Sierra Leone Web - Biographies, A through F (2024)

John Abu-Kpawoh was born in Gbama, Jaiama Bongor Chiefdom, Bo District. He was in China for nine years, where he did his Masters degree and obtained a Doctor of Philosophy degree. He returned home in September 2002. Since then, he has been attached to Njala University, in the Institute of Home Sciences. [Nov. 2007]

Farid Raymond Anthony is a Barrister (England and Wales - non-practicing), Barrister and Solicitor, Commissioner for Oaths, Notary Public, Republic of Sierra Leone; Barrister and Solicitor of the Appellate Courts, Republic of The Gambia; and Member of the Immigration Law Practitioners' Association (England). He was called to the Bar in England in 1963. He was an immigration consultant in Gillingham, Kent, U.K., but is now retired. He is the author of "Questions and Answers on Immigration to Britain" and "Sawpit Boy," and his third book, "Stories From Sierra Leone," which was published in the U.K. in December 2003. [Feb. 2015]

Vicki Armstrong was a Peace Corps Volunteer (Community Development) in Mabonto from 1965 to 1967. She now lives in Littleton, Colorado, U.S.A. [Mar. 2010]

Scott Auwarter was a Peace Corps Volunteer (Health) in Kamakwie from 1984 to 1986. [Mar. 2010]

Abu Bakarr Bah is from Kono. He did his undergraduate studies at Sofia University in Bulgaria. He holds a Ph.D. in sociology from the New School for Social Research in New York. He is currently an associate professor of sociology at Northern Illinois University, USA. He is the author of Breakdown and Reconstitution: Democracy, the Nation-State, and Ethnicity in Nigeria (Lexington Books, 2005). [Mar. 2010]

Dr. Mohamed Yamba Bangura, popularly known as M.Y.Bangura, is a teacher, trainer, and consultant in Training, Education and Development. M.Y.Bangura holds a Doctorate degree in Management, Executive Masters in Business Administration, Masters in Development studies, B.Sc Honours in Sociology, Diploma in Higher English and a Teachers Certificate. Born in Yoni Chiefdom, Tonkolili District, Northern Province of Sierra Leone. He attended the UMC Primary School-Rochen Kamandao, Yonibana Secondary School-Yonibana, the Freetown Teachers College-Freetown, the Fourah Bay College-then University of Sierra Leone, and the St.Clements University-British West Indies. He started as a Laboratory assisatant/teacher of the Yonibana Secondary School, taught in some primary schools in Freetown, worked in the former Paramount Hotel near State House in Freetown, and joined the Senior Staff Association of the Milton Margai College of Education and Technology (MMCET)-Goderich campus in 1999/2000 as Assistant Lecturer. In 2002, he became Lecturer, and Senior Lecturer in 2004. He took a leave of absence from the MMCET in 2006 to undertake additional international pursuits. Within 2002 to 2006, he had worked as a visiting lecturer to the St.Clements University-Freetown campus and Course Director of Development Studies distance education programs through the St.Clements University at the international level. In 2005, he became overseas consultant for the Stratford College of Management-U.K. and in May 2007 to date he is serving as Deputy Registrar of the same college. In 2009, M.Y. enrolled as a PhD Student in the University of Exeter in the United Kingdom to pursue full-time research about his country Sierra Leone and would hopefully complete the research in 2012. [Jul. 2009]

Osman Barrie was born in Kamakwie, Bombali District in 1972. He attended St. Francis Secondary School in Makeni. He graduated with a Bachelor of Engineering degree in Civil Engineering from Fourah Bay College in 1996. He received a Master of Science degree in Water Resources Engineering from the University of Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania in 1998 and a Master of Science degree in Transportation Engineering from the City College of New York (City University of New York) in 2000. He is a licensed Professional Engineer and a licensed Professional Traffic Operations Engineer in the States of New York and New Jersey. He worked as a Transit Systems Analyst with the New York City Transit Authority from May 1999 to June 2000 and as a Senior Transportation Engineer with Schoor Depalma Engineers and Design Professionals Inc. in Manalapan, New Jersey from June 2000 to November 2005. He is currently working as a Project Manager with Nelson & Pope Engineers and Surveyors in Melville, Long Island, New York. He is also a part-time professor of Mathematics at Monroe College in New York City. [Dec. 2008]

Richard Barrows worked as a a Peace Corps Volunteer (Agriculture) in Giema and Kamabai. He is Professor and Associate Vice Chancellor Emeritus, University of Wisconsin-Madison. [Apr. 2011]

Carol Benson, Ph.D (UCLA 1994) was a primary teacher trainer with Peace Corps in Masiaka (Mile 47) from 1980 to 1982. She was a recruiter in San Francisco from 1983 to 1985, and later trained volunteers in the Dominican Republic, Guinea-Bissau, and Cape Verde. She currently works as an educational developer at the Centre for Teaching and Learning at Stockholm University in Sweden, as well as doing research and consulting in mother tongue-based education in multilingual countries. Her latest projects have been in the Maldives, Timor-Leste and Cambodia. [Mar. 2011]

John Birchall worked as a VSO in the Ports Authority and other posts from 1971 to 1973. Since then he has regularly visited Sierra Leone and has worked on various education projects. He hopes to start work on various education and health projects. He lectures on Sierra Leone at The School of Oriental and African Studies, London. He is an Affiliate of The Centre of African Studies, University of Cambridge and is responsible for geo-political awareness at Anglia Ruskin University and their various Master's programmes. [Apr. 2011]

Lansana Boima was born in Freetown. He attended the R.C. Model Primary School and Christ the King College, both in Bo Town. He graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Economics and Social Sciences from Fourah Bay College in 1991. he was a soccer referee with SLFA between 1986 and 1997, a member of the SLFA Referees; Committee 2004 - 08. He has worked for the Sierra Leone Red Cross, the Central Bank, British Council, Public Admin International and Adam Smith International. He is married and lives at Regent Village, Greater Freetown, with his wife and five children. Lansana has a passion for sports and loves friendship. [Mar. 2010]

Richard "Ric" Bond was a VSO volunteer at the agriculture station in Torma Bum from 1971 to 1972, then in the Planning and Development Unit (ODA) of MANR to 1975 on Tower Hill Freetown. He is married to Catherine (nee McAnulty) ex-VSO of Lunsar Mission Hospital and Serabu Mission Hospital 1973 to 1975. They have three daughters. He is a Research Fellow at Manchester University and does freelance consultancy in Rural Development. [Jul. 2009]

Sr. Lois Anne Bordowitz, an F.C.J. Sister, worked at the Pastoral Centre in Kenema from 1984 to 1994. She now lives in Toronto, Canada and works with refugees. [Apr. 2011]

Rebecca Busselle and her husband, Sam Busselle, served as Peace Corps Volunteers in Bo from 1972 to 1975, and lived on Gerihun Road with their three children. Sam was area architect for the Southern Province, Ministry of Works, while Rebecca organized the Bo Workshop, for the Ministry of Trade and Industry. Their son Wynne attended Christ the King College, while Max and Katrina attended nursery and primary schools in Bo. Sam now consults for not-for-profits in Poughkeepsie, NY, and Rebecca is a writer doing work in New York City. Wynne works in New York and lives with his wife and children in Westchester County. Max and his family are in Los Angeles, California, while Katrina, her husband and their twins can be found in Brooklyn. [Apr. 2011]

Dave Carmean was a Peace Corps Volunteer in Bumbuna, Tonkolili District, from 1980 to 1982, teaching Science and Agriculture at St. Matthews Secondary School. He trained as an evolutionary entomologist (U.C. Davis) and now works on databases and computer support for the Biology Department at Simon Fraser University. He lives in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, with Mary Berbee and son Brian. They will be in Corvallis Oregon for the 2011-2012 school year. [Apr. 2011]

Hubert Charles was born in Freetown and attended Methodist Boys' High School from Form 1 to Upper 6th, where he was Head Boy and Chairman of the Debating Society during his final year. He received his BA from Fourah Bay College, a Diploma in Social Work from Mindolo Ecumenical Foundation (Zambia), a Postgraduate Diploma in Development Administration and an MA (ECON) in Economics and Management in Rural Development from the University of Manchester. He was previously the Country Director for CAUSE Canada Sierra Leone Programme in Freetown. He is now Country Director for Christian Children's Fund in Ethiopia. Hubert has excellent conceptual knowledge of social development and emergency humanitarian themes and significant experience in the implementation and management of social development and emergency programmes with emphasis on strategic planning, capacity building and institutional development, and post- war recovery. He is a member of a number of a number of professional bodies, including the Commonwealth Association for the Education and Training of Adults (CAETA) and the Sierra Leone Adult Education Association (SLADEA). He is a past President of the Methodist Boys' High School Old Boys' Association. [Mar. 2010]

Jeff Cochrane was a rice extension agent with the Peace Corps in Sierra Leone, based near Bo, from 1980 to 1982, and then served with the Peace Corps in the Central African Republic from 1983 to 1984. He later did research in Freetown markets in 1991 for his doctorate in agricultural economics from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, followed by a Fulbright Fellowship at Fourah Bay College from 1994 to 1995. He has worked with USAID in various capacities, predominantly in Africa, since 1995, including five years as the Chief of the Trade and Investment Office for USAID/West Africa in Accra, Ghana. He is currently the Director of the USAID/Iraq Office of Economic Growth and Agriculture in Baghdad, through August 2012. [Apr. 2011]

Dr. Ernest Cole was born in the east end of Freetown, Sierra Leone. He attended the Wellington Municipal Primary School and later the Methodist Boys' High School, Kissy Mess Mess, where he did both the Ordinary and Advanced levels General Certificate of Education Examinations. In June 1986, he left the Methodist Boys' High School for Fourah Bay College, University of Sierra Leone; after functioning as the Senior Prefect of the school. At Fourah Bay College, he pursued the Bachelor of Arts program in English and eventually graduated with a Bachelor of Arts Honours degree in English Language and Literature in 1990. In that same year, he was invited to join the teaching staff of the English Department at Fourah Bay College as Research Teaching Assistant, a position he held till September 1994 when he graduated with a Master of Arts degree in African Literature. In 1994, he was promoted to the position of Lecturer, Department of English, Fourah Bay College. At the outbreak of the civil war in Sierra Leone, he left for The Gambia and took up appointment at The Gambia College, Brikama, as Senior Lecturer and Head of English. At the commencement of the University of The Gambia, he was appointed Lecturer in the Department of English in September 2000. In 2003, he embarked on a Ph.D program in English in Post-Colonial Literature at the University of Connecticut, Storrs, U.S.A. In 2008, he graduated with a Ph.D. and is now Assistant Professor of English at Hope College in Holland, Michigan. He is married to Everetta Cole (nee Palmer) formerly of Methodist Girls' High School and the Institute of Library Science, Fourah Bay College. They have two daughters, Ernesta and Tunde Cole. [Jul. 2009]

Dr. Rowland J.V. Cole attended the Prince of Wales and Albert Academy in Freetown. He holds an LLB(Hons) obtained from Fourah Bay College University of Sierra Leone and an LLM obtained from the University of South Africa. He was in private practice in Freetown Sierra Leone and lectured law part-time at Fourah Bay College. He is currently a Principal Magistrate in Gaborone, Botswana. He spends his spare time writing and publishing poetry and scholarly articles. He obtained the degree of Doctor of Laws (LLD) from the Stellenbosch University,Cape Town South Africa in March 2010. He lectures in Law at the University of Botswana after having served in the Judiciary of Botswana for eight years.[Mar. 2010]

Seltzer Cole was born in London and lived in Freetown between 1974 and 1985. He worked in broadcasting as a producer, journalist, presenter and news editor. He is currently publisher and editor at Fizz Media. [Apr. 2011]

Samuel Sarrah Conteh was born and grew up in Makontande, Mabonto, Tonkolili District. He attended the Government Secondary School for Boys-Magburaka from 1981 to 1989. He studied computer programming in Sierra Leone and currently is based in Tyre City, Lebanon, where he is attached to the United Nations - Department of Peacekeeping Operations as Information Technology Assistant doing computer networking and applications support. He has done the same, for the United Nations in Sierra Leone with UNOMSIL and UNAMSIL (September 1998 to June 2000), East Timor (July 2000 to June 2002), Afghanistan (June 2002 to June 2005), Western Sahara/Morocco (June 2005 to June 2007), and now in Lebanon (June 2007 to to date). [Mar. 2010]

Malcolm S. E. Coomber lives in Freetown, where he is Logistics Manager at the Sierra Leone Bottling Co. Ltd., formerly Freetown Cold Storage Co. Ltd. He attended Sierra Leone Grammar School. [Apr. 2011]

Walter G. Coppenrath, Jr. taught African History and African Geography at Schlenker Secondary School in Port Loko from 1968 to 1970 as a Peace Corps Volunteer. He is currently a trial attorney specializing in complex business and maritime litigation in Los Angeles/Long Beach, California (UCLA Law School) with the law firm of Coppenrath Jones LLP. He is Of Counsel to the law firm of Pierro & Associati in Rome, Italy. He was a Visiting Lecturer at the International Development Law Organization (IDLO) in Rome, Italy from 1988 to 2009 on various occasions. He is a member of the Board of Advisers for PROLAW, a Loyola University Chicago a LLM program in Rome, Italy. PROLAW is a Master's Program in Rule of Law for Development which trains attorneys to promote and improve the rule of law in developing countries, countries in economic transition and countries recovering from violent conflict. Walter has remained involved with Africa. He climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro with his son Walter III in 1997 and toured Mali extensively in January 2006 with his daughter Kellie. He taught a course on Mediation and Arbitration to the judges of Swaziland in 2004 for IDLO. He was in Kenya for IDLO in 2009 working with the governmental commission that successfully drafted the new Kenyan constitution. He has also visited Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco, Tanzania, Zanzibar, Mozambique and South Africa. Walter and his wife Suzanne are actively involved in fund raising for a medical clinic in the Maasai Mara in Kenya ( He currently lives half of each year in Italy in the Tuscan village of Montisi and the other half in Long Beach. Walter and Suzanne have two children. Their son, Walter III, is a physician. He graduated from UCLA Medical School and is a Family Medicine specialist for Kaiser Permanente in Los Angeles where continues his long-time involvement in health care for the homeless. Their daughter, Kellie, is a graduate of Occidental College in Los Angeles with a degree in International Relations and holds a MBA from the University of Geneva in NGO management. Kellie worked in India at the village level promoting microfinance projects for two years. She is now works for The Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunisation (GAVI) in Geneva, Switzerland. [Apr. 2011]

Louise Schullery Cox was a Peace Corps Volunteer (1967 to 1969), serving her first year in Kayima and then in Jaiama Nimikoro, Kono District, her second year. Louise taught primary school, was a school librarian, and worked with teacher training. After teaching for two years, she helped in one of the early in-country programs for new volunteers. Louise returned to graduate school at University of Illinois, receiving her M.Ed. in Early Childhood Education. Her closest friends were International students. She especially enjoyed taking a group of Sierra Leonian students to ice hockey games on campus on a regular basis. Currently, Louise teaches ESOL to immigrants and refugees in the greater Hartford, CT area, where she is partial to those from West Africa. Recently, one of her students from Togo received a Habitat for Humanity House. Louise is an active member in the CT RPCV group which, through fundraisers, is able to donate money to PCV projects in the field or wortwhile projects locally. [Jun. 2010]

Tamara Cummings-John was born in London and went to Freetown as a child. She remained there for nine years, and attended the Akibo Betts School. She lived in London for most of her life, and studied French at Manchester University and law at the College of Law Store Street. She lived in East Africa for 6 years working in advertising and subsequently for the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda. She went on to work for the Office of the Prosecutor at the Special Court before moving back to London. She currently lives in New York where she works as a Legal Officer and continues to support her business, Diaspora Bookshop & Cafe in Freetown. [Apr. 2011]

Kiran Cunningham is currently a professor of anthropology at Kalamazoo College in Kalamazoo, Michigan, U.S.A. She attended Njala University College from 1981 to 1982, and returned to Sierra Leone for a year in 1988 to 1989 to conduct her dissertation research on women, marriage and power. While there, she also did some research, informally, for the Inland Valley Swamp Development Project coordinated by the FAO, UNDP, and MANR&F. [Nov. 2008]

Myles Dannhausen was a Peace Corps Volunteer in Freetown from 1964 to 1966. During his first year he was a teacher at the Albert Academy. During his second year he worked at the Sierra Leone Central Statistics Office (now Statistics Sierra Leone), and wrote a History of Education in Sierra Leone for later Peace Corps Volunteers. Myles returned to the United States and earned a Masters Degree in Urban Studies at Loyola University in Chicago. After a few years as an executive with the City of Chicago Mayor's office, Myles left city life to start a tourism career in Wisconsin. Myles currently operates the Bay Point Inn in Egg Harbor, Wisconsin, where Groundnut Stew is often one of the dinner specials. Myles is also President of the Egg Harbor Historical Society, an organization devoted to rediscovering Egg Harbor's community heritage. [Apr. 2011]

Mohamed S. Dauda, MD was born in Jaiama Nimikoro, Kono District. He attended the UMC primary school, Jaiama, and eventually Koidu Secondary School (1980 to 1982), Christ the King College, Bo (1982-85), and Prince of Wales, Freetown (1988 to 1990). He then studied medicine at the College of Medicine and Allied Health Sciences, USL (1990 to 1997). He was Secretary-General of the students union (1991 to 1992). He pursued further training at the Brooklyn Hospital Center Family Medicine program (2004 to 2007). He was Chief Resident of the program (2006 to 2007). He is now working as a board certified family physician with Eastern North Carolina Medical Group in Rocky Mount, North Carolina, U.S.A. [Nov. 2008]

Pliney Davies was born in Freetown, and lived most of her life at Wallace-Johnson Street (formerly Water Street) in front of King Jimmy Market and, before relocating to the U.S., at Cannon Street. She attended Freetown Secondary School for Girls at Brookfields from nursery school to Form 6. She is a former employee of Barclays Bank Sierra Leone Ltd. Currently, she lives in Maryland, U.S.A. and works in Washington, D.C. [Apr. 2011]

Idris Shuaibu Din-Gabisi was born in and had lived in Fourah Bay in Freetown for over twenty years. He graduated from Fourah Bay College, University of Sierra Leone, in 2001 with a Bachelor of Arts (General). He has also completed a Master of Arts in Peace and Development Studies at the Njala University (New England Campus) in February 2009. At present, he is still working with the National Electoral Commission but has been promoted to Senior Elections Officer at the Outreach and External Relations Unit. He is currently based in Freetown, Sierra Leone. [Oct. 2009]

Bernie Dodge served as a Peace Corps volunteer teaching math at Bonthe Secondary School from 1970 to 1972. He is now a professor of Educational Technology at San Diego State University in San Diego, California. [Nov. 2008]

Joseph A. Dougall was engaged in sponsoring tobacco growing in various countries in the sub region with his team of Sierra Leone experts, where they have made a name for themselves and for the company, Duiker International Corporation, out of Sierra Leone, during the time of turmoil in their homeland. This was brought to an end in the year 2000 but continues to make cigars in his home island, Malta, a family tradition now in its sixth generation since its inception. He was made Honorary P.C. Pa Almamy Dougal Bangura in Sella Limba Chiefdom in December 1993. He currently resides in Malta, where he is Honorary Consul for Sierra Leone. [Apr. 2011]

Dr. Alex C. Dunn attended Prince of Wales School from 1966 to 1973 and Fourah Bay College from 1973 to 1976. Alex was an Electrical /Instrument Engineer at the Sierra Leone Petroleum Refinery from 1978 to 1981, when he left to pursue a master's degree at the University of Aston in Birmingham, U.K. Alex has lived in the United States since 1983, with career as Control Systems Engineer / Sr. Project Manager at Shell, Honeywell, Setpoint, Inc., W. K. Kellogg and Ciba-Geigy. Alex obtained his doctoral degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Houston, Texas, and currently lives in Cypress, Texas, U.S.A. From 2006 to 2010, Alex was the manager of the Advanced Solutions Group at Yokogawa corporation of America, where he was charged with leading a $25MM business aimed at changing Yokogawa's image in North America from a products supplier to Solutions provider in the 'plan & execute', 'direct & operate', and track, analyze & inform' space. Alex is currently a member of the Methodologies Panel of the Kyoto Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) process and is also pursuing business interests in Sierra Leone including leadership of 'AfriTek, Inc., and Songhai Global Logistics (SGL). AfriTek provides engineering services, energy efficiency and CDM solutions, while SGL provides supply chain and logistics capability to businesses in West Africa. [Apr. 2011]

Charles During was born in Chester, England. At an early age he moved backed to Freetown where he attended St Anthony's Primary School, Prince of Wales and KSS in Kenema. He played both volleyball and basketball both at school and for Sierra Leone's national teams. He returned to London where he completed his Bachelors degree in Mathematics and Computing. He worked for SmithKline Beechams for several years, then left to play professional volleyball in Belgium, Holland, France and Switzerland while he continued working in the computing industry. He worked for IBM as a consultant for several years in Holland and was transferred to IBM in Tampa Florida. He gained his Masters in Computer Science, and worked for VISA International in California for seven years. In 2004 he left Visa and went to AlcatelBell in Belgium as a consultant. He is back in Boca Raton, Florida, consulting for IBM in Hollywood, Florida. Whilst living in London, he played volleyball for the top British teams, such as Polonia and Malory. He was Captain for the England Men's National Volleyball Team for ten years, and captained the Great Britain Men's Volleyball Team for the World Students Games in the then Yugoslavia. He is currently living in Florida and working as a Consultant Engineer for Verizon Communications. [Apr. 2011]

Glenn Elert was a Peace Corps Volunteer in Kamakwie from 1987 to 1990, where he taught physics and mathematics. [Apr. 2011]

Sybella (Davies) Ellong is from Wilberforce and has lived in the U.S. since 1976. She currently works for the IBM Corporation in Bethesda, Maryland. She attended the Cathedral School for Girls and the Methodist Girls' High School in Freetown. [Apr. 2011]

Janice England was a Lay Mission Helper in Makeni from 1989 to 1993. She currently is the Executive Director of the Lay Mission-Helpers Association in Los Angeles, California, U.S.A. [Nov. 2008]

Thomas Eric-Williams is from Freetown and attended Kenema Secondary School, Bo School, and Georgetown University. He is retired from the United States Army Intelligence Command and lives in Lanham, Maryland, U.S.A. [Mar. 2010]

Kenneth A. Evans served as a Peace Corps Volunteer primary school teacher from 1969 to 1971 in Jimmi Bagbo. He also helped organize and conduct educational workshops with Sierra Leonean teachers and other PCVs. He is a graduate of Clark University, Worcester, MA, with a BA degree. He currently resides in northeastern Connecticut and is production manager of a weekly advertising publication serving the tri-state region. [Apr. 2011]

Aiah Fanday was born in Koidu Town, Kono District on June 30, 1968. He grew up in Kissy, Freetown, and attended Prince of Wales Secondary School from 1980/81 to 1985. After graduation in 1985 he left for England, lived there for a year, then traveled to the U.S. in 1986. He is currently own and managed his owe company DISTINCTIVE EVENTS RENTAL located in Gaithersburg, Maryland. He is the past president of the Kono Union USA (KONUSA) and currently serving on the Friends of Sierra Leone (FOSL) as Vice President. He is also the Financial Secretary for the National Organization for Sierra Leoneans in North America (NOSLINA). He his the Founder and Fund Raising Committee Chair for Kono Foundation. He graduated from the University of Maryland in 1999, with a B.Sc. in Business Management, and Masters of Business Administration (MBA) from the same university in 2005. [Mar. 2010]

Dave Figi was a Peace Corps Volunteer in Moyamba, and taught at Harford School for Girls and Moyamba Boys' School from 1965 to 1967. He now lives in Janesville, Wisconsin, U.S.A. He retired from teaching in 2004 and participated in Operation Classroom in Makeni in 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008. [Mar. 2010]

Judy (Lamm) Figi was a Peace Corps Volunteer in Moyamba, and taught at Harford School for Girls from 1964 to 1966. She now lives with her husband, Dave Figi, in Janesville, Wisconsin, U.S.A. Their daughter Alison served in the Peace Corps Volunteer in Micronesia. She retired from teaching in 2004 and participated in Operation Classroom in Makeni in 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 and the FOSL-SFS teacher training programme in Bo in 2009. [Mar. 2010]

Chad and Susan Finer were Peace Corps Volunteers from 1968-70 and were secondary and teacher's training college teachers at HRSS in Kenema and at the Kenema Teacher's Training College. After a long career in public education in New Hampshire and a 23 year stint as a middle school principal Susan retired in June of 2007. She returned briefly as an interim assistant middle school principal in New York City. Chad retired as an ER physician in February 2011. Chad is organizing a photography show about their Peace Corps years in Sierra Leone entitled: "Peace Corps Volunteers 1968-70". He has also contributed a number of his photographs of Bundu activity in the Kenema area to an art gallery show in New York City to be held in 2012. They still live in Vermont. [Apr. 2011]

Kweku Hugh Fraser attended Sierra Leone Grammar School from 1967 to 1973 and Fourah Bay College from 1973 to 1978. He worked for Standard Chartered Bank (SL) from 1978 to 1985 and Barclays Bank (SL) from 1988 to 1990. He moved to Kenya in 1990 and worked there until June 1998 when he moved to Dar es Salaam, Tanzania where he currently heads the management consultancy practice of Ernst & Young Tanzania. [Nov. 2008]

Shirley M. Fretz lived in Sierra Leone from April 1967 to August 1985. From 1967 to 1970 she was Boarding Home Superintendent at Minnie Mull Memorial School for Girls in Bonthe, Sherbro. From 1971 to 1981 she worked in the office at Mattru UBC Hospital in Mattru Jong, and from 1981-1985 worked in Christian Education in connection with Bumpe Primary School and Bumpe High School, in Bumpe, via Bo. She currently lives in Ridgeway, Ontario, Canada. [Apr. 2011]

Alfred Vandy Gborie holds a Master of Statistics degree (1997), Postgraduate Diploma in Statistics (1996) from Makerere University, Kampala Uganda; and B. Sc. Education (Major in Mathematics), Njala University College, University of Sierra Leone, 1989. Primary and Secondary education in Taiama. He has over ten years of experience in rural development project, research and teaching in International NGO, Research Institutions and Njala University respectively. He has six years of work experience in humanitarian work programmes with the United Nations World Food Programme in Sierra Leone, Liberia and Mozambique. Currently he is in Kabul, Afghanistan, working for IOM Afghanistan as Program Support Officer since 2007. He is married with three children. [Apr. 2011]

Samuel Grant was born in Freetown. He lived in New EnglandVille briefly, but he spend most of his childhood life up country, in Yamadu, where he attended Roman Catholic Primary School. Mr Grant was accepted at CKC-Secondary School-Bo, but he was unable to attend because he emigrated to California, U.S.A. He attended Silver Creek High School in San Jose, California, and completed his Bachelor of Arts from San Diego State University with an emphasis in Economics & Finance. Mr. Grant is now residing in Dallas, Texas, and works for a commercial real estate firm as a broker. Mr. Grant is very much an active participant in Dallas, where he is a member of the Tegloma Chapter and a member of Calvary Fellowship International Church. Mr. Grant enjoys reading, playing chess and racquetball on his spare time. [Jul. 2009]

John B. Gray lived in Freetown as a PCV from 1963 to 1965 (Group IV). He worked for the Sierra Leone Broadcasting Service in radio and television. He was a video producer at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, U.S.A. for 21 years, doing cross cultural documentaries, with special interests in the Americas. He left video in June 2000 to sail, swim, tend his wild garden, and continue to marvel as each moment unfolds. He lives in Fox Point, Wisconsin USA and San Isidro de Heredia, Costa Rica. [Jul. 2009]

Jeff Hall was a Peace Corps Volunteer (Agriculture) from 1987 to 1989 in Jokibu, near Bunumbu, in Kailahun District. He now lives in Minneapolis, Minnesota, U.S.A. Jeff is currently partnering closely with his village as they rebuild after the war. Over the past five years, funds raised in the U.S. have purchased 400 new metal roofs, 6 new clean water wells, various medical and educational supplies, a new school addition, and over 400 educational scholarships each year. Jeff is also taking 15 - 20 Americans to the village each year, as they build a strong relationship that enriches both countries. The partnership has committees in the U.S. and in the village for food, water, health, education and income. What began as an informal project has grown into a formal non-profit organization named OneVillage Partners. The goal of OneVillage is to work in partnership with those in extreme poverty to 1) invest in community development (education, health, water, etc.), and 2) increase income so villages are middle income for their country, and can live independently with free cash flow to invest, save and use as a buffer in case of an emergency. OneVillage intends to develop this work into a model that is measurable, replicable and open and available to all on the internet. [Apr. 2011]

Oliver Harding holds a Bachelor of Arts (with honours) degree in modern history (1991), a postgraduate diploma (1994) and a Master of Arts degree in librarianship (2000) from Fourah Bay College (FBC), University of Sierra Leone. Furthermore, he obtained a Master of Arts degree in Biblical Studies from West Africa Theological Seminary (WATS), Lagos, affiliate of the University of Nigeria, Nsukka where he obtained the prize for academic excellence as the Best Graduating Student in 2005. He worked as Reference and Deputy Librarian during his studies at WATS. He is currently Senior and Acting Librarian of Fourah Bay College, University of Sierra Leone; Immediate Past President of the Sierra Leone Association of Librarians, Archivists and Information Professionals (SLAALIP); member of the American Theological Library Association (ATLA); affiliate of the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP); member of the Sierra Leone Red Cross Society (SLRCS), and a part time lecturer at Institute of Library, Information and Communication Studies (NSLICS), Fourah Bay College and The Evangelical College of Theology (TECT). Oliver, a Biblical scholar, ordained minister, teacher, musician, counselor, etc. is married (to Francess) with two children (Olivia and Francis). [Apr. 2011]

Jim Higbie was a Peace Corps Volunteer from 1969 to 1973 in Daru and Kenema, working on a primary school teacher training project. He previously worked in Laos on English language projects. He has written three books on the Thai language and one book on the Lao language. He is currently working in Kono, Sierra Leone. [Mar. 2010]

Dave Holland was a CUSO volunteer from 1971 to 1974 at Sumbuya Secondary School in Sumbuya, Southern Province, where he was head of the Geography Department. In December 1973, Dave met Terry Beattie and two days later, they became engaged - they celebrated their 36th wedding anniversary on 31 August 2010. Dave returned to university to get a degree in computer mapping and returned to Sierra Leone in 1975 with Terry to work on a mapping project as part of a UNDP/FAO project. Dave and Terry are now retired and currently live in Kingsville, Ontario. They have two children, Matthew and Sarah. Matthew, who is a graduate of the University of New Brunswick with a Computer Science degree, is currently operating a computer software company in Ontario. Sarah is also a graduate of the University of New Brunswick where she earned her Bachelor of Arts and her Bachelor of Education. Having completed teaching assignments in Zory, Poland and Birmingham, England, Sarah has now returned to Canada and is currently seeking employment as a primary school teacher with the Essex County School Board. [Mar. 2011]


Bashir Ibrahim Jalloh is from Fanima Wunde in Bo District and currently lives in Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada. He attended the Ahmadiyya Muslim Secondary School in Bo and Jimmy Boys' Secondary School. He later studied at the College of Medicine in Freetown and the University of Toronto. He is the former President of NUSS. He is currently working in the Nuclear Medicine Department at the Regina Paqua Hospital, Regina. He is a member of the CAMRT, NMTCB and ARRT. [Apr. 2011]

Alimamy Kamara was born in Port Loko, northern Sierra Leone, but grew up in Freetown. He isa doctoral student in economics at the state University of North Carolina. He attended Ahmadiyya MuslimSecondary School in Freetown and the Sierra Leone Grammar School. After obtaining his GCEO and A levels, he proceeded to Fourah Bay College for an undergraduate degree in economics and graduated with a Second Class Upper Division in the honors class. Upon graduation with a B.Sc. (Hons) degree in economics, this brilliant man taught economics, mathematics and statistics at Ahmadiyya Muslim Secondary School between 1993 and 1994. In April of 1994, he left the teaching fieldto serve his country in the research area. Mr Kamara joined the civil service as an Economic Statistician and Computer Programmer in March 1994. After serving the government of Sierra Leone for six months, Alimamy was awarded an AERC scholarship to pursue a master's degree in economic policy. He excelled in all economic disciplines and graduated with a distinction from Addis Ababa University in July 1996. Mr Kamara returned to his post in July 1996 and contributed immensely towards the development of statistics in Sierra Leone and West Africa. He was responsible for the compilation of national accounts for Sierra Leone between 1996 and 2001. Aside from his regular assignment, Mr Kamara was also an active and enthusiastic Lecturer at Fourah Bay College and the then Institute of Public Administration and Management (IPAM). He taught quantitative economics, business mathematics, microeconomics, statistics and macroeconomics and supervised undergraduate dissertations for over six years. Alimamy took an active part in the MICS II survey, Public Expenditure Tracking survey and the preparation of the Interim Poverty Reduction Strategy document for Sierra Leone. He has conducted extensive research on food security and poverty. Mr Kamara is a prolific writer and has written over 20 research articles on cointegration and error-correction models, food security, poverty reduction and exchange rates. He holds a Masters degree in International Development Policy and a graduate certificate in Project Appraisal and Risk Management from the prestigious Duke University in the United States. Because of his outstanding performance at Duke University, Mr Kamara was appointed as a Visiting Lecturer at the Duke Center for International Development in September, 2009. At the center, Mr Kamara teaches microeconomics and Tax Analytics. Mr. Kamara currently lives in Chapel Hill, North Carolina in the United States of America. He is married to Isatu Kamara and the two are blessed with three children (Abu Bakarr, Abdul and Mariam), a step-daughter (Kadiatu Kamara) and three adopted children (Kadiatu Bangura, Abu Payntha and Sheriff Kamara). [Nov. 2010]

Dr. Alpha Yaya Kamara was born in Benduma, Bagbwe Chiefdom, Bo District. He attended St. Andrew's Secondary School in Bo, and graduated from Njala University College in 1986 with a Bachelors degree in Agriculture General. He holds a Masters degree in Agronomy from the University of Kiel, Germany and a doctorate degree in Agronomy and Crop Science from the University of Kassel, Germany. Dr. Kamara was a teacher at the Bo Commercial Secondary School from 1986 to 1988 and a research officer at the Institute of Agricultural Research (IAR), Njala in Sierra Leone from 1994 to1995. He is currently a Systems Agronomist/crop physiologist at the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, based in Kano, Nigeria where he manages several agricultural research for development projects for countries in Subsaharan Africa. His research interests include sustainable land use systems in the tropics, crop physiology, plant nutrition, and general agronomy. Dr. Kamara enjoys playing golf and tennis. He is married to Sia Mary Kamara (nee Bandabla) and they have two sons and a daughter. [Aug. 2011]

Henry Yamba Kamara was born in Yonibana in the Northern part of Sierra Leone, about 91 miles from the capital city. He completed his primary and secondary education in Yonibana and Taiama before he proceeded to Njala University College. Mr. Kamara is a Quality Management Consultant and a trained BSI Lead Assessor in ISO9001. Until December 2010, he was the Director of Export Development of the Sierra Leone Investment and Export Promotion Agency (SLIEPA). He was a Senior Consultant and Business Development Director of TQM Associate in London, and serve as the African Representative for IME, Brussels based company specialized in procurement management for the UN. Mr. Kamara worked for the Sierra Leone Standards Bureau as Head of the Quality Management Department, as Programme Manager for Save Heritage and Rehabilitate the Environment (SHARE). He holds The Practice of Trade Policy Executive Education from Harvard University, USA, a Master of Science degree in the Management of Quality Excellence from the University of Leicester, United Kingdom, a Master of Science in Corporate Governance from the Liverpool John Moore University, Liverpool, United Kingdom, and a Bachelor of Science degree in Education (Physics & Chemistry) from Njala University College, University of Sierra Leone. Mr. Kamara is currently a PhD scholar at the University of Wales Institute where he is pursuing a research degree in International Trade. He is a member of the Institute of Export, UK, the Institute of Chartered Management, UK; the Institute of Business Consulting, UK; the American Society for Quality, USA; and an Associate member of the Chartered Quality Institute, UK. His research interest ranges across the fields of International Trade, Corporate Governance, Business Development, Standardization, and Quality Management Systems. He is the Founder/CEO of Centre for Quality Management; a consulting firm registered in Sierra Leone and in the UK that is dedicated to providing professional services in Quality Management, Standardisation, Corporate Governance and Business Development. [Apr. 2011]

Nadim N. Kantara, of Freetown, was managing director of Tradex S.L. Ltd., and formerly worked for Sierra Leone Bricks Factory, the International Bank for Trade and Industry, Agro Commercial Trading Company, and Palm Beach Casino Club. He currently is President and Managing Editor of the A Folha De Teresopolis Journal in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. [Mar. 2010]

Ali Badara Kargbo was born in Bauya, (intersection (junction) of the then existing Sierra Leone Railway). He attended the University of Wroclaw in Poland and the Institute of Foreign Languages in Moscow. He is an A+ certified computer technician. He presently resides in Alexandria, Virginia, U.S.A. [Apr. 2011]

Kim Kargbo lived in Tambiama, Sierra Leone with her missionary parents from 1976 to 1983. She returned to work in Kamakwie as a nurse from 1990 to 1993, founding the Community Health Evangelism programme in the northern Bombali District. While there, she met and married her husband, Tim Kargbo. Kim worked for 5 years during the war with World Hope International, establishing their Sierra Leone office and implementing a rehab program for amputees. While she and her family (husband and 3 children) make their permanent home in Mississippi, just outside Memphis, Tennessee, where Tim works as the General Manager for CrossCom National, she is currently traveling back and forth to Sierra Leone directing a program for disabled women in the Makeni area, called Women of Hope International. [Apr. 2011]

Dr. Cleaver Keenan served in the Sierra Leone Medical Service from 1956 to 1960. He was M.O. Police & Prisons for a few weeks before being posted to Bonthe. In his second tour, he was posted to the Connaught Hospital, where he worked with Dr. Davidson Nicol as Assistant Pathologist, and in the Emergency Department. When in Bonthe he and Dorothy adopted a little girl, Sally Conteh, who had had one arm amputated by Dr. Haj Conteh because of a snake bite. Sally was later murdered by the rebels. He revisited Sierra Leone in 1979 to open a school in Lunsar which was built by Espanola United church. He currently lives in New Liskeard, Ontario, Canada. [Mar. 2010]

Mike Kelleher Mike Kelleher was a Peace Corps Volunteer in Ngelehun Badjia from 1985 to 1988. Since August, 2010 he has served as an Advisor to the U.S. Executive Director of the World Bank. Before that, he was Special Assistant to the President and Director of Presidential Correspondence at the White House, beginning in January 2009. From 2006 to 2008 he served as Director of Outreach and Economic Development for then U.S. Senator Barack Obama. Prior to his Senate work, he was Country Director in Tbilisi, Georgia for the National Democratic Institute from 2005-2006. [Apr. 2011]

Peter Kenah was born in Sengema, Malen Chiefdom, in the Pujehun District. He had his primary education at the District Council School in Gandorhun Fakunya and RC School Sahn Malen and his secondary education at the St Paul's Secondary School in Pujehun. In 1979, Peter entered the then Milton Margai Teachers College (now Milton Margai College of Education and Technology) where he read Geography and Biology. On graduation in 1982, he was awarded the Ibrahim N'jai prize for the best student of Geography. Having taught for a couple of years, he entered Fourah Bay College in 1988 and graduated with a Second Class Upper Honours degree in Geography in June 1993. Peter holds a Master of Arts degree (M.A. Population Studies) from the United Nations Regional Institute for Population Studies at the University of Ghana, Legon. He has worked in various places — UNDP Projects, Anti-Corruption Commission, University of Sierra Leone etc. He is currently the Head of Customer Service at the National Social Security and Insurance Trust (NASSIT) in Sierra Leone. He lives with his wife and four children — three boys and a daughter — in Freetown. [Jul. 2009]

Thomas Sheku Kenah was born at Sengema Malen in Pujehun District to Pa Vandi Kenah and Madam Mariama Kenah. He attended St. Dominic Primary School at Sengema, later St. Patrick's RC Primary School in Bonthe, St. Anthony's R C Primary School, Brookfields, Freetown, where he was baptised as a Roman Catholic. He also attended the District Council Primary School in Gandorhun Fakunya, Moyamba District and St. Paul's Primary School, Sahn Malen in Pujehun District. Thomas did his secondary education at the St. Paul's Secondary School in Pujehun. (1970-1976). He taught for a year at the United Muslim Association Secondary School in Freetown (known as Sohcahtoa) (1977). He proceeded to train as an Environmental Health Officer at the National School of Hygiene (MOH), Government Wharf where he obtained a Diploma in Public Health (West Africa).(1978-1980). Thomas worked as Language and Cross Cultural Instructor/Coordinator for American Peace Corps Volunteers (1980 in Mbudorbu) -1985 in Songo). Thomas worked in Water and Sanitation Project- MEP/CARE- Moyamba District as the Project's Health Education Coordinator (1985-1987. He studied at the Yaba Institute of Technology, Nigeria (1987). He was later appointed Assistant National Coordinator (Water and Sanitation Secretariat- Youyi Building- Freetown (!987-1988) Thomas obtained a UN Water and Sanitation Decade scholarship through the British Council to study at the University of Dundee in Scotland,UK where he obtained MSc degree in Environmental/Public Health (1988-1990). He returned to CARE (WASH Project as Health Coordinator) (1990-1994) as the Project's Health Coordinator. Thomas briefly worked as Primary Health Coordinator at PLAN International (Western Area Freetown). (1994). He was incorporated into the National Health and Emergency Team of Ministry of Health Freetown/Environmental health Dept (1994-1996). Thomas proceeded to the UK in 1996 where he studied nursing at University of Surrey-Guildford (European Institute of Health and Medical Sciences).Thomas later attended the Leeds Metropolitan University where he obtained a BSc (Hons) 2nd class. Thomas has worked at Springfield University Hospital in London, Leeds Partnership NHS Foundation Trust and now lives in London currently working for Camden and Islington NHS Foundation Trust as a nurse. He is the University of Middlesex Link Mentor for Recovery and Rehabilitation Services (2009). Thomas is married to Jeneh McCarthy with four children. Thomas now works as a Clinical Team Manager at East London NHS Foundation Trust and lives in London. [Apr. 2011]

Joseph Tamba Koroma attended Bo Government Secondary School (Head Prefect) and Njala University in Sierra Leone. He received his higher education in the United States where he earned undergraduate degrees in Environmental Studies Policy and Accounting from Manchester College in Indiana. And he has also completed a Master of Public Administration (MPA) and Doctor of Philosophy (PHD) in Geography from Indiana State University. His doctoral research, focused on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in Africa. He currently works as Associate Dean of Student Financial Services at Olympic College in the state of Washington. [Apr. 2011]

Mohamed Alusine Kosia was born in Mattru-jong, Bonthe District. He attended the Centennial Secondary School Mattru-jong from 1969 to 1974. He attended the Government Trade Centre at Kissy Dockyard, Freetown, from 1975 to 1978. Currently he is working for the American Embassy as a switchboard operator in Bamako in the Republic of Mali [Apr. 2010]

Ngadi W. Kponou is Public Services Assistant, Beinecke Library, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, U.S.A. [Mar. 2010]

Sulay-Manah Kpukumu was born in Sendumei in eastern Sierra Leone. He attended Bonthe Secondary School, St. Helena and the Ahmadiyya Muslim Secondary Schools in Freetown, where he completed sixth form. He proceeded to Fourah Bay College where he obtained a Bachelor of Arts Degree (in French, Philosophy and Political Science), a Diploma in Education, He also holds a post-graduate Diploma in Business Administration from Institute of Public Administration and Management in Freetown and a postgraduate Certificate in Diplomatic Studies from Corpus Christi College at Oxford University. In 2007, he graduated wihh a Master of Administrative Science degree in Diplomacy and International Relations from Fairleigh Dickinson University in New Jersey. He is Counsellor at the Permanent Mission of Sierra Leone to the United Nations in New York. He is married with three lovely kids, [Apr. 2010]

Dr. Lans Ahmed Kumalah was educated at Fourah Bay College, University of Sierra Leone; the University of Montpellier, France; and the University of Bordeaux, France. Dr. Kumalah was a Foreign Service Officer for several years and served as a Diplomat to the Kingdom of Belgium, The Netherlands, France, Austria and Luxembourg. On his return home he was appointed National Authorizing Officer (NAO) for the European Development Fund in Sierra Leone. While serving as NAO he also served as Regional Authorizing Officer for a regional fisheries program that covered 16 countries in West Africa including Mauritania. Dr. Kumalah was also a part-time Lecturer at Fourah Bay College and Milton Margai College of Education for several years. He has served as a Consultant to the World Bank Institute since 2000 and currently Senior Manager at The Mitchell Group Inc., an international development/USAID contracting firm based in Washington, DC, U.S.A. with contracts in Africa, Asia and Eastern Europe. He is married to Fausta (née D’Almeida). They have three girls, Sayon, Jerrie and Jasmine. [Mar. 2010]

Francis Pelson Lahai was born on the 8th January 1958. He is a native of the Nyenie village in the Nongoballum Chiefdom in Bonthe District. He hails from the Lahai family of Mr. and Mrs. Vandy Lahai. He attended the Roman Catholic School at Dandabu in the Pujehun district from Class 1 – 7. He entered Bonthe Secondary School in 1969 and sat the GCE O’ Levels in 1974. He entered the Bo Teachers College in Bo in 1975 and completed the teachers certificate course in 1978. He worked at SLMB in Bonthe. He was appointed as senior teacher and a paymaster of teacher’s salary in 1983. Due to his honesty, obedience and innovation, he was appointed acting headteacher in 1990 and the school name was changed to Islamic Call Society in 1984 under a new mission. He entered Njala University College in 2001 and completed his course in 2004 with a Bachelor of Education degree in June with a Division 2 in Social Studies, English Language and Education. He established the ICS Secondary School commonly, known as Duramany Sesay Secondary School, in Bonthe with a junior secondary school sector JSS 1 with an enrolment of 80 students. Presently, the school has attained a JSS 3 sector and will be having its 2nd BECE this year with 280 students and 14 teachers. Mr. Francis Pelson Lahai is a member of the Bonthe Technical Training College Board, a board member of the Minnie Mull Secondary School, a Secretary General of the Development Management Committee of the Sherbro Island area Development Programme under World Vision – Sierra Leone, and other important responsibilities. He is currently in Bonthe as an Acing Principal of the Duramany Sesay Memorial IC Secondary School in Bonthe. He is married with 5 children. [Mar. 2010]

Scott Lamont was a Peace Corps Volunteer (fisheries) at Bonthe, Sherbro Island from 1983 to 1986. He is now a technical writer in Massachusetts, U.S.A. [Apr. 2011]

Miki Lang taught at St. Joseph's Secondary School for Girls in Moyamba from 1972 to 1973, and then worked in Freetown, at the PC craft shop, as well as at the Cape Sierra, for the Ministry of Tourism. She volunteered with CARE on family planning and was hired full-time, working first on road construction and then its feeding programs. She stayed in Africa -- Mali, Chad and Cameroon -- until 1988 and now lives in Sausalito, California, U.S.A., selling real estate. She is the proud mother of the World Cup Champion in paintballing, Oliver Lang. [Apr. 2011]

Sam A. Leigh is Managing Director of Edward Davies and Associates, Ltd., Consulting Engineers. Sam Leigh serves as the Managing Director of Edward Davies and Associates Ltd. (EDA) providing engineering consultancy services to clients in West Africa. Among the projects for which EDA is providing services, singly or in collaboration with other firms, are 22km Tokeh-Lumley Road Project, 86km Kenema- Pendembu Road Project, and Surveying and Geotechnical Investigation Investigations for the Water Tank Project for the US Embassy. [Jul. 2009]

Tanniemola Bunting Liverpool lived in the 70's at Mount Aureol in Freetown. He is a theoretical physicist and previously worked at the Max-Planck-Institut für Polymerforschung (Polymer Research) in Mainz, Germany and the Ecole Superieure de Physique et de Chimie Industrielle in Paris, France and at the Imperial College in London. He was a lecturer at the University of Leeds, U.K. Currently he is a Reader in Applied Mathematics at Bristol University [Mar. 2010]

Dr. Leo H. Madden served as a teacher of Economics and English at Wesley Secondary School, Segbwema, from 1977 to 1980 as a Peace Corps Volunteer. He is currently Associate Professor of Theology at Ohio Dominican University, Columbus, Ohio, U.S.A. In the past five years he has survived three different kinds of cancer (prostate, kidney, and leukemia). [Mar. 2010]

Gerard V. "Gerry" Magbity hails from Serabu and Bandasahn in the Bumpe Chiefdom. He attended Catholic Model School and Christ the King College, Bo. He's a Water and Waste Engineer from Kharkov Institute of Civil Engineering, Kharkov, Ukraine and Institute of Hydraulics and Environmental Engineering, Delft, Netherlands. He recently finished his mission in the DRC where he was working as a Country Logistics Coordinator with Oxfam GB. Prior to that he had worked in Mozambique, Malawi, Guinea, Nigeria, Rwanda, Burundi, DRC with Doctors without Borders (MSF) and International Rescue Committee (IRC). Since 23 October 2007 he has been working as a Logistics Specialist for UNICEF. He is currently based at the UNICEF Supply Division in Copenhagen, Denmark. [Mar. 2010]

Jim and Kathy Malcolm served under the Kingsley Plan as teachers at the Taiama Secondary School, UMC, in Taiama from 1969 to 1971, and 1973 to 1974. Jim taught Mathematics and Kathy taught Domestic Science. They reside in Mankato, Minnesota, U.S.A., where they are enjoying their retirement. [Apr. 2011]

Joe Manning taught at Sumbuya Secondary School from 1972 to 1974. He is currently involved in the Sierra Leone Ireland Partnership, a group of mainly Irish people who worked in Sierra Leone. The group has been successful in getting the Irish Government involved in Sierra Leone. He is also the Sierra Leone Hon. Consul in Ireland. [Aug. 2010]

Abdul Mansaray is from Kissy Mess Mess, and attended Hastings Elementary and Methodist Boys' High School. He was a Founding Member of the Stadium Stars Track Club and an athletic assistant at the Sports Organizers Office of the National Sports Council, Siaka Stevens Stadium. An elite sprinter, Abdul represented Sierra Leone in national and international track and field competitions, including the 1984 and 1988 Olympic Games, earning a nomination as "Athlete of the Century" by the prestigious Progress newspaper. Abdul is also mentioned in the BBC's 2002 Commonwealth Games website as a "National Sports Hero." He currently resides in Temecula, Southern California. Abdul is married to Martha-Marie Foray of Kissy Dockyard and Annie Walsh Memorial School. [Apr. 2010]

Ibrahima Sory Mansaray is a Sierra Leonean living in the Republic of Guinea. He was born in Koidu town, Kono district, and resided at Bona Street in Gbense Chiefdom. He did his primary education at the Islamic Primary School of Koidu from 1988 to 1992, and got his Selective Entrance Examination to the Islamic Secondary School Koidu (I.S.S.K). He lived and furthered his secondary education in Kamabai township, Biriwa Chiefdom, in the Bombali District, and later moved over to Kabala where he attended the Ahmadiyya Muslim Agricultural Secondary School (A.M.A.S.S) from 1994 to 1997. He finally ended up in Guinea and lived in Farana, Kissidougou, Gueckedou, and Banankoro from 1998 to 2006, before he came to his present location. He currently works as an assistant camp administrator for Guinea Alumina Project (a joint venture owned by Global Alumina Corporation Ltd., BHP Billiton, Dubal and Mubadala Development Co.), operating in the prefecture of Boké, about 85 km northeast of the Port of Kamsar, and some 280 km (160 miles) from the city of Conakry. [Jul. 2009]

Mohamed Lamin Mansaray is an old Princewalean who has lived in the Diaspora throughout his working career. He was born in June, 1947 in Freetown, where he did his entire schooling before proceeding to the U.K. for further studies in late 1968. His expertise is in Information & Communication Technologies (ICT) and he holds a Masters degree in Management Information Systems. Since 1973, he has worked in the U.K., France, Ghana, Nigeria and Togo, and has finally retired from active service in the West African Monetary Institute (WAMI) in Accra, Ghana, where he was the ICT Director. WAMI is the body charged with the development of the West African Central Bank t which is expected to introduce the ECOWAS common currency, Eco by 2015. He enjoys writing poetry, and has published some of them in the Sierra Leone Web's Poetry page. [Mar. 2010]

Esther Megill went to Sierra Leone for the Evangelical United Brethren Church in January of 1951. She worked as a medical technologist at Rotifunk Hospital in Rotifunk until June of 1962. During this time she was also involved in Christian education programs in the Conference. From 1968 to 1972 she was Area Secretary for North and West Africa for the General Board of Missions of The United Methodist Church (formed by union of the Evangelical United Brethren Church with the Methodist Church). One of the five countries for which she had responsibility was Sierra Leone, and she made yearly trips there during the four years. There was a trip to Sierra Leone to celebrate P.C. Madam Honoria Bailor Caulker’s 25th Anniversary in 1986, and in 1989 she was a volunteer tutor at the Theological Hall and Church Training Center for three months. She has written two books about her experiences in Africa: Sierra Leone Remembered (1951-1962) and Return to Africa–A Journal, which contains sections on her time in Sierra Leone 1968-1972 and 1989. [Jul. 2009]

Cornell Menking Ph.D. was a Peace Corps Volunteer (Agriculture) in Sierra Leone from 1988 to 1991 (first in the eastern Kailahun district and later in Shenge). Since leaving Sierra Leone he has lived in Guatemala, Boston, Yakutia (northeastern Siberia, Russia ) and Ecuador. In 2003 he completed his Ph.D. in Educational Thought and Sociocultural Studies from the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque. In January of 2010 he became the interim Assistant Vice President for Internationalization at Kentucky State University in Frankfort, Kentucky. [Mar. 2010]

Barry F. Mitsch served in the Peace Corps from 1978 to 1980 as an instructor at the National School of Hygiene in Freetown. Currently he lives in Cary, North Carolina, U.S.A. with his wife (DJ) and two children (Jessica and Hank). [Apr. 2011]

Edward L. Monaghan Ed.D. was a Peace Corps lecturer at Makeni Teachers College from 1979 to 1982. He currently lives in the Washington, DC area, and serves as a Program Manager/Analyst in the US Department of Education, Office of Migrant Education. Major areas of research include the strategies for closing the achievement gap and the use of continuous improvement principles in public education. He also serves as a board member of Sierra Leone Village Partnerships ( and Friends of Sierra Leone (FOSL). He is married to Jennifer (Tsosie) Monaghan, and they have three children: Adrian, Krista, and Tierra. [Apr. 2011]

Anna Morford taught commercial courses at Harford School for Girls, Moyamba, beginning in 1965. Between that year and 1983 (with a four-year absence to Zimbabwe) she taught typing, shorthand, English, and commerce. For approximately 5 years, she worked at the United Methodist Church headquarters in Freetown on Lightfoot-Boston Street, helping to coordinate program personnel coming from the United States to be involved with United Methodist projects throughout Sierra Leone. After leaving Sierra Leone, she worked in the United Methodist personnel headquarters in New York as assistant treasurer working with missionary payroll and benefits. From 1994 to the present, she is the Treasurer of the Detroit Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church, located in Flint, Michigan. Her adopted daughter, Virginia, in the process of moving from Flint to the Maryland area in search of a larger Sierra Leonean community. Anna plans to retire from her current position toward the end of the year. [Apr. 2011]

Peggy Murrah was a Peace Corps Volunteer (Primary Education Moyamba District) and lived in Taiama from 1978 to 1980. She currently lives in Social Circle, Georgia where she taught school for over 30 years. Now retired, she has two daughters, Laurie and Hadley. She has served on the Board of Directors for Friends of Sierra Leone since 2002 and president since 2004. [Apr. 2011]

Judy Nelson worked at KRMS in Kabala from 1988 to 1992, and then moved to Freetown. Judy currently lives on the outskirts of Freetown with International D.O.V.E. (Development, Orphanages, Vocational Education), where she operate Dove's Village of Hope for Children, a permanent home for war-orphaned and abandoned children. [Apr. 2011]

Lois Olsen lived in Sierra Leone from 1952 to 1963 as a missionary with the (then) United Brethren Church, now the United Methodist Church. She spent most of her time in Taiama, but also lived briefly in Rotifunk and Jaiama Nimikoro. She has been back several times, most recently in 2002 and 2005. She currently lives in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, U.S.A. [Apr. 2011]

Alberta Pratt-Sensie attended the Harford School for Girls in Moyamba and spent her freshman year in the Njala University College in 1984/1985 before migrating to Atlanta, Georgia. She now lives in Maryland. She graduated from the University of Maryland with a Masters in Nursing Informatics in 2001. She currently works as an Information Technology Specialist for a computer software contracting company in Maryland. She has a son and daughter. [Apr. 2011]

Father Rocco Puopolo is a Xaverian missionary priest, and was director of the National Pastoral Centre in Kenema from 1995 to 1999. In earlier assignments in Sierra Leone he lived in Kambia (1973 to 1974), Kabala (1978 1o 1980) and Freetown (1980 to 1984). He is currently living in Hyattsville, MD and is the executive director of the Africa Faith and Justice Network ( in Washington DC. [Mar. 2010]

John Rabideau The Rabideau family lived in Kenema as Peace Corps Volunteers from 1971 to 1974. Ro Rabideau worked in construction for the Ministry of Works. Ita Rabideau worked at the Nongowa Clinic for Dr. Sama Banya. John and Daniel Rabideau attended Holy Trinity Secondary School. The Rabideaus were in the first group of Peace Corps volunteers to go as a family. Ro and Ita retired and settled in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. Ro passed away in January 2007. John, Daniel and Jacqueline have settled in South Florida and are raising families. [Apr. 2011]

Clifford Rotimie Roberts attended CMS Grammar School and Boys Secondary School in Magburaka. He worked as a school teacher at Bishop Johnson Memorial School, Methodist Boys High School and Sierra Leone Grammar School. He retired in December 2000 from the Milton Margai College of Education, where he was Head of the Agricultural Sciences Department and Senior Lecturer, Warden of Students at the College of Medicine and Allied Health Sciences (COMAHS). He now operates a small consultancy in Freetown called "ROBSCO." It is a grassroots consultancy designed to do training, projects (design unto evaluation), sexual and reproductive health and family planning issues, etc. Worked as a short term consultant, with Public Administration International (PAi)/DFID, in the Governance Reform Secretariat, for the Civil Service in Sierra Leone. He has done the Management and Functional Reviews of some government ministries. He also consulted with the Establishment Secretary's Office for the transformation into a Human Resource Management Office. He also served for six years as President of the Planned Parenthood Association of Sierra Leone, served also in the Executive Committee for the Africa region of International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) and was the first Chairman for the National Accountability Group (NAG), which is a contact group for Transparency International based in Berlin, Germany. NAG is a civil society movement which complements the efforts of the Anti-Corruption Commission in Sierra Leone. He is a Commissioner for Oaths and Justice of the Peace (July 2008), in the Republic of Sierra Leone. He was recently appointed by H E The President or Sierra Leone to be a member of the Board of Directors, Rokel Commercial Bank, Sierra Leone, in April 2008. [Apr. 2011]

Judy Jainya (Lansana) Rogers attended St. Joseph's Secondary School in Freetown, and graduated from Njala University College in 1983. She left for the United States in 1985. She now lives in California. She graduated from law school in California in 1998. She currently works as Deputy District Attorney for Kern County. She is married and has two boys. [Jul. 2009]

Reijo Rouhe was administrator of Masanga Leprosy Hospital from 1977 to 1981. He currently lives in Redlands, California, U.S.A. [Apr. 2011]

Edward Sandi was born in Freetown. His dad was Albert Daniel Sandi from Bumpe Chiefdom in Bo District. Edward attended St Edward's Primary School in Freetown from 1975 to 1981 and then Services Secondary School from 1981 to 1986. He was a member of the Sierra Leone Boys Scout Association and a pastor at the St. George's Church, Juba, from 1992 to 1996. He was a scout leader for Services Primary and Services Secondary School and also Emmett Primary School, Lumley. He came to the United States in 1996 and in 1997 he joined the United States Navy. He holds a BS degree in Criminal Justice Management from Columbus University, New Orleans, Louisiana, U.S.A. and BA in Business Administration with concentration in Health Care Management and a and Masters in Business Administration, with concentration in Healthcare Management from American Intercontinental University (AIU) Hoffman Estates, Illinois, USA. Married to Juliana Pedretta Sandi (Renner) also a native of Sierra Leone, and have two children, Sonia Juliette and Cameron Maseray. Currently resides in San Jose California. He is still on Active Duty in the United States Navy and his current rank in the Navy, is Chief Petty Officer of the United States Navy. His personal awards in the Navy are, one Navy and Marine Corp Commendation Medal, five Navy and Marine Corp Achievement medal, three Navy Good Conduct, three Flag Letter of Commendation and Military Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal, his service awards are three sea service award, Coast Guard Operation award, Navy Unit Commendation, Armed Forces Expedition Service award, Global War on Terrorism Service and Global War on Terrorism Expedition medals. [Apr. 2011]

Osman Alimamy Sankoh (Mallam O.) is the Executive Director of the INDEPTH Network (, a health information international NGO based in Accra, Ghana. Commonly known as Mallam O., he was born at Warima, Koya Chiefdom, Port Loko District - 58 miles from Freetown on the Masiaka-Mile 91 highway. Mallam O. attended Tomlinson High School, Songo, near Waterloo. He holds a B.Sc.Ed. (Division One Distinction in Mathematics) from Njala University College (now Njala University) where he was Student Union President in 1985/86. He did further studies at the University of Dortmund in Germany where he obtained the following degrees in Applied Statistics - B.Sc. Hons., M.Sc. and D.Sc. He was a scientist (biostatistician/epidemiologist) in the Department of Tropical Hygiene and Public Health at the University of Heidelberg, Germany (1999 to 2002). He started work with the INDEPTH Network in July 2002 strangely as a Communications and External Relations Manager, became the Deputy Executive Director in 2006 and in 2007 became the Executive Director. Mallam O. taught at Tomlinson High School (1978 to 1980), Yengema Secondary School (1981 to 1983), and University Secondary School, Njala (1988 to 1989). He was a Research/Teaching Assistant at NUC (1987 to 1989). Osman is founding editor-in-chief of the international African Journal of Environmental Assessment and Management ( and co-founder of Africa Positive (, a magazine in Germany that portrays the positive sides of Africa. He has authored several books including "Hybrid Eyes - Reflections of an African in Europe", "Beautiful Colours", "Statistics Without Fear - Descriptive Statistics", "A New Method for the Analysis of Forestry Data", and recently in 2009 "Climate Variability and Malaria Transmission Risk". Mallam O. is founder and publisher of the Sierra Leonean Writers Series (, an initiative that gives opportunities to writers of Sierra Leonean origin to publish their books. [Mar. 2010]

Gary Schulze was a member of the first contingent of Peace Corps Volunteers to go to Sierra Leone in 1961. He taught history at the Albert Academy and helped the late Dr. M.C.F. Easmon establish the Sierra Leone National Museum. He served as Secretary to the Sierra Leone Monuments & Relics Commission. The statue of Bai Bureh he commissioned in 1962 appeared on the Le 1,000 note in 1995. Copies of this statue, which still stands in the museum, are sold throughout the country as tourist souvenirs. He also made the model of the DeRuiter stone which is still on display in the museum. Under the auspices of the State Department and the African-American Institute, Mr. Schulze served as an International Observer at the 1996 Sierra Leone Presidential and Legislative Elections. He is retired from the Metropolitan Transportation Authority in NYC where he was a member of the Interagency Counterterrorism Task Force. He is on the Board of Advisors of the United African Congress, the Boards of Directors of the Friends of Sierra Leone, the Magic Penny ( an organization devoted to improving the lives of schoolchildren in the Sherbro area), and the Board of Directors of Queensborough Community College. Last year he was elected to the Board of the National Peace Corps Association, representing Returned Peace Corps Volunteers from West, Central and Southern Africa. An avid collector of traditional African art, some of his collection of was exhibited at the Queensborough College Art Museum in the fall of 2006. His collections of historic postcards and artifacts can be seen on Peter Andersen's Sierra Leone Web. [Apr. 2011]

Susan L. Schwartz was a Peace Corps Volunteer (Agriculture) in Juma and Nitti, Moyamba District, from 1981 to 1983. She subsequently taught English and trained English teachers in China and Indonesia. Susan currently lives in Haverhill, Massachusetts, U.S.A., and teaches English as a Second Language at a public school. In July-August 2007, she participated in a Fulbright-Hays Seminar Abroad program to India and in July 2009, she spent three weeks in Turkey, visiting Cappadocia and archeological sites to create materials for her course in world history. Susan was one of 100 teachers in the U.S. who received an ING Unsung Heroes Award in 2010 for the educational technology projects she implements with her middle school students. [Apr. 2011]

Sheku Sei was a part-time Lecturer in Fisheries Resources Economics at the Institute of Marine Biology and Oceanography (IMBO), Fourah Bay College, Sierra Leone, from 2006 to 2009. He is a Fisheries Officer and a Research Scientist of the Institutional Support for Fisheries Management Project (ISFM) in Sierra Leone, He was a UNEP funded Fisheries Expert at the Ad Hoc Working Group Meeting on Marine Assessment at the United Nations Headquarters in New York in 2007, and a lead consultant for socio-economics studies for the Establishment of Marine Protected Areas in the Yawri Bay of Sierra Leone under the Regional Coastal Zone Management Project funded by Wetlands International. Mr. Sei is a member of the International Council for Ecological Modeling (ICEM), a winner of the Belgian Development Cooperation Scholarship Program, Flemish Interuniversity Council in Belgium (VLIR), 2003, a winner of the International Ocean Institute Fellowship in Ocean Governance in 2006. He is currently a holder of the United Nations Fellowship in Legal Affairs and the Law of the Sea and a 2010 Intern at the Department of Legal Affairs and the Law of the Sea, United Nations Headquarters, New York, USA. He has attended numerous international conferences in Ocean Governance and he has written series of reports and articles. Mr. Sei is married with two children. [Jul. 2010]

Malcolm Seisay was born in Bonthe Sherbro. He is an alumnus of Albert Academy (class of 66) and Hampton University, with further studies at George Washington University. He is a U.S. Army vietnam-era veteran currently residing in American Canyon, Northern California. [Apr. 2011]

Dr. Mohamed B.D. Seisay hails from Bonthe Town and attended the Bo Government Secondary School in Bo and Fourah Bay College in Freetown. He has Msc and PhD degrees in fish population ecology from the University of Wales, United Kingdom. His main professional interest is now in the area of promoting good governance for sustainable fisheries exploitation and management, including fisheries policy fisheries development, formulation of fisheries managemen plans and implementation strategy, promoting responsible fisheries etc. He is presently the Regional Fisheries Consultant with the Guinea Current Large Marine Ecosystem Project executed by UNIDO . The Regional Coordination Unit of the Project is based in Accra, Ghana. [Apr. 2011]

Almamy Razak Seray-Wurie was born to Muhammadu Alieu Sie of Foulah Town and Tenneh Goba Bengeh of Moyamba. He trained at Milton Margai Teachers College and City University of New York. Currently, Pre-K Teacher at Grand Street Settlement and Tutor at Bronx Community College. Lives in Queens with wife and two children. [Mar. 2010]

Muctarr Sesay was born in Freetown, and attended Albert Academy. He is a biochemist (Ph.D) and currently involved in drug discovery and development for a biopharmaceutical company in the U.S.A. He resides in Florida, U.S.A. [Apr. 2010]

Susan Shepler was a Peace Corps Volunteer at Gbendembu Secondary School from 1987 to 1989. She completed a PhD at the University of California, Berkeley on the reintegration of former child soldiers in Sierra Leone. She is an Assistant Professor at American University in the School of International Service, where she teaches courses on Conflict in Africa and on Youth and Conflict. She is married to Wusu Kargbo of Rogbin, Sierra Leone. They live in Washington D.C. [Apr. 2011]

Dr. Mohamed Abdul Sheriff attended Bo Government Secondary School, Christ the King College, Fourah Bay College and the London School of Economics and Political Science. He taught at St. Joseph's in Freetown and at the Institute of Public Administration and Management (IPAM), Tower Hill, Freetown. He currently lives in London, U.K., where he is Principal Lecturer and Director of Postgraduate programmes in Business Information Systems, School of Engineering and Information Sciences, Middlesex University. [Mar. 2010].

Ousmann Sheriff a.k.a Jalohmee. hails from Sanda, a village called Rokullan in Northern Sierra Leone, where he started his educational pursuit at the B.D.E.C Primary School, and went to The Bo Government Secondary school in Bo and St. Francis Secondary school in Makeni. He later proceeded to the Njala University College to earn his under-graduate BSc Degree in Agricultural Science. He worked for the Port Loko Agricultural development Project (PLADP) in Port Loko as an Agricultural Extension Officer and later left for the Netherlands where he bagged a certificate from the International Agricultural Centre (IAC). His unquenchable thirst for education did not seem to have waned. He migrated to the United Kingdom and entered Wye College, University of London to crack a Masters degree in Agricultural Economics, specialising in Development. He later entered University of Greenwich in London to study mental health nursing. He is a practising a psychiatric mental health nurse, and also working with relief volunteer organisations. He currently lived in Romford in the United Kingdom with his wife Ramata Dibba Jalloh and daughters, Adama, Mariama, Haja, Bintu and Assanatu Sheriff-Jalloh. [Feb. 2010]

Rev. Tom Sundima Simbo was born in Freetown and grew up in Njama, Kowa Chiefdom, Moyamba District. He attended UMC Primary School, Njama, and Taima Secondary School, Taima Kori Chiefdom, Moyamba District. After graduation from high school, he entered the sacred ministry and commenced his ministry training at a pentecostal mission, Maforki Bible Institute in Port Loko. He was pastor in Port Loko between 1976 and 1980. He later worked with the United Brethren in Christ (UBC) as pastor in Mattru Jong, Bumpe and Wellington from 1981 to 1993. He earned his Diploma and Bachelor of Theology degree from the Sierra Leone Bible College in Jui and Baptist Theological Seminary, Paynesville, Liberia. He joined the Evangelical Fellowship of Sierra Leone, an umbrella evangelical non-governmental organization with headquarters in Freetown, as Senior staff, Director of Evangelism and Church Ministries. In this position, he travelled extensively around Sierra Leone, training church leaders and preaching the gospel. He served as consultant for the Holland-based Christian NGO Samaritans Purse to launch ministry programs in Dar-El Salam, Tanzania and Conakry, Guinea in 2000 and 1998, respectively. He was an executive member of the Inter-Religious Council of Sierra Leone, which was formed in April 1997 to foster religious unity and awareness. He and other members of the Council were very instrumental in mounting pressure on the AFRC Junta to hand power back to the democratically-elected government in 1998. He was also one of the members who traveled the Sub-region - Guinea, Liberia and Nigeria -to advocate for the cessation of hostilities wrought by the RUF. He left the shores of Sierra Leone in 2002 for the U.S.A. He is now happily located in Englewood, Colorado with his lovely wife Elizabeth of 28 years and their four daughters. He holds an MA degree in Counseling Ministries from the Denver Seminary, and serves Supervisory position at the Hyatt Hotel in Denver, Internship Chaplain at the Denver VA Medical Center, and serves on the Board of Directors of the Rocky Mountain Survivors Center. [May 2009]

Jim and Betty Jo Smith were Peace Corps Volunteers in Makeni in 1982. They now live in Denver, Colorado, U.S.A. [Mar. 2010]

Sallu A.M. Sonjor, popularly known as Sonjorise was born to Madam Sallay Sonjor and late Mr. Alhassan Sonjor in Gbap Village, Nongoba Bullum Chiefdom, Bonthe District in Sierra Leone. He attended various learning institutions including Duramany Sesay Memorial ICS Primary; Bonthe Secondary School, Christ the King College, Fourah Bay College and the Institute of Public Administration and Management. After early graduation from college, his mother land by then been ravaged by a senseless rebel war, he migrated to Gambia West Africa. In Gambia, he worked as a lecturer at the Gambia Technical Training Institute, as a tutor at the Marina International School and as an IT training manager at the African Information and Technology Holdings Limited [AITH]. Full of Dynamism and eager to learn, he moved to Germany in year 2000 to pursue a master’s degree in Environmental Protection and Regional Planning. In Germany he attended various institutions among which were the University of Leipzig, Dresden University of Technology, and media project training centre He is currently an Environmental Engineer and Web programmer who fluently speaks both English and German. At an early age, Sallu was always willing to serve. He was senior prefect, Bonthe Secondary School and health prefect in Christ the King College–Bo, during 1989/1990 academic year. That same academic year saw him also as Sport Captain of Saint Eugeno House. As sport captain, he mobilised his fellow students which made that house earned a 2nd position at the end of the sport competition. After graduating from Christ the King College, he taught at the Moyamba boys Secondary School now Fergusson Memorial Secondary School in Moyamba. As one of the House masters during his short stay at the school, he worked hard which saw the Gulama house wining admirable silver cups. In Fourah Bay College, he was a member of the students representative council, a post he resigned after been appointed a Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Education in the Student Union government. In the Geography department at Fourah Bay College he was made Secretary General of the Students Geographical Association. Above all, he was President of the Bonthe District Students Union [BONDSU], during 1993/1994 academic year. In Gambia he mobilized the Bonthe Community to form the Bonthe Descendants Association [BONDA] of which he became the Secretary General. In Germany, he helped put Sierra Leone on the map of the University and the town of Dresden by organising, in collaboration with the University, the Sierra Leone socio cultural events. [Aug. 2009]

David and Gale Swenson lived in Sierra Leone from 1972 to 1974. Both worked for Sierra Rutile and lived in Mobimbi. David was the Chief Chemist and Gale was the Secretary to the Managing Director. Currently, David and Gale live in Minneapolis, Minnesota, U.S.A. [Apr. 2011]

Festus A. Tarawalie is presently working for Vatican Radio (The English Programme for Africa). He is also a member of Sierra Leone's representation at IFAD, FAO, and WFP, the three Rome-based agencies specializing in agriculture, food and rural livelihoods. Festus was head boy (senior prefect) of St. Francis Secondary School in Makeni during the 1986/87 academic year. He subsequently taught at the same school for two years. He holds a PhD in communication and rural development following years of study in Rome, Italy. He is a member of the Geneva-based International Union of Catholic Journalists (UCIP) and his hobbies include traveling, rural development issues, and news. [Apr. 2011]

Matilda (George) Taylor-Young (Mrs Charid-Dumbuya) attended YWCA Vocational Institute (1966 to 1971). She taught Commerce and Religious Knowledge at the Sierra Leone Commercial Institute (1971-1972) and worked for Sierra Leone Airways/Airlines (1972 to 1987). She lived at Elk Street from birth until 1966 and then in the west end of Freetown until 1987. Her last address in Freetown was Marjay Town, Goderich. She is currently living in London. Educated at Kings College University and City University U.K. Nurse Practitioner/Practice Educator Lambeth South & Lewisham 1997-2003; Senior Lecturer Thames Valley University London 2003-2009 [Retired] but not tired. Formerly Mrs George; her children include Princess Carolyn George [Mrs George-Davies], Desmond George and Roseanna George. Nieces/nephew Rachael Olayemi Niger [Mrs Owens], Angela Taylor-Harding [Mrs Momoh], Cornelious co*ker. Adopted Daughter: Cecilia Kargbo [Mrs Peters]. [Mar. 2010]

V.J. Temple, MSc; Ph.D.; C.Biol; M.S.B (M. I. Biol)., attended Prince of Wales Secondary School and, from 1971 to 1980, Moscow State University. He was an Associate Professor in the Department of Biochemistry, College of Medicine and Allied Health Sciences, University of Sierra Leone. The AFRC military coup took place one month after his arrival in Freetown to take up his appointment at the COMAHS USL, and one month after the coup he left to join his wife and children in Riga, Latvia, the name of his wife, Olga Kitty Temple. Prior to his arrival in Sierra Leone, he was an Associate Professor in Biochemistry in the Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Jos, in Plateau State, Nigeria. He was a Docent in the department of Medical Biochemistry in the Latvian Medical Academy in Riga Latvia. He is currently Professor of Clinical Biochemistry, Chairman of Basic Medical Sciences (BMS) and Head of Discipline of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology in the Division of BMS, School of Medicine and Health Sciences (SMHS), University of Papua New Guinea (UPNG), Papua New Guinea (PNG). He is also the Director of the Micronutrient Research Laboratory in the SMHS UPNG. His current research areas include: Thyroid dysfunction in Infants and Mothers, improving the nutrition status of people living with HIV/AIDS, with special interest in nutrition status of infants and mothers with HIV/AIDS. He has completed several research projects and published several research papers in the area of micronutrient deficiency (Iron, Iodine, Thiamine, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Zinc). Member, American Society for Nutrition (ASN). [Apr. 2011]

Francis N. Thomas Jr. attended Bo School (Government Secondary School, Bo) and Government Secondary School, Kenema. He resides in Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A. and attended Northeastern University (Boston) for undergraduate and Bentley College (Boston) for graduate degrees. He currently works as Deputy Commissioner of Administration & Finance in City of Boston Commission on Affairs of the Elderly. He is a member of the National Association of Black Accountants, Inc. (past president of the Boston Chapter, and former Eastern Region vice president), chairman Board of Directors of Wanword Progressive Foundation, Inc., Board of Director of Salone Healthcare Services, Inc., and member of the Mount Ida School of Business Visiting Advisory Council. [Apr. 2011]

Thane Thompson was a Peace Corps Volunteer in Kabala and Njala from 1992 to 1994, working on agriculture projects dealing with work-oxen and animal production. He has a Master's degree in Environmental Policy and Natural Resource Management from Indiana University. He currently works for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Office of Inspector General, and is trying his hand at the bakery business. Thane and his wife Tamilyn have two daughters, Cora and Avery. [Apr. 2011]

Rachael Patricia Thorpe currently lives in western Freetown. She attended the Central Nursery School, Tower Hill Municipal School and the Methodist Girls' High School. She works for Rokel Commercial Bank (SL) Limited, and has many professional certificates in Secretarial Studies. [Jul. 2009]

Teddy Abioseh Thorpe attended Methodist Boys' High School (1961 to 1965) and Fourah Bay College (1967 to 1971) He taught Geography at the Annie Walsh and St. Helena Secondary Schools (1972 to 1975). He worked for Sierra Leone Airways (1975 to 1981), the Commonwealth Secretariat in London (1981 to 1989). He moved to Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A. (1989 to 1994). He is currently in Atlanta, Georgia where he has worked as a residential real estate broker since 2004. [Mar. 2010]

Karen Ulberg was a Peace Corps Volunteer from 1972 to 1974 at St. Andrew's Secondary School in Bo. She is now in Raleigh, North Carolina, U.S.A. [Mar. 2010]

Chuck and Barbara Vaughn lived and worked in the town of Rogbin, Bombali District, Northern Province. They currently live in Ukiah, California, U.S.A. Chuck works for the Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources of the University of California, and Barbara is a first grade teacher. They have two daughters, Darcy and Sara. [Jul. 2009]

Jaap W. J. Verhey van Wijk was Regional Manager of KLM Royal Dutch Airlines until the 1997 coup. He now resides in the Philippines, but will relocate to Cape Town, South Africa in September 2009. [Jul. 2009]

DarEll T. Weist lived in Bo from 1973 to 1976, where he taught theological education for the United Methodist Church. He currently lives in Pasadena, California, U.S.A. [Apr. 2011]

Syerramia Willoughby is from Freetown. She is currently working as a journalist in London, England, U.K. [Apr. 2010]

Paul A. Wilson taught at Yonibana Secondary School, Tonkolili District, from September 1971 to June 1974 as a CUSO volunteer. On his return to Canada, he took a Masters Degree in International Development at the University of Toronto. Following that, he worked for fifteen years in the field of Community Development for the Toronto Board of Education. In 1988/89 he went to work in Cross River State, Nigeria, to do community development work. In 1992 he went back to university to get his teaching certificate, and taught public elementary school students until June 2008, when he retired as a permanent teacher. Paul is currently an occasional teacher. He became active working with the local Rwandan community in 1998 joining an NGO called Hope for Rwanda's Children's Fund. He has travelled to Rwanda three times and remains active with Hope. On one of those trips in 2006 he had the joy of marrying his partner, Dada Gasirabo, at a traditional Rwandan ceremony, in Kigali. They live together in Toronto, Ontario, Canada where Dada works in the Francophone community on programs to prevent abuse against women. [Mar. 2010]

Dr. Dennis Wilson-Cole was born and raised in Kissy, Freetown. He is an alumnus of Kissy Primary School, Prince of Wales School, the Institute of Public Administration and Management - University of Sierra Leone, Emile Woolf College of Accountancy, Middlesex and Kingston Universities. He is a chartered accountant and management consultant. He lectures graduate and research students in various financial management, company and charity law modules. His research interests include Enterprise Governance, UK & European Union Company Law, Corporate Social Reporting, Emerging Economies (BRIC - Brazil, Russia, India and China) and Financial Management in SMEs. His past employers and clients include the world-renowned London School of Economics, Pannell Kerr Forster (international firm of chartered accountants and business advisers); Her Majesty's Treasury, The Lord Chancellor's Department, Investors in People UK, The Centre for Tomorrow's Company, Diabetes UK, The Insurance Charities and the London Boroughs of Newham and Croydon. He is a non-executive director, trustee, honorary treasurer and Corporate Governance adviser to many SMEs and third sector organisations in London, northern Home Counties and the West Midlands. He is married to Marilyn Sylvia (a British child development specialist with Caribbean ancestry) and they have a daughter, Chantelle Adeyemi Denise. They are Seventh-day Adventists living in London, England. [Apr. 2011]

Jon Wright was born in Port Loko, and grew up in Freetown, where he attended St. Edward's Primary and Secondary School. He came to the U.S. in 1978, and lived in New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania. He now resides in Santa Clara, California (Silicon Valley) where he is a Senior Systems Engineer with Intel Corporation. [Mar. 2010]

Lloyd Ziegler was a Peace Corps Volunteer from 1969 to 1972, teach math and science at Holy Trinity Secondary School in Kenema. He taught high school math for many years in the United States. He is now a beekeeper in Oklahoma. Recently has been working in Uganda in the Rwenzori region with LIDEFO, teaching beekeeping to the rural communities in the mountains. [Apr. 2011]

Sierra Leone Web - Biographies, A through F (2024)
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