The Baltimore Sun from Baltimore, Maryland (2024)

a a THE SUN, BALTIMORE, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 7, 1905. 9 SUBURBS AND COUNTY Mr. And Mrs. Hugh P. Fox Oelebrate Silver Wedding.

MR. YELLOTT FOR PRESIDENT Pistol Figures In Breach-0f-Promise Case---Joshun Banks Acquitted- Other News. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh P.

Fox celebrated the twenty-fifth anniversary of their marriage last evening at their home, 1807 Liberty road, Walbrook. The parlor was decorated with streamers of green ribbon, and in the corner suspended from the celing was a large wedding bell, made of white paper, and held in place with green decorated with pink and white roses. dining room was decoropesio' rated with green streamers reaching from the four corners to the center, from which was suspended a red wedding bell. The table decorations consisted of white and pink chrysanthemums, with sprigs of smilax, and the candles on the table were pink and white. Mr.

and Mrs. Fox were the recipients of many handsome presents of cut glass and silver. Among those present were: Mr. and Mrs.William Gill, T. O'Neil, Charles Scarlett, William Young, Allen Schley, Thomas Hartlove, H.

H. Fox, Fred Warner, Elsie Evans, Fred Huntermarck, Harry Sowers, Samuel Kahn, John Ellis, New York; Philadelphia; Glenmore Ellis, Mra, Sarah Young, Philadelphia. MissesAgnes Ellwood, Katie Cunningham, Nora Brady, Marie Shorden, Mary Handley, Winnie Nallon, New York; Mary Brady, Annie Mack, Lizzie Elwood, New York; Lizzie Brady. Emma Tarr, Messrs. John McGarvey, Oharles Sowers, Wilmer Henly, Cornelius Sowers, Edward Fowler, H.

H. Johnson, John Hartlove, William Scott. Surprise To Miss Elliott. A surprise party was given Miss Lillian Elliott at the home of Miss Katie A. Gill, of Butler, by her friends.

Games and music were enjoyed, and at a late hour the guests were invited to the dining room, where refreshments were served. Among those present were: Mr. and Howard C. Parks, N. Rufus Gill, Mrs.

Mollie Gill. MissesEstelle Shepperd, Ethel Kelly, Ida Warann, Esther Geist, Baltimore; Lila Geist, Helen Shepperd, Lulu Bollinger, Manor; Glyndon; Catharine Gill, Mollie Osburn, Lillian Elliott, Eureka Ensor, Blanche Hale, Effie Ensor, Debbie Wheeler, Mattie Wheeler, Mamie Isenock, Minnie Smith, Nettie Isenock, M. Virginia Elliott, Cassie Isenock, Ella Royston, Emma Kelly, Sallie Stevenson, C. Baily, Lawrence Ensor, Leroy Geist, Lee Wheeler, Daniel Brooks, Charles Chilcoat, John Brooks, W. F.

Kurtz, Cleveland Chilcoat, F. W. Petticoat, Lawrence Chilcoat, Baltimore; Edward Gent, K. Gill, Clifton Cole, Lynn Parks, Harry Elliott, Melville Stevenson, Ernest Benson, James Royston, James Vance, Dennis Geist, Lake Hutchins, Manor; Joseph Kessler, Raymond Ensor, Morris Stump, Harry Osburn, Reisterstown. Miss Tarbutton Receives.

Miss Katherine Tarbutton, of Galena, gave a reception Thanksgiving Day to a few of her friends in honor of her guests, Miss Ogden and Mr. William B. Tarbutton. The house was decorated with greens and berries and carnations. A collation was served.

Those present were: Captain and Mrs. George Tarbutton. MissesMerchant, Gray, Ogden, Lane, Messrs. William B. Tarbutton, Vansant, W.

Merchant, A. H. Hyland, R. Prettyman, Parks. H.

Vansant, Epworth League Elects. At the annual meeting of the Epworth League of the Govanstown Methodist Episcopal Church Tuesday night Epworth Hall, Govanstown, the following officers were elected President-Mr. J. H. Grace.

First Vice-President-Mr. H. B. Parsons, Second Vice-President-Mr. E.

M. Poole. Third Vice-President-Mrs. G. W.

Hammond. Fourth Vice-President-Mrs. J. E. McCauley.

Secretary--Mr. W. U. Causey. Treasurer -Miss Jennie Richardson.

Marriage Licenses Issued. Licenses to marry were issued yesterday at Towson the following couples: GORDON CRUE. William Gordon, 29; Alice Crue, 19, both of Mount Washington. Applicant, G. D.

Smith. BEVANS LANDERS. Charles E. Bevans, 27, White Marsh, Mary Ellenor Landers, 18, Harford county. Applicant, William J.

Harris. COLORED. Gilliam, 26; Susan A. Jones, 22, both of Sparrows Point. Sparrows Point And Vicinity, Five large ocean-going steamers were at the steel company's piers yesterday.

The Fernfield was unloading a cargo of SpanishAmerican ore, Parklands was discharg1ng Alquife ore, then Cairntorr was unloading pig iron and spiegel, the Hermod was loading rails for Rosario, South America, and the Carolyn was loading rails for Galveston, Texas. Mr. N. P. Hyndman, of Pittsburg, was among the visitors at the Point yesterday.

Mr. Stedman Bent, purchasing agent for the Maryland and Pennsylvania Steel Companies, of Philadelphia, was at the Point yesterday. Mr. William C. Robinson, of Baltimore.

spent part of the day at the Point. Mr. E. P. Stover, of New York city, went through the works of the steel company yesterday.

Mr. J. N. McClintock, a prominent engineer of Boston, the guest yesterday of Mr. C.

G. Chevalier, general storekeeper of the company. Cheswolde Land Co. Incorporated. The Cheswolde Land Company of Baltimore County has been incorporated by James S.

Calwell, J. Henry Judik, George J. Thaler and Edward. J. Kennard, of Baltimore, and Harry E.

Mann, of Baltimore county. The certificate states that the company Is formed for the purpose of dealing in land, operating quarries, supplying towns with water and conducting any mercantile or trading business. The operations of the corporation will be carried on in 1 the State. The principal office will be located in Baltimore county. capital stock is fixed at $35,000, divided into 350 shares of the par value of $100 each.

Its affairs will be managed by five directors--Harry M. Benzinger, Henry Judik, George J. Thaler, Edward J. Kennard and Harry E. Mann being named as directors for the first year.

Commissioners To Reorganize. The County Commissioners, who took the oath of office Tuesday in the County Clerk's office, will reorganize next week. It is said that Commissioners Slade and Mann have offered to vote in favor of Mr. Yellott remaining in his present position of President. It seems to be a certainty that Mr.

E. Stanton Bosley, chief clerk and auditor, will remain in the same place, and Transfer Clerk N. Bosley Merryman will likely continue in the same position. The reappointment of Mr. Osborne I.

Yellott as counsel to the board is an assured fact. Warrant Issued For Miss Bal. A warrant has been issued for the arrest of Miss Bull, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Franklin T.

Bull, of the Fifth district, on the charge of shooting at Mr. Joshua T. Wheeler. Constable Benson has. the warrant.

It is alleged that on November 27 Miss Bull fired a pistol three times at Mr. Wheeler, who was driving along the road. None of the bullets took effect. Miss Bull has a suit for $10,000 for alleged breach of promise against Mr. Wheeler.

George H. Mann Improving. Mr. George H. Mann, son of County Commissioner Henry P.

Mann, who is under treatment at the City Hospital for injuries received by a collision of two cars, is gradually growing better, and the doctors say that he will be able to get around on crutches in about a week. He is still confined to his bed at the hospital. It has been about five months since he was injured. Messrs. Fahnestock Buy More Land.

Messrs. Albert and Harry Fahnestock, of Baltimore, have bought the Elias Matthews' mill property, consisting of 48 acres of land, a grist 'mill, a large stone dwelling and a barn, for $100 per acre. The property is on the York turnpike, near Sparks Station, and adjoins the large acreage of farms recently bought by the Messrs. Fahnestock. Miss Barclay's Birthday Party.

Miss Byrd Barclay entertained her friends last evening at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. McKee Barclay, Dixon Hill, Mount Washington, the occasion being her birthday. Games of various kinds were played by the young folk, after which refreshments were served. Mr.

Fred Patterson amused the children by appearing in their midst in the garb of an Indian chief. Among those present were: Mrs. Vandenbury Hoffman, Byron Clark. Misses Marie Gernand, Rhoda Hoffman, Margaret Clark, Helen Hershey, Marie Abbott, Louise Hershey, Ida Mealy, Margaret La Mott, Helen Lawrence, Edith Hebden, Ester Lawrence, Dorothy Hebden, Louise Lawrence, Anna Baker. Messrs.

Samuel Barclay, John Abbott, Tyler Barclay, Webster Abbott, Fennimore Baker, Lawrence Baldwin, Herman Hoffman, Eugene Baldwin, George Hoffman, John Lawrence, Van Hoffman, Meets. The Ladies' Society of Sudbrook Aid Methodist Episcopal Church, Pikesville, Rev. Dr. Weller, pastor, held a meeting yesterday afternoon at the home of Mrs. H.

F. Emich, Pikesville. After the meeting a lunch was served. Among those present were: Watts, Harry E. Davis, William F.

Coghlan, Ephraim Manly. H. F. Emich, Miss Bessie Manly. William D.

MacMillen Buried. The funeral of Mr. William D. MacMillen, aged 63 years, who was found dead in his room Monday, took place yesterday from the home of Mr. Andrew J.

Hanna, Reisterstown road, Arlington. Mr. MacMillen had been a sufferer from locomotor ataxia. The services were conducted by Rev. Walter G.

McNeil, pastor of McKendree Methodist Episcopal Church, Arlington. The pallbearers were employes of Mr. Charles E. Frank, who had charge of the funeral. The burial was in Greenmount Cemetery.

Funeral Of Johnson F. Benson. The funeral of Mr. Johnson F. Benson, whose death accurred in Washington Sunday, took place from Mount Carmel Methodist Episcopal Church yesterday afternoon.

Rev. S. J. Derr, of St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Arcadia, conducted the services.

Mr. C. V. Tipton, of Hampstead, was the funeral director. The deceased was the oldest son of Mr.

and Mrs. B. Frank Benson, of Mount Carmel, and, besides his parents, leaves a widow, Mrs. Jennie Benson, nee Beckley, and a son, Beckley Benson. One brother, Mr.

Benjamin Benson, of the Fifth district, survives. Israel Jones' Funeral. The funeral of Mr. Israel Jones, who died Monday at his home at Oella, First district, took place yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Services were conducted by Rev.

'rnomas Wood, pastor of Oella Methodist Episcopal Church. Burial was in Mount Olivet Cemetery. The deceased was 64 years old and is survived by a widow, Mrs. Annie Jones. Stockholders Elect.

At the stockholders' meeting of the Whitehall Grain, Milling and Supply Company, held Monday afternoon, the following directors were elected: Messrs. Nelson Gilbert, S. W. Black, C. C.

Slade, M. W. Bahn, S. W. Hershey, C.

L. Almony and W. D. Bahn. Immediately after the election the directors organized by electing a Mr.

Gilbert, president Mr. Black, vice-president; Mr. Bahn, secretary Mr. superintendent, and Mr. Bahn, Banks Declared Not Guilty.

Joshua Banks, colored, who was charged with stealing lot of brass from the vacant boarding house at Aigburth, was declared not guilty yesterday by Justice Herbert, of Towson. He was released. SUBURBAN PERSONALS Items Of Interest About County Folk And Their Friends. Mr. Nathaniel Wright, 1023 Canton street, after a visit to Harford county, has returned home.

Miss Mary Coulter, of 3133 O'Donnell street, is a guest of her grandmother, Mrs. Katharine Coulter, 1004 McCulloh street. Patrolman Harry J. Pfister, of the Baltimore county police force, left yesterday for Bowling Green, where he will spend 10 days with relatives. He will be accompanied by his mother.

Mr. John Hoff, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Hoff, of Sherwood, who is a student at the University of Virginia, is a guest of his parents.

Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Ingles and family, of Laverne avenue, Lansdowne, are home after a pleasant visit to Mrs.

Edward Stevens, of Washington. Mrs. C. J. Hull and son, Cyrus Hull, and Miss Lottie Smith, of Lansdowne, recently visited Mrs.

Hull's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Robinson, of Baltimore.

Mr. W. J. Zimmerman, of Portland, who has been stopping with his father, Judge William E. Zimmerman, at his home, Woodlawn, will leave in a couple of days for home.

Doctor and Mrs. William P. Wyse have returned to their home at Pikesville, after a visit to Governor Beckham, of Kentucky. Mr. W.

W. Graham, of Red Lion, 1 is spending some time with his sister, Mrs. William T. Fulton, of Marble Hill, near co*ckeysville. Misses Grace and Louise Balls have returned to their home in Govanstown, after a visit to Centreville.

Miss Kathleen Cunningham, of New York, is visiting the Misses McCabe at their home in Govanstown. Mrs. William Lerch, of Cedar Lawn, Govanstown, is spending some time with Mr. and Mrs. John R.

Cook at their home in Centreville. Mr. James Reilly has returned to his home, in Jersey City, after being the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Kirby Emory, at Meadowview, on the Rolling road, Woodlawn.

Mr. and Mrs. John H. Ford, of Baltimore, are the guests of their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.

C. Louis Weaver, of Woodlawn. Mr. Maurice Ditman, of Woodlawn, has left for Oxford, Ohio, where he will make his home. Mrs.

Allen A. Hiss has returned to her home, in Jonesburg, after being the guest for the past two months of her daughter and son-in-law, Professor and Mrs. George Harrison, on the Windsor Mill road, Woodlawn. Miss Eleanor Van Meter has returned to her home, in Baltimore, after spending the Thanksgiving holidays as the guest of Miss Helen Merle, of Woodlawn. Miss Nellie Davis, of Woodlawn, has returned to her home from a to her uncle and aunt, Mr.

and Mrs. Edward T. Lumpkin, of Baltimore. Mr. Roland and Mr.

Henry Reindoller, of Baltimore, were the guests of Mr. C. H. of Woodlawn, during the past week. Miss Elizabeth Bosley, of Whitehall, is visiting friends relatives in Baltimore.

Miss Clara Burns, of Whitehall, who been spending the past three weeks in has Baltimore, has returned home. Thomas C. Baldwin, Health CommisDr. sioner of York, was a visitor at White- ball Tuesday. MR.

SHERWOOD OUT OF BOARD As A Visitor To Jail BeResigns cause He Moved. Timanus received yesterday 'the Mayor of resignation from Mr. following John R. Sherwood as a member of the Jail Board: "I herewith tender you my resignation member of the Board of Visitors to the as Baltimore City Jail. My reason for so doing is simply because I have changed my residence from the city a to the county; therefore, I feel it incumbent upon me to take this step." Mr.

Sherwood is a Republican, and the Mayor said he would appoint his successor within two weeks. LABOR EQUIVALENT TO MONEY So Jail Board Cannot Contract For $30,000 Workhouse. City Solicitor Bruce rendered an opinion yesterday that the city cannot enter into a private contract involving an expenditure of more than $500. The decision was in answer to a query from Mr. Leigh Bonsal, president of the Jail Board, relating to a proposition from a manufacturer to build a workhouse costing about $30,000 in return for this amount of labor by the inmates of the jail.

Mr. Bruce said he could not distinguish between the pecuniary value of jail labor and so much money in specie. For this reason, he said, the proposed improvement could be let only lowest bidder, after the invitation competitive proposals by a the Board of Awards. Mr. Bruce to say: see no to the passage of an ordinance authorizing the visitors to contract for the erection of the building and the hiring of labor after the invitation of competitive proposals, under Sections 14 and 15 of the Charter, provided that the ordinance is duly referred to the Board of Public Improvements and the Board of Estimates." SEWAGE DISPOSAL CONSIDERED Mr.

Hendrick 4 And Consulting Engineers Have Long Conference, Chief Engineer Hendrick and Consulting Engineers Rudolph Hering, Frederic P. Stearns and Samuel M. Gray were in consultation all yesterday in the rooms of the Sewerage Commission. The report of the consulting engineers on the methods of sewage disposal was under discussion. The commission will meet today, and it will not surprise several of the members if some announcement is made as to the time when the report is to be submitted.

The report of the organization committee on the positions to be created and salaries will also be made. WOULD EXCEPT FACTORIES Mr. Mohler Thinks Sidewalk Crusade Would Hurt Industries. Mr. J.

Edward Mohler, of the Sewerage Commission, was at the City Hall yesterday and expressed the opinion that the crusade against obstructions on the sidewalks would be hurtful to Baltimore's industries if pushed too far. He thought the manufacturing districts should be excepted. "Baltimore is making every endeavor to encourage manufactures," he remarked, "and this crusade would be detrimental in the manufacturing districts. To a certain extent, sidewalks must be used where there are no rear exits. The public is not inconvenienced because few pedestrians use the streets in such neighborhoods." The law as it stands provides against obstructions on all sidewalks, but it is within the province of the Board of Estimates to grant minor privileges.

Several applications for the of sidewalks have been made to the board, which is disposed to grant the privileges where they are necessary and do not inconvenience the public. THEIR COMMISSIONS ARRIVE Officials To Assume New Duties As Soon As They Qualify, The commissions of Chief Judge Harlan, of the Supreme Bench; Sheriff George W. Padgett, Mr. George Carey Lindsay, clerk of the City Court, and City Surveyor Raleigh C. Thomas were received from Annapolis yesterday by Mr.

Robert Ogle, clerk of the Superior Court. The officials will receive their sions and enter upon the discharge of their duties when they have qualified. Judge Harlan will qualify before the clerk of the Superior Court and will pay a State tax of $50 on his commission. Sheriff Padgett will also qualify before the clerk of the Superior Court. He will pay a tax of $300 on his commission and will give bond for $25,000.

Mr. Lindsay will pay a tax of $200 on his commission and give bond for $20,000. He will qualify before the judge of the City Court. Mr. Thomas will qualify before the clerk of the Superior Court.

He is not required to pay any tax or to give bond. Sheriff-elect Padgett said he will take charge at 10 A. M. tomorrow. Messrs.

Charles Kleinjohn and Louis V. Bonn, two of the four deputy sheriffs who, Mr. Padgett said, will be dropped, handed their resignations to Sheriff Green. JOHN J. BANNAN'S WILL FILED Most of Property Left To Mother, Brothers And Sister.

The will of Mr. John J. Bannan, filed for probate in the Orphans' Court yesterday, gives to his mother, Mrs. Annie T. Curley, the property 1005 Milton Place, all his interest in the property 1516 North Caroline street, in which he lived, and all the furniture and other articles belonging to him in his residence.

Rev. Michael F. Foley is bequeathed $500 as a token of Mr. Bannan's esteem and affection. The residue of the estate, including the proceeds of any insurance policies on Mr.

Bannan's life, is to be equally divided among Mr. Bannan's sister and brothers--Mrs. Mary E. Quinn and William T. Bannan, Charles A.

Bannan, Harry F. Curley and Rev. Hugh A. Curley. William T.

Bannan and Rev. Hugh A. Curley are named as executors, without bond. The will was executed November 24 last. Mr.

Bannan died the 2d instant. ALIMONY IS STILL $4 Judge Harlan Refuses To Grant Mr. Davis' Petition. Judge Harlan, in the Circuit Court, yesterday refused to grant the petition of Charles S. Davis for a reduction of the alimony of $4 a week paid by Mr.

Davis to his wife, Elenora Davis. Mr. Davis wanted the alimony cut in half. It developed at the hearing that Mrs. Davis had the custody of their son when Mr.

Davis was ordered to pay the alimony. She had obtained the child's custody by habeas corpus, but a month afterward Mr. Davis took the boy, claiming that Mrs. Davis had not the means to properly support him. Mr.

James Fluegel, attorney for Mrs. Davis, asked Judge Harlan not to modify the order for alimony, contending that under the law the child is still in the custody of Mrs. Davis and could not be given to the custody of Mr. Davis except by the court which had heard the habeas corpus case. FREE FROM $15,000 CLAIM Mr.

Aaron Rosenstein Gets His Discharge re In Bankruptey. Aaron Rosenstein, against whom Miss Rose Hutzler obtained a judgment for 000 in her suit for alleged breach of promise of marriage, was granted his discharge in bankruptcy yesterday by Judge Morris, in the United States District Court, which releases him from the claim. Mr. Rosenstein applied for the benefit of the bankruptcy law last April, by Ruddell Hall, attorneys, shortly after Miss Hutzler had obtained her judgment. The decision of Judge Morris overrules the recommendation of Mr.

Thomas Foley Hisky, referee in bankruptcy. The referee stated in his report that the application of Mr. Rosenstein for the benefit of the bankruptcy law was to get rid of the judgment. At the trial of Miss Hutzler's suit no defense was made by Mr. Thomas C.

Ruddell, who appeared as Mr. Rosenstein's counsel. Mr. Ruddell said that Mr. Rosenstein was employed as a clerk at $8 a week, and it made no difference whether a verdict for $15,000 or 15 cents was rendered against him.

WANTS HUSBAND ATTACHED Mrs. Rasch Says $30 Alimony Was Due October 13. John Rasch, 208 North Patterson Park avenue, was before Judge Dennis, in Circuit Court No. 2, yesterday upon the petition of his wife, Selena Rasch, to have him attached for contempt of court for not complying with an order for the payment of alimony pending a suit for divorce. Mrs.

Rasch stated in her petition that her husband was ordered to pay her $7.50 a week alimony and that $30 was due her October Judge Dennis gave Mr. Rasch until Monday to pay the $30. The couple married January 15, 1903, and separated October 13 the same year. 66 A Month For Every Stitch." Burwell Boswell, colored, charged with assaulting Edward Williams, colored, with intent to murder, was convicted of simple assault in the Criminal Court yesterday and was sentenced to 17 months in jail by Judge Phelps. The testimony showed that Williams was cut in the back with a razor by Boswell and that 17 stitches were taken in the wound.

"A month for every stitch" was the comment of Deputy State's Attor- ney Eugene 0'Dunne. $300 For Alleged Slander. Burton R. Evans yesterday obtained a verdict for $300 damages in his suit for alleged slander against J. Walter Keyes, superintendent of the Atlantic Transport Company.

The suit was tried before Judge Wickes and a jury in Part 3 of the City Court. Messrs. William Colton and William W. Varney were counsel for Mr. Evans and Mr.

Charles P. Coady for Mr. Keyes. Two Divorces Granted. Sarah E.

Tyson, a chambermaid, 1516 Druid Hill avenue, was granted an absolute divorce yesterday from William Tyson, to whom she was married July 16, 1883, and who left her September 28, 1888. On the ground of unfaithfulness Charles Keyser Mabee, a steamfitter, 210 South Eutaw street, was granted an absolute divorce yesterday from Emma Barbara Mabee. They were married March 28, 1882, in Washington, D. and separated February 25, 1904. TO BUILD ON OLD SITE Ticket Office Of "Pennsy" To Be At Baltimore And Calvert.

A YORK ROAD TRACT IS SOLD George J. Miller Buys Cottage At Sherwood Factory Contract Is Awarded- To Erect Dwellings. Mr. John Redwood, representing the Lee and Andrews estates, announced yesterday that he and Vice-President Thayer, of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, had come to an agreement, at a conference held in Philadelphia last Tuesday, about the building to be erected at the northeast corner of Baltimore and Calvert streets and that work on the plans for this structure will be started at once. It is thought that work on the structure will begin about January 15.

The building will be three stories high and will have a frontage of 53 feet on Baltimore street and will extend along Calvert street 64 feet. This statement puts at rest the rumors which have been current recently in real estate circles. One of these was that Mr. Redwood was negotiating for the Cohen lot on Calvert street, which adjoins the corner lot. This lot has a frontage of about 30 feet, which would have given the corner lot a depth along Calvert street of nearly 100 feet.

The other rumor was that the Pennsylvania Railroad Company had decided not to return to the old site, but would lease the first floor of a building near the intersection. of Baltimore and Charles streets, so as to be near the ticket office of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company, which will be at the northwest corner of Baltimore and Charles streets. Mr. Redwood said yesterday that he and Mr. Thayer went over the sketches of the proposed building at Baltimore and Calvert streets, and that Mr.

Thayer approved the preliminary plans for the structure. The working plans for the building will be prepared by Architects Worthington Ahrens and Architects Parker Thomas. Mr. E. B.

Hunting has bought another lot in the burnt district, having secured from Mr. Arthur Herzog the lot at 614 East Lombard street. This lot has a frontage of 20 feet and a depth of 72 feet and will be improved to suit a tenant. Mr. Hunting, who is one of the largest owners of real estate in the city, and who has purchased considerable property since the fire, has recently bought two vacant lots on Gay street and one on Frederick street.

Perot Deed Recorded. A deed was placed on record yesterday conveying the Perot property, consisting of about 13 blocks in Northeast Baltimore, which was recently purchased by Mr. John T. Murphy, real estate broker, to Messrs. Thomas Laurence V.

and Patrick J. Grogan, trustees of the Grogan estate. This closes one of the most interesting sales in the history of the real estate 1 market of the city. Representing the Grogan estate, Mr. Murphy purchased the property for $70,000 on September 23 last.

After the sale was reported to the court exceptions to its ratification were fled and the case was set for a hearing on November 11. The case was not reached that day, and subsequently it was learned that a syndicate had been organized to bid on the property. The parties interested then came to an agreement that a sort of public sale should be held, giving each an opportunity to bid. By this agreement it was understood that the exceptions would be withdrawn. The property was then bid up to $75,000 and the parties adjourned to meet at Towson on the following day, where the bidding was continued before Judge Duncan.

The last bid, that of Mr. Murphy, was $81,000. The property was knocked down to him, and Judge Duncan immediately ratified the sale. The Perot tract is bounded by Luzerne street, Lakewood avenue, Federal street, Biddle street and Canton street. The United Railways and Electric Company has recently completed a car line along Federal street.

The Grogan estate already owned about 6 blocks in the same neighborhood. This will give the estate control of about 19 blocks, placing the Messrs. Grogan among the largest real estate holders in the city. The new owners will begin the development of the property next spring. Mr.

J. W. Bruton has purchased from Mr. A. Nesbit Turnbull, trustee of the Turnbull estate, 10.19 acres of land on the York road, adjoining the property of the Sheppard and Enoch Pratt Hospital.

The property has a frontage of 544 feet along the York road. The consideration was $600 an acre. The Sherwood Land and Improvement Company has sold to Mr. George J. Miller an 11-room cottage at the northwest corner of Sherwood and Walnut avenues.

The lot has a frontage of 125 feet on Sherwood avenue and of 26.6 feet along Walnut avenue. The consideration was $4,400. The deal was made through Mr. Telfair W. Marriott.

President Lindsay, of the Real Estate Exchange, has appointed the following committee to report on the Tarrens land system Messrs. L. G. Turner, Frank J. Caughey and J.

Leland Hanna. Mr. Lindsay a member of the committee ex officio. President Lindsay has also appointed a committee to consider the advisability of proposing the merging of the Water Department with the Tax Department. This committee is composed of Messrs.

R. G. Galt, E. J. Chaisty and Hammond J.

Dugan. Messrs. Oppenheim, Oberndorf shirt manufacturers, 112-122 West Fayette street, have awarded to the Woodruff-McLaughlin Company the contract for the four-story factory to be built at Pulaski and McHenry streets. The structure will be 70 feet by 155 feet and will have inclosed fireproof elevators and stairways. Messrs.

Charles E. Cassell Son are the architects. Plans For Jamestown Buildings. Messrs. Parker Thomas, architects for the Jamestown Exposition, to be held in 1907, have sent out plans for the Administration Building.

The structure is to be T-shaped and will have a frontage of 213 feet by 160 feet. The main portion of the building will be two stories high. The building will be constructed of steel, brick and concrete and, with the Art and History buildings, will form the central group of buildings, all of which are to be permanent. The Administration Building will contain an auditorium 87 feet by 95 feet and will have a dome about 80 feet high. An illustration of the building was recently published in THE SUN.

The bids are to be in December 16, The Sadtler estate applied yesterday for a permit to erect 13 three-story dwellings on the east side of Calvert street, between Twenty-fifth and Twenty-sixth streets. Each building will have a frontage of 15 feet and a depth of 67 feet. Mr. J. S.

Moke has the contract. Mr. J. F. Gerwig is the architect.

MARKET BIDS OPENED Provide For Construction Of Maryland Institute Building. The Board of Awards opened bids yesterday for the construction of the retail market and Maryland Institute Building, between Baltimore and Swan streets and Centre Market Space and West Falls avenue. Ten bidders sent proposals, which were referred to Building Inspector Preston for tabulation and to the Centre Market Commission for report. The building is to be three stories and of ornamental design. It will be of brick and terra cotta, brick and stone, or all Indiana limestone.

The retail market will be on the first floor and the other two floors will be occupied by the Maryland Institute. Of the appropriations for the three market buildings there is only $173,000 available for the retail market. As the lowest possible bid is $190,170 for the superstructure and foundations, an additional appropriation of at least $20,000 will be necessary. The commission, however, has anticipated this need and an ordinance appropriating an additional $65,000 out of the Western Maryland fund is now before the Council Committee on Markets. The bids for the superstructure were under the alternate method, including construction of brick and terra cotta, brick and stone and Indiana limestone, with a deduction if boilers are not included.

The time of construction is given at from 7 to 12 months. The bids for the superstructure are as follows: found Terra 9014 Brick 8 Deduct and and Cotta Charles McCaul Co. 7 $173,470 $197,870 $210,970 $1,200 J. Henry Miller 12 177,000 202,225 232,796 1,500 Henry S. 9 182,042 202,490 239,389 1,000 C.

L. 12 184,800 208,172 224,263 1,500 Wm. Steele Sons. 12 188,855 207,165 228,972 1,500 Brady 12 191,193 211,193 230,943 1,500 M. C.

12 191,302 219,678 253,302 1,500 H. Smith 10 195,800 224,800 243,800 1,000 B. F. 12 202,924 236,924 279,043 1,500 The bids for the foundations are: Cranford Paving Company- Spread concrete, 600; caisson, time, 90 and 70 days. C.

L. Stockhausen-Spread concrete, time, 150 days, The following specifications for proposals were approved For the insurance of the officers and men of the Fire Department, steamboat supplies for the Harbor Board. For the erection of No. 12 Truck House. NOBODY TO GIVE TITLE City Asks Court To Take Charge Of Block Street Award.

Ta There are 140 defendants in a suit instituted by the Mayor and City Council in the Circuit Court yesterday through City Solicitor Bruce to perfect the title to seven lots on Block street belonging to the Merchants and Miners' Transportation Company and condemned by the Burnt District Commission for the new docks. The commission awarded $115,000. The bill of complaint states that no one is able to give the city a good title to the property. Leave is asked to deposit the amount of the award in court and the court is asked to appoint a trustee to convey the ground to the city. Forest Park Ordinance Vetoed.

Mayor Timanus vetoed yesterday the ordinance appropriating $5,000 for the purchase of a site for a park in Forest Park. His action was in accordance with an opinion from City Solicitor Bruce, declaring the measure to be a violation of the City Charter. The following ordinances were signed Allowing Harry S. Campbell to erect an electric sign at 6 East Baltimore street. Allowing Lewis Elmer Sons to construct a railroad switch at Central avenue and Bank street.

The ordinances authorizing the collection of taxes were also approved. To Advertise Road Condemnation. City Solicitor Bruce expects to receive today the corrected plat of York road from Topographical Engineer Shirley. He will then prepare a notice for the Commissioners for Opening Streets advertising a meeting of all interested in the condemnation of the road. Following this action, commissioners will award damages for the possession of the turnpike by the city.

Mr. Bonaparte To Confer. Secretary of the Navy Charles J. Bonaparte notified Mayor Timanus yesterday that he would be at the City Hall Saturday to confer about property which he represents in the dock district. With the surrender of Mr.

Bonaparte's property there will be but one interest blocking the improvement. REAL ESTATE RECORD PERMITS TO BUILD. Permits to build were issued yesterday as follows: F. X. Donnelly--To erect two-story dwellings on Collington avenue, near Ashland avenue; to cost $16,000.

William Reily-To erect two-story structure at 2700 Philadelphia road; to cost $1,000. The following applications for permits to build were filed Sadtler Estate -To erect 13 three-story dwellings on east side of Calvert street between Twenty-fifth and Twenty-sixth streets; to cost $50,000. M. D. Martin-To erect six-story structure at 108 West Fayette street; to cost $25,000.

Minor privileges were granted as follows J. T. Sykes--To erect dryer at 1312 and 1314 South Charles street. Mary Gorsuch-To erect extension on Calvert street, near Twenty-ninth street. R.

Kinnier-To make repairs at 406 North Bethel street. Conrad Ganzman-To make repairs at 2101 Vine street. Paul Leibold- make repairs at 125 West West street. P. M.

Womble-To erect shed at Elliott and Patuxent streets. C. Sands--To erect wall at 1309 Smith street. Rife Houck-To erect sign board at Baltimore and Liberty streets. Armour make repairs at 529 West Lee street.

R. L. Donaldson-To erect dryer at 2705 Eastern avenue. T. R.

Overton To erect vestibule at 504 Robert street. F. X. Donnelly--To erect 12 frame extensions on Collington avenue, near Ashland avenue. F.

X. Donnelly-To erect eight, frame extensions on Ashland avenue, near Collington avenue. F. X. Donnelly--To erect seven frame extensions on Collington avenue, near Ashland avenue.

R. Culver-To erect wall at 6 Kosuth street. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Baltimore City. Wednesday, December 6.

Title Guarantee and Trust Co. to Sarah E. Harvey, 8.8. Jackson nr. Aisquith, 20.2x Charles 1.

Putts and wife to Charles F. Kass.e.s. Dolphin nr. Myrtle 15x110 5 Elizabeth Seward to Walentz Stasiak. n.s.

Cambridge nr. Leakin, 15x-, g.r. $30..... 10 Clarence Hampson and wife to Ann E. Meushaw, 4 .3,109.09 Aaron Pressman to Samuel Fefer, e.s.

High nr. Granby, 15.6x-, g.r, $36.... 1,400 William Patterson, attorney, to Frances M. Binks, n.s. Oxford nr.

Boone 704.33 Ludwig Sellmayer to Julius Greenberger, W.S. Ann nr. Mullikin, 15x67, g.r. $45... 1,700 Henry E.

Cook and wife to Clinton Larrabee, e.s. St. Raul nr. Thirty-sixth, 16.2x 123........ 5 Francis B.

Riggs to Henry W. Dingeldein, w.s. Chesapeake nr. O'Donnell, 840 Samuel J. Messersmith to Daniel Eidman, 3 5 Emil Budnitz and wife to Juergen F.

Peters and wife, 2 1 Juergen F. Peters to Mahlon A. Kinsey and wife. closing an Juergen F. Peters to Emil Budnitz, 2 Emily J.

Sickel to George W. Mallonee and wife, cor. Fulton and Parkwood 14.3x-1,133.33 John Echstorm to John Hermann, 2 lots. 5 Charles G. Perot, to Thomas J.

Grogan, several 81,000 Grace A. Numsen and husband to Frank P. Knight and wife, 2 3,600 Edward D. Whaley and wife to John P. Galvin, Jackson nr.

Randall, 13x85, g.r. $45.50.. 5 Charles F. Stein and wife to Thomas L. Ray and wife, 2 lots, g.r.

1 Thomas Hill and wife, to D. G. 300 Stephen S. Clark to Joseph Frank and wife, n.s. Eager nr.

Chester, 11.10x80, g.r. $30.. 5 Charles A. McIntire to Catharine McIntire, s.w.s.' Calhoun 12x80, g.r. 1 Provident Building Association to A.

Hume Sprinkel, S.8. Mulberry nr. Arlington 12x64, g.r. 500 Anna Reinhardt to Bohemian Permanent Building and Savings Association Slovanstvo, e.s. Washington nr.

Eager, 13x80, g.r. $39 5 James A. Whitcomb, to Mayor and City Council, w.s. St. Paul nr.

Lexington, 28x90. ...53,491.78 John T. Morris, to Frank C. Wachter, 2 ......37,600 Franz Metzler and wife to Adolph Kolbl and wife, e.s. Rose nr.

Baltimore, 11.8x73, g.r. $24...... 500 Lilly Haynes and husband to Julius Mintz, n.s. North nr. Monroe 13.10x80, g.r.

5 Paul A. Seeger, to Frank C. Wachter, w.s. Liberty nr. German, 25x- 6,000 Katharine Dimling and husband to Barbara Weigand, n.W.S, Towson nr.

Clement, 11.9x70 5 E. Macht to Mary Nenner, cor. St. James and Somerset 12.6x51.2, g.r. $13.

5 Charles B. Burdette to Henry Iddings, e.s. Maryland nr. Twenty-sixth 14x150, g.r. $100......

5 Morris D. Robinson, to Jerry J. Bailey and wife, s.e.s. Columbia nr. Little Greene 1,440 Corilla 0.

Scarlett to' Sophia M. Loessel, e.s. Fulton nr. Presbury 15x78.7. ....1,333.33 Thomas L.

Ray, to James T. McGarry, s.s. Wilkens 350 Jan Kluczenski and wife to John Makoski and wife, Hare nr. Elliott, 12x65, g.r. $25.

550 D. M. Newbold, to Ada Koenigsberg, n.e.s. Madison' 14x86, g.r. $90...

2,200 William B. Wheeler, to John F. Kirsch, s.s. Mullikin nr. Ann, 5 Alonzo M.

Hurlock to Henry Caplan, n.s. Saratoga 12.6x108.6, g.r. $25... 5 Catherine McCauliffe to Charles H. Dorman and wife, s.s.

Federal nr. Patterson Park 13x75, g.r. $40........ 5 Mechanics' Building and Loan Association to George L. Richter and wife, e.s.

Jackson nr. Randall, 12x85, g.r. $42.: 850 William Colton, Julius H. Walther and wife, n.e.s, Fremont nr. Little Montgomery, 15.6x- g.r.

1,355 Sidney T. Nimmo to Samuel Siegael, 6.5. Josephine nr. Arch, 13.4x84.6, g.r. $30....

5 Mechanics' B. and L. A. to Victor Alder and wife, e.s. Jackson nr.

Heath, 13x85, g.r. $45.50...... 850 William E. Wallace and wife to Frank Bergner n.w.s. Paca nr.

Hamburg, OT William E. Wallace, to same, 3 UT Safe Deposit and Trust to James A. 0. Tucker, 2 2,250 George R. Willis, to Margaret C.

King, 3 ......4,122.22 William E. Hoffman, to Edward L. Hachtel, 5 2,700 Mary V. C. Evans, to Cornelius C.

Fitzgerald, s.w.s. Druid Hill nr. Biddle 16.4x60, g.r. $42... 5 Charles A.

Blimm and wife to Hy. Wallace and wife, 17 5 Milton Fleischer, to Betty Fleischer, 9 lots. Same Babetta Westheimer, 2 Joseph W. Abbott and wife to James W. Harvey, 2 5 Addie M.

Jackson to E. Macht, e.s. Temple nr. Baltimore, 15.4x40.2, g.r. $22.50........

5 Baltimore County. Wednesday, December 6. Franklin Permanent Building Asso. to George Walter Tovell, lot of ground, 4-5 of an acre, Fourth Charles Nicholas Herder and wife to George H. Michael and Mary M.

Michael, his wife, acres, Fourth Joseph J. Winkler and wife to Daniel A. Ryan and Emma Ryan, his wife, 10 acres of land, Ninth M. Alice Tipton to Thomas L. Hoover, 90 perches of land on Dover road, Eighth district Overlea Land Co.

to Alice S. Scarborough, lots Nos. 108 and 109 on plat of Overlea, Fourteenth COURT PROCEEDINGS CRIMINAL COURT- Judge Phelps. Robbery--Charles Hunt (colored), James Anderson (colored), John Anderson (colored), Samuel Warren (colored), not guilty. Burglary-Amos Norton, colored, pleaded guilty of larceny, two years in penitentiary.

Larceny--Charles H. Anghes, colored, 15 months in penitentiary; Frank Schafer, four months in jail; Frank Staut, colored, three months in jail, Assault to Murder--Burwell Boswell, colored, guilty of common assault, 17 months in jail. Assault--Maggie Callaman, colored, not guilty. Deserting Wife Daniel Lacy, paroled. to pay $3 a week; Harry Meads, paroled, to pay $1.50 a week.

Assignment for Today-Forgery, Marcellus Janowski (two cases) embezzlement, Robert A. Cameron; larceny, Jerry Mohney, John Kennedy. William McCann, Frederick Richter, Henry Rainer; assault, Charles V. Duncan, James G. Duncan, John W.

Duncan, Philip Blum, Ruben Caplin, Joseph Shea; disturbing the peace, Gussie Gotleib, David Bennett; fortune-telling. Maggie Schnur; deserting wife, George C. Austen, Marion Staylor; violating sweatshop law. Hyman Goldman. SUPERIOR COURT- Judge Baer.

Gurry Brown, vs. Calvert Bank; before reported; not concluded. Assignment for Today-Pending case only. PART 2- Judge Wright, Nathaniel W. James and Norman James, trading as N.

W. James vs. William F. Shinnick, trading as William F. Shinnick action on open account for lumber sold and delivered; verdict for plaintiff for $3,428.29 and counsel fee of $25.

Assignment for Today Nos. 325, 680, 396, 684 and 685. COURT OF COMMON PLEAS--Judge Sharp. Thomas Elliott vs. United Railways and Electric Company; passed for settlement, Mettee Co, vs.

Edwin Geer; same. Virgie Lyon Isaac Gordon; same, Charles E. Murre vs, Mayor and City Council; same. Sallie Rose vs. Robert N.

Fleagle, on promissory note; jury out. Assignment for Today--Nos. 385, 209, 173, 185, 398 and 399, 392, 393, 410, 305 and 400. CITY COURT--Judge Dobler. Canton Lumber Company vs.

William A. Liller, action on account for lumber sold; before reported; verdict for plaintiff for $575. Assignment for Today--Howell Y. Ing vs. United Railways and Electric Company, Nathan Miller vs.

Henry Nepertosky, Nos. 73, 74, 75, 176, 177 and 78, and Henry H. Bryan vs. United Railways and Electric Company. PART 2-Judge Stockbridge.

Grant Stockham vs. Andrew and Elizabeth M. U. Heinz, promissory note; verdict for plaintiff for $419.48. Mayor and City Council vs.

Chester River Steamboat Company, action to recover taxes on capital stock; sub curia. Assignment for Today- and Ohio Railroad Company vs. Textor (three cases), and Nos. 44, 45 and 46 (City Court non-jury docket). PART 3 Judge Wickes.

Burton R. Evans vs. J. Walter Keyes, for alleged slander; before reported; verdict for plaintiff for $300. Assignment for Today--Nos.

195, 149, 215, 221 and 225 and 226. CIRCUIT COURT- -Judge Harlan. William G. Dougherty vs, Robert Flanigan, sub curia. Assignment for Today--Herman Winternitz et al.

vs. Maryland Stamping Company and Joseph L. White vs. Harry A. Hamilton.

CIRCUIT COURT NO. 2- Judge Dennis, Walter. M. Hahn, administrator, vs. Levi Witz et demurrer overruled, with leave to defendants to answer in 30 days.

Ex parte Catharine P. Scoggins, exceptions overruled and auditor's report ratified. Assignment for Today--Henry S. Dulaney et al. vs.

United Railways and Electric Company, Levin vs. Levinsky and Rasin vs. Godey et al. ORPHANS' COURT- Judges Block and Gaither. Letters, Testamentary Granted Estate of C.

F. Bernhard Fiesler to Katie and John Poehlman, bond $100. Letters of Administration Granted--Estates of Frederick Elenbrok to Carolina Elenbrok and Chas. H. Quigley, bond of Louise Paulsen to Paul A.

Paulsen, bond Inventories Filed -Estates of Ellen E. Woolley, Ellen D. Hynson, $500. Administration Accounts Passed -Estates of Sophiania H. Stevenson, $335; Edwin F.

Andrews, $525; Henry Schneider, $450; William E. Kirwan, $200; Mary M. Harding, $7,301. Guardian Accounts Passed -Estates of Bertha M. Powder and others, James G.

Duvall and others, $24,057. CIRCUIT COURT FOR BALTIMORE COUNTY. Judge Duncan. Towson, December 6. William Strong vS.

William A. Muhl and Louise Harrison; before reported; judgment of non pros. Kingan Provision Company TS, Joseph T. Fulker, defendants' from Justice Herbert; judgment below for plaintiff for $67.30 tried before the court and held sub curia. George Billing, trading as George Billing VS.

Laura Walters; plaintiffs' appeal from Justice Pfeffer; judgment below for defendant for costs; tried before the Court and held sub curia. COURT OF APPEALS OF MARYLAND. Annapolis, December 6. The proceedings of the Court of Appeals today were as follows: No. 4-Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington Railroad Company against McGugan; judgment affirmed, with costs.

Judge Briscoe delivered the opinion of the court, No. 41-Whitcomb against Mason; judgment reversed, with costs, without a new trial. Judge Schmucker delivered the opinion of the court. No. 33-Mayor and City Council of Baltimore against Rosenthal; decree reversed and bill dismissed, appellee to pay the costs.

Judge Boyd delivered the opinion of the court. No. 36 United Railways and Electric Company of Baltimore against Weir; judgment affirmed, appellant to pay the costs. Judge Burke delivered the opinion of the court. No.

30-Coates against the Locust Point Company of Baltimore; judgment reversed and new trial awarded, the appellee to pay the costs. Judge Boyd delivered the opinion of the court. No. 37-Sharp against Bates; appeal dismissed, with costs. Chief Judge McSherry delivered the opinion of the court.

No. 34-Roberts Bros. against Consumers' Can Company; decree affirmed, with costs. Judge Schmucker delivered the opinion of the court. No.

43-State, use Manfuso and others, against the Western Maryland Railroad Company; judgment affirmed, with costs. Judge Burke delivered the opinion the court. No. 83-Carter and others against Applegarth; order reversed, with costs. Judge Pearce delivered the opinion of the court, No.

84-Applegarth against Carter and others and Bates: order affirmed, with costs. Judge Pearce delivered the opinion of the court. motion to modify order as to costs granted and Slingluff, trustee, against Hubner, trustee; order modified as to costs, so as to require Hubner, trustee, to pay one-third of the costs and the other parties to pay two-thirds of the Baltimore costs. No. 72, German Bank of against Miller and others, was further argued and concluded by Randolph Barton, for the appellees and C.

McH. Howard for the appellant. No. 73, Safe Deposit and Trust Company, substituted trustee, against Cahn and others; and Nos. 74 and 75, Safe Deposit and Trust Company, substituted trustee, against Roberts and others, were commenced by Frank Gosnell and Bernard Carter for the, appellants and Edgar H.

Gans and Robert B. Honeyman for the appellees. Assignment for Thursday--Nos. 76, 78, 79, 80 and 81, REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. FOR SALE Those beautiful, up-to-date RESIDENCES NOS.

103, 105 and 107, N. PATUXENT STREET, between avenue and Fayette street, one square from Patterson Park; hand-painted ceilings and handsomely decorated throughout; stationary washtubs, sewer drainage and all modern conveniences. EDW. J. STORCK, on premises.

FOR SALE-26 S. CHARLES 4-STORY BUILDING; in fee; handsomely equipped for lunch or restaurant business; marble counter and wainscoting; finely decorated; ready for immediate W. VALIANT, Trustee, d6-7t 338 North Charles street. FOR OND SALE 3-story Dwelling, all conveniences, Bargain-437 E. TWENTY-SECpremises or to J.

H. AULL, 210 East Lexincluding hot-water heating; deep yard. Inquire on ington street. d3-7t FOR SALE -Those beautiful three-story HOUSES. with all modern improvements; two baths; in the 2600 block St.

Paul street. Apply HENRY E. COOK, n8-1m 2635 St. Paul street FOR SALE-2031 EUTAW beautiful four-story CORNER DWELLING, suitable for club or residence; must be sold, to close an estate. Apply F.

O. SINGER. d2-1m 1212 Fremont avenue. FOR SALE--Three three-story DWELLINGS, with store fronts, in 800 and 900 block Madison avenue; prices, $7,500, $5,500 and $7,000, in fee; bargains. LOUIS CASSARD, 11 E.

Lexington. FOR SALE- LARGE, UP-TO-DATE MEATPACKING PLANT, with Residence; low to quick purchaser. ATLANTIC REALTY 847 Equitable Building. n18-1m' FOR SALE -IN FEE TWO THREE-STORY HOUSES NOS. 711 AND PLEASANTS, W.

FAYETTE ST. Apply to J. P. 844 Equitable Building. d6-4t FOR SALE.

2101 BOLTON STREET, WHYTE THOMPSON, 104 E. Lexington st. FOR SALE-1527 McCULLOH handsome Dwelling. SAMUEL BEALMEAR, d6-3t Room 1, Calvert Building. IN FEE, CHEAP.

729-801-803 (cor. Fremont) WEST FAYETTE 667 WEST SARATOGA ST. (corner Pine st), with two Houses in rear on Pine street; small cash payment will purchase one or all of these properties; an excellent investment. C. MORTON, 209 St.

Paul street. Both Phones. d3-5t CHARLES ST. AVE. HOMES.

Five handsome new Dwellings, 2636 TO 2644 NORTH CHARLES STREET, near Wyman Park. Ten rooms and two baths, heated by steam, lighted by gas and electricity; laundry, sewer connection and all conveniences. County taxes. Terms to suit purchasers. Houses open for inspection.

GEO. C. THOMAS, 501 Fidelity Building n11-1m Or 2646 North Charles street. WHY PAY INCREASED RENTS WHEN RENT MONEY WILL BUY YOU A HOME? INSPECT the modern two-story DWELLINGS CATHERINE AND LOMBARD STREETS, SOUTHWEST BALTIMORE. (No negroes in the neighborhood.) THEN CALL ON US.

413 ST. PAUL ST. PRICE, $400. ONLY FOUR LEFT. Attractive two-story DWELLINGS, just in 1200 block South Paca street.

Payments can be made suit. ALEX. YEARLEY SON, Charles Lexington streets. WILL SELL CHEAP-Three very good 2-STORY 6-ROOM HOUSES ON MOUNT STREET. near Mulberry; one is on corner; ground rent $55; price $500.

Apply after 3 o'clock at 1705 WEST LEXINGTON STREET. d6-3t DESIRABLE THREE-STORY DWELLING 106 EAST TWENTIETH STREET, near St. Paul, for $2,500. SAMUEL BEALMEAR, d6-3t Room 1, Calvert Building. A PERFECT TWO-STORY HOUSE, in fine repair; 1343 West North avenue.

C. MORTON, Both Phones. 209 St. Paul street. TWO CORNER PROPERTIES, for investment; always rented; best situations in city; pay 15 per $15,000 and $55,000 cash; no commissions.

Address, with real name, OWNER 812, Sun. d2-7t $250 EACH will buy SIX HOUSES 402 TO 412 BOWEN PLACE, just north of 418 E. Lafayette annual expenses annual rent $104 each. EDWARD KLOPPEL, 1402 East Lanvale street. 8415 EACH WILL BUY SIX TWO-STORY DWELLINGS in the northern section; total expenses $320 and are rented for $936.

This property is splendid condition and is a bargain, JAMES A. BEALMEAR SON Both Phones. 301 Fidelity Building. $500 CASH. BALANCE ON MORTGAGE, will buy 1417 ARGYLE near Lafayette; total expense only $9.25 a month; lot 18 by 140 feet to a 10-foot alley.

We are offered $25 a month rent. Open between 2 and 4 P. M. daily. New porcelain tub, new range, etc.

JAS. A. BEALMEAR SON n12-1m 301 Fidelity Building. $15,000 for new, modern, well-located WAREHOUSE: other Real Estate Investments from $100 up, paying from 6 to on conservative estimates. J.

LELAND HANNA, 11 E. Saratoga st. 224 W. HOFFMAN, near Bolton; 6 rooms, bath, furnace, cabinet mantels, closet, etc. d5-3t 421 NORTH FULTON Opposite Aged People's Home.

Ideal Location for Private Sanatorium. exposure: lot 44x157 feet to Bruce street: flower and fruit garden front, side and rear. Apply on premises. 1026 NORTH EUTAW STREET. 11 ROOMS; 2 SEPARATE BATHS.

In Perfect Repair. All Sanitary Plumbing. CAUGHEY, HEARN CARTER, 32 Central Savings Bank Building, d7-eo3t Corner Charles and Lexington streets. 1630 W. FAYETTE.

1230 W. North ave. 1534 Linden ave, 302 E. Lanvale st. 1914 Linden ave.

1948 Linden ave. 1414 E. Presstman st. 207 E. North ave.

1318 N. 1526 W. Lexington st, 864 W. Baltimore st. 419 S.

Paca (in fee). CAUGHY, HEARN CARTER. 32 Central Savings Bank Building, d7-eo3t Corner Charles and Lexington streets. 2715 HAMPDEN northern section: twostory; 6 rooms and bath: furnace heat: good condition: excellent neighborhood; immediate possession. Harlan Hull, 314 St.

Paul street. 05-tf REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. HANDSOME. 1804 BOLTON STREET. Possesses the most value for the price of any house in North Baltimore.

It is open. Look at it and see me. The price is right. MARK W. WRIGHT, d7-4t 106 East Saratoga street.

MOST DESIRABLE and Conveniently Located HOUSE, 233 EAST LAFAYETTE AVENUE. Open today. It FOR SALEThose new, modern, up-to-date 2-story HOUSES on North Curley between Fairmount ave. and Fayette cemented cellars, pavements and yards; enameled tubs and sinks; marble steps; vitrifiled brick street; sewer drainage. Easy terms.

Take Fairmount avenue cars. WALTER L. WESTPHAL, On Premises. Price, $800. Ground rent $30 per year, FOR SALE COMMISSION HOUSE, Camden near Light; in fee.

1400 block McCulloh street, 15 rooms. 2400 block Woodbrook avenue; two Houses. 2400 block Francis street; three Houses. 200 Roland avenue; three Houses. 300 block Preston street.

This property can be bought at investment prices, as some of it must be sold before January 1. d5-3t W. B. BENNETT. Law Building.

REAL ESTATE FOR RENT. FOR RENT-1614 WEST LEXINGTON 8 rooms; 421 E. Bath and Laundrist 3-story. J. F.

GRIFFIN, d7-3t 11 East Saratoga street. FOR RENT-DWELLING 827 NORTH FULTON AVENUE, 10 rooms. Modern COTTAGE, Paradise, Catonsville, 12 rooms; 5 acres; Stable, etc. GEO. A.

OGLE, 2429 Madison FOR RENT-Three-story DWELLING; thoroughly renovated; newly papered; 1633 W. North DRUG near Carey st. Inquire at SCHANZE'S STORE, corner Pennsylvania and North aves. d7-3t FOR RENT-2826 WEST NORTH AVENUE (Walbrook), two-story porch-front House. Apply at 2112 ST.

PAUL ST. Key at 2828. d7-3t FOR RENT-2203 JEFFERSON PLACE ONE (North Baltimore), two-story House. Apply 2112 ST. PAUL STREET.

d7-3t FOR RENT-1019 NORTH CAROLINE ST. Apply at 110 WEST BARRE STREET. d7-6t FOR RENT-Three-story HOUSES, 2503 and 2615 EAST PRESTON STREET, containing eight large rooms, bath and pantry; fancy, sick and marble front; cement yard and cellar; cellar under whole house; neighborhood high and healthy; sewer connection; rent, $25. Apply to PETER GROGAN, Preston and Luzerne Wilkens and North avenue cars going EAST. 06-tf FOR RENT (IN ADVANCE)1705 LAMONT SOUTH POPPLETON 1903 CHRISTIAN JOS.

E. GARTSIDE, Both Phones. 208 Courtland street. FOR RENT-842 KONIG Linden model house; splendid condition; first floor kitchen: 10 rooms and bath. Apply 12 to 2 P.M.

and 6 to 8 P.M. at 2137 LINDEN n25-1m FOR RENT. 2040-2042 GOUGH STREET; 3-story Dwellings; rent $16 per month: in good condition. Apply E. MACHT, d6-3t 310 to 318 Equitable Building.

FOR RENT-Beautiful PARLORS OF 118 LIBERTY STREET, a few steps from Lexington. SAMUEL BEALMEAR, d6-3t Room 1, Calvert Building. FOR RENT-1955 W. FRANKLIN 6 rooms and bath; $18 month. JOHN J.

WATSON, 763 Calvert Building. Keys at 1839 EDMONDSON AVENUE. d6-6t FOR RENT-1711 DRUID HILL 3-story, 8 rooms and bath, $22.50. Open daily. A.

A. FORMAN, 207 St. Paul street. C. and P.

Phone. FOR RENT-3029 ST. PAUL STREET; up-todate order. R. S.

BENSON, d5-3t 227 St. Paul street. FOR RENT-1419 MT. ROYAL AVENUE. Apply to F.

O. SINGER, 1212 Fremont ave.2-7t RENTS REDUCED. 112 Twentieth 1626 W. Franklin 1728 Bolton 50 704 W. Lombard 40 622 N.

Calvert 50 323 St. Paul 50 1608 St. Paul 35 406 Courtland 35 1812 Maryland 26 116 E. Franklin DWELLINGS on Charles, Preston and Calvert streets at low rents for winter months. C.

MORTON, Both Phones. 209 St. Paul street. COMPLETELY FURNISHED RESIDENCE, MT. ROYAL between Charles and Maryland, for winter: 8 rooms; electric lights; modern plumbing.

Address 84, Sun office. d5-1m STORE, 409 Bloom near Madison suit Laundry, Tailor, Grocer, Carpenter, Plumber.5-3 BINGHAM HOUSE, Calvert street, adjoining City Hospital; old-established Lodging House; basem*nt floor suitable for store lunch business. Key at PLUMHOFF'S, 340 N. Calvert st. n26-tf DESIRABLE CORNER HOUSE, 2042 PARK AVENUE; 11 rooms and two bathe.

Apply to THOS. E. BOND, 826-tf 111 Chamber of Commerce. RETAIL STORES, NOS. 601, 603, 605 EAST BALTIMORE STREET, in the new building southeast corner Baltimore and Frederick one a corner.

F. C. KRATSCH, d2-6t 213 Courtland street. SUITABLE FOR ANY BUSINESS, Opposite Harlem Square; excellent location for Grocery, Laundry, improvements will be made for desirable tenant. C.

MORTON, Both Phones. 209 St. Paul street. SMALL STORE, 103 NORTH LIBERTY ALSO, ROOMS FOR OFFICES OR LIGHT MANUFACTURING. Apply at HAT STORE, 134 West Fayette street.

42-7t STORE N. E. COR. CHARLES AND LOMBARD 47x60; will divide in two stores and rent separately. F.

C. KRATSCH, d6-3t 213 Courtland street. READY JANUARY 1, 1906-STORES, now building, 531, 533. 535 NORTH HOWARD, opposite Academy and Auditorium. SAM'L P.

MORTON SON, 211 St. Paul FRANKLIN STREET WEST-No. 1918. Apply to W. KLEINLE, 301 St.

Paul st. d6-7t 3D AND 4TH FLOORS, 1,200 feet each; suitable for Light Manufacturing, Tailor or Printer: plenty light; all conveniences. THE COCA COLA 665 West Saratoga street. 224 W. HOFFMAN, near Boston: 6 rooms, bath, furnace, cabinet mantels, closet, etc.

d5-3t 2008 MARYLAND 1608 ST. PAUL 1808 McCULLOH ST. MARK W. WRIGHT, 106 East Saratoga st. 2471 DRUID HILL TWO-STORY: furnace, cabinet mantels, porcelain tub, basin, closet, sewer drainage, cement pavement, cellar, yard.

Open daily. HAMPSON. 207 St. Paul st. 2712 NORTH CHARLES STREET, very desirable three-story House, in thorough repair.

with all modern conveniences. GEO. A. DUBREUIL, 227 St. Paul street.

d7-3t WANTED TO RENT. WANTED -FLOOR, about 1,500 square feet, for Light Manufacturing purposes. Address 41, Sun office. d7-3t STORES FOR RENT. CHARLES AND FRANKLIN Under "The Rochambeati.

now being completed; most reasonable rents in business section. One small Store at moderate rate. WM. L. STORK.

n28-1m STABLES FOR RENT. FOR RENT- STABLE, in rear of 18 East Mount Vernon Place; alterations made to suit desirable tenant. LEIGH BONSAL, d7-3t 511 Calvert Building. FOR RENT -Large new STABLE, with elevator for wagons; stalls for eleven horses; 405 LOVEGROVE ALLEY. Apply to GILL PRESTON, n21-tu, 220 St.

Paul street. FLATS FOR RENT. THREE BRIGHT ROOMS, to refined adults, as a flat; convenient to good table board; Dolphin street, near Eutaw Place. Address 67, Sun office. 1t APARTMENTS FOR RENT.

THE WALBERT-For SUB-LEASE, APARTMENT Sixth Floor. Apply to MRS. C. P. Madison, 2335-M.

106 E. North ave. 7-ROOM HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENT; janitor and heat; low rent. C. W.

HURST, Both Phones. 1201 Calvert Building. ST. PAUL APARTMENTS, ST. PAUL ST.


TO SUB-LEASE -APARTMENT at the Chatham, 1720 St. Paul Furnished or Unfurnished. Apply APARTMENT First Floor. d6-2t VICTORIA, St. Paul and Twenty-first five ROOMS and bath; no children.

d6-2t THE ROCHAMBEAU, Corner Charles and Franklin-Housekeeping and Bachelors' Apartments CAN NOW BE ENGAGED; most centrally located in city; no car fares; no cinders or soot. n28-1m 900 ST. PAUL ST. Modern Housekeeping APARTMENT, 8 bright rooms. d6-4t OFFICES FOR RENT.

KNICKERBOCKER BUILDING, Northwest Corner North and Lexington Streets -OFFICES FOR RENT; reasonable rates. d7-7t THE PROFESSIONAL OFFICE BUILDING, NORTH CHARLES STREET, OPPOSITE PLEASANT STREET. Will be Completed February 1. AN IDEAL LOCATION FOR PHYSICIANS, DENTISTS, SPECIALISTS, ETC. A few desirable Offices to let at exceptionally moderate rents.

Heat, Light and Janitor Service. For Terms and Plans of Building apply to O'NEILL CHARLES AND LEXINGTON STREETS. BUILDING, East German street, near Charles; fine light and ventilation; nicest small Offices in city. HYLAND P. STEWART, 510.

511, 512 Fidelity or on premises. n23-1m GAITHER ESTATE BUILDING, 105-111 N. Charles St. New, fireproof; all conveniences. OFFICES FOR RENT.

Apply GAITHER ESTATE BUILDING, Room 423. Fourth Floor. FOR RENT-10 E. LEXINGTON OFFICES. en suite or single; First Floor and Second Floor FRONT; rents moderate.

Apply to H. C. BEVAN, on premises. Architects, Lawyers, etc. n30-Im WHARF PROPERTY.

FOR SALE OR LEASE Wharf Property on Boston 283.6x365 with privilege of extension to a depth of 700 feet to Port Warden's line; in or in part; improved by good Wharf along whole front and several Buildings suitable for manufacturing or storage. HARLAN HULL, Both Phones, 314 St. Paul street. REAL ESTATE SALE OR RENT. REAL ESTATE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY, AND COUNTRY.

MAURICE LAUPHEIMER, 87-tf Calvert Building, Sixth Floor. FOR SALE OR RENT-STORE PROPERTY ON NORTH near Charles Stable on the rear. SAMUEL BEALMEAR, d6-3t Room 1. Calvert Building. FOR SALE OR RENT- ON LEXINGTON.

CHARLES. HOWARD and BALTIMORE STREETS. SAMUEL BEALMEAR, Room 1, Calvert Building. d6-3t FOR SALE OR RENT Handsome CORNER DWELLING: 10 rooms; 2 baths; 2042 Park avenue. Apply to THOS.

E. BOND. s8-ti 111 Chamber of Commerce. REAL ESTATE SALE OR RENT. FOR SALE OR LEASE Desirable PROPERTIES on South Eutaw street, near Camden Station; exceptional location for shipping purposes; suitable for manufacturing plants or for warehouses, For particulars apply to MERCANTILE TRUST AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF BALTIMORE, Calvert and German streets.


111 Chamber of Commerce, or at 1402 BOLTON STREET. s26-tf WAREHOUSE PROPERTY. FOR RENT -Warehouse, Second Floor, 327 W. Baltimore steam heat; hydraulic elevator; sepaentrance Balto. shipping and receiving German st.

Reinhard, Meyer 327 W. Balto. FOR SALE OR RENT -The large 5-story WAREHOUSE NOS. 9 AND 11. WEST PRATT STREET.

Apply to F. W. GEORGII, d4-6t 936 North Gay street. FOR RENT -New WAREHOUSE, 22x90 feet, on Thames street, one square east of Broadway: three stories and basem*nt, elevators, suitable for any business: good shipping facilities. Apply direct to JOHN T.

DONOHUE Both phones. Thames and Ann streets. FOR RENT A fine. large BUILDING, light on four sides and suitable for any business: low rent. C.

M. KEMP MANUFACTURING COMPANY, Oliver street, near Guilford avenue. c19-tf FOR HENT-Warehouses, Stores, Offices, Floors; also. Lots, to be improved. BALDWIN FRICK, 501 American Building.

025-3m FOR RENT-2 UPPER FLOORS, with elevator service, suitable for light manufacturing: can be rented singly or together; also, FIRST FLOOR. Nos. 519-525 W. Baltimore will improve to suit tenant. Apply at 506 W.

GERMAN ST.n21-1m FOR RENT -FIRST FLOOR, Warehouse. 311 NORTH ST. LEWIS KALLING. d2-7t FOUR-STORY WAREHOUSE, With Modern Equipments, LIBERTY AND GERMAN STREETS, Suitable for any business. Apply to JON.


COUNTRY PLACE, CATONSVILLE, 3 Acres, with Improvements. CAUGHY, HEARN CARTER, THIRD AND FOURTH FLOORS IN BUILDING N. E. CORNER CHARLES AND LOMBARD together or separately; electric elevator; steam heat; excellent light. F.

C. KRATSCH. d6-6t 213 Courtland street. HIGH, LIGHT AND DRY BAsem*nT: 47x60; N. E.

COR. CHARLES AND LOMBARD: two F. C. KRATSCH, d6-3t 213 Courtland street. 915 EAST PRATT STREET, in fee; three-story Brick Dwelling; stone foundation; formerly occupied as hotel; with side lot; lot 56x106.

Apply to F. W. GEORGII, di-6t 936 North Gay street. REAL ESTATE WANTED. WANTED-HOUSE, 1700 block Lanvale or Townsend streets; north side preferred.

Address 42, Sun office. d7-3t WILL PURCHASE YOUR PROPERTY, either city or country, if price is reasonable. I am no broker. Address J. WEBER.

209 St. Paul street. WHY PAY SOMEONE To sell your Property, when you can sell it to us without paying anything? We buy any kind Property. Let us make you an offer. Both phones.

BALTO. REAL ESTATE 224 St. Paul street. n30-1m A WIDOW. WITH $5.000 LIFE-INSURANCE MONEY WANTS INVEST THE SAME IN SOME SMALL HOUSES that will pay her as an investment.

Address 99, Sun office. d5-3t WANTED TO BUY-At once, a two or three story DWELLING; will pay all' cash; price must be reasonable; state number and price. Address 196. Sun office. ALWAYS IN THE MARKET FOR HOUSE for sale, see me.

HOFFMAN. PROPERTIES, I one or many. have any 842-844 Equitable Building. WILL INVEST $2,000 IN ONE OR MORE HOUSES THAT PAY and are not far from home. Call after 3 o'clock.

JOB SHURE. d4-6t 1705 West Lexington street. SEND ME PARTICULARS OF ANY HOUSES THAT PAY WELL. I want to buy one or two. F.

S. ROWE, d4-6t 206 East Reid street. WILL PURCHASE PROPERTY IN ANY LOCATION AND CONDITION; pay highest market price; or will Loan Money in Small or Large Amounts for a short or long time: no charges. KELLY Room 34, Builders' Exchange.28-1m I WANT TO BUY A FEW HOUSES FOR INVESTMENT. Please answer by mail.

W. A. HEARN, 1307 West North avenue. d3-7t WANTED -For cash, HOUSES AND GROUND RENTS; also have $20,000 TO LEND. $100 upward; no commissions charged.

S. B. FAUTH, 811 Hollins 5 to 8 P. M. WANTED GROUND RENTS AND SMALL HOUSES, by direct buyer, without commission; cash on hand for prompt settlement.


LOTS AT WEST TOWSON FOR SALE at from $2 to $5 per front foot, or lease at from 12 cents to 30 cents per front foot; every attraction and convenience. Apply to J. PEMBERTON PLEASANTS, 844 Equitable Building. 07-eo7t FOR SALE -Desirable Suburban General Store, Coal and Wood Property; large House and Lot; in fee; good business; at station, on N. C.

bargain. LLOYD, Central Savings Bank Bldg. FOR SALE OR RENT- On Northern Central Railway, 20 minutes from city, 10-room COTTAGE; modern improvements; steam heat: seven acres. Apply at 123 SOUTH HOWARD ST. n10-1m FOR SALE- FINE FARM; beautifully located; 120 acres: 40 minutes from city; accessible by and electric cars; good dwellings buildings; modern conveniences; Chalybeate and other springs; plentiful fruit; suitable for gentleman's country place.

Sun office. d6-5t WALBROOK LAND CORPORATION. We are now offering our property for sale in lots as desired, and will improve them to suit purchasers on reasonable terms. No one can afford to purchase in the suburbs without inspecting our property. Call for particulars.

Office on the ground at Windsor Mill road and Garrison avenue. City offices, 127 and 129 East Fayette street (Equitable Building). FOR RENT- Suburban COTTAGE, 15 rooms, furnished; will rent to responsible party for $20 a month, for winter only. WILSON J. CARROLL, 915 Equitable Building.

ROLAND SALE -HOUSE AND LOT on Roland avenue. Address 953, Sun office. d3-7t 618 THOMPSON WAVERLY- Cozy eightroom Cottage; all conveniences; delightfully situated: monthly expenses only bargain, $800. Key at 620. Karl A.

M. Scholtz, 108 Saratoga. REAL ESTATE COUNTRY. FOR SALE- A FARM, containing 425 acres; 90 acres in cultivation; balance meadow and marsh: situated on Chesapeake bay; two miles of fine beach and water front; fine Farm and Summer Home; 15 acres of oyster grounds; strawberry patch, asparagus- grounds and. orchard; one mile from steamboat wharf; three Houses on same and Outbuildings, in fair repair; 10 acres in good timber; fine ducking and gunning preserve; oysters, fishing, sailing, hunting and bathing; must quick; price, $2,500.

A. M. JACKSON, Attorney-at-Law. d7-3t Salisbury, Md. MUST SELL 32 ACRES IN HARFORD COUNTY: handsomely improved; perfect order; beautiful view; cost $60,000, sell $15,000.

MOORE WALTON, Carroll Building, Baltimore and Light. FOR SALE A VALUABLE FARM OF 172 ACRES, fronting on the Washington turnpike, about one mile from Dorsey's Station, Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. It also has a large front on Meadow Ridge avenue, Under a fine state of cultivation. A large Brick House, which has water through it by natural flow. The Barns, Stables and other Outhouses are large and in good order.

A. R. WHITE, 213 St. Paul street. Mount Vernon 3027.

j19-tf FOR SALE- Country, 170 ACRES, in Howard county; Brick House, modern conveniences; 20 minutes from steam and electric cars. 43 ACRES, Woodstock Station; large House; modern improvements; 5 minutes from R. station. 7 ACRES, Granite, Baltimore county; fine House and Outbuildings; plenty fruit; land rich; would suit Doctor or Dentist; No. 1 location.

W. B. BENNETT, d5-3t Law Building. FOR SALE A splendid FARM, at station, on the N. C.

will make a fine gentleman's place or good dairy or stock farm; a bargain. Address 515, Sun office. FOR SALE -A fine FARM, of 53 acres, in Dulaney's Valley, near steam and electric cars; a very desirable and attractive place. J. E.

LLOYD, Central Savings Bank Building. FOR SALE -One of the Finest COUNTRY HOMES in Howard county; Dwelling alone cost $25,000. SAMUEL BEALMEAR, d6-3t Room 1, Calvert Building. FOR RENT-WATER FARM of 67 acres, 15 minutes' walk of Annapolis. SAMUEL BEALMEAR, d6-3t Room 1, Calvert Building.

6. $5 250 1,600 250 350 WANTED TO BUY OR RENT--A PLACE OF 15 ACRES OR MORE, with improvements, not over 15 miles from city and convenient to electric or steam road. Address 0 90. Sun office. OUT-OF-TOWN REAL ESTATE.


WILL BUY A $37.50 GROUND RENT, irredeemable; well secured. ALLENBAUGH d7-5t 11 East Lexington street. ANY TIME YOU HAVE A GROUND RENT FOR SALE LET ME KNOW. Cash money ready to buy. PHILIP H.

HOFFMAN, 842-844 Equitable Building. THIS COMPANY COLLECTS LARGE NUMBERS OF GROUND RENTS, sending its check to the owners upon the day the rents fall due, whether then collected or not. Cannot we collect your ground rents upon the same terms 1 Why not receive your income promptly? It costs no more. Ground Rents for sale. SECURITY 13 STORAGE AND TRUST COMPANY, to 19 North avenue, TO INVESTORS -Three GROUND.

RENTS, on three-story houses, $24 act quickly. J. M. FISHER, Maryland Trust Building. d5-3t WANT TO BUY SOME CHOICE OLD IRREDEEMABLE GROUND RENTS.

SAMUEL BEALMEAR, n10-1m Room 1. Calvert Building. FOR SALE FIVE $72.50 EACH; beautifully located; attractive price to prompt purchaser. A. C.

DOYLE, 301 St. Paul street..

The Baltimore Sun from Baltimore, Maryland (2024)
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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

Address: Suite 609 315 Lupita Unions, Ronnieburgh, MI 62697

Phone: +2424755286529

Job: District Education Designer

Hobby: Yoga, Gunsmithing, Singing, 3D printing, Nordic skating, Soapmaking, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.