble and Granite MEMORIALS 192 East Main Street, WESTMINSTER, MARYLAND. IM ALL BAWLED UP THAT'S ABOUT, HOW THE QUINCY' DEALER TALKED st.

The Evening Sun from Hanover, Pennsylvania (2024)
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Name: Duncan Muller

Birthday: 1997-01-13

Address: Apt. 505 914 Phillip Crossroad, O'Konborough, NV 62411

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Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.