San Francisco Chronicle from San Francisco, California (2024)


M. Star A San Pedro tor inn, Francisco miles north of Point Vincent. Stmr WILLAMETTE-San Pedro: tor. San Fran10. miles north of Polut Vincent.

Stmr. ADMIRAL WATSON-Seattle Con San Francisco: 10 miles from Seattle. Stmr H. 1. 800TT- for San Pedro; oft Marrowstone.

Stmr EL miles BEG UNDO- Richmond for Point Wells; from Point Wells, Stir off NOME Hook. CITY -Mukilteo tor Saul Francisco; Stmr. NORTHWESTERN for off Turn Point. Stmr off ROSE Tillamook CITY -Portland for San Francisco, rook. don: 212 GRACE DOLLAR- San Francisco for.

BanStmr miles north of San Francisco. miles north MAVERICK- of tor Richmonds 188 Stmr. San Francisco. Stmr elsco: on CORONADO Gray's harbor: for San FranCape Blanco. Stir for San Francisco; 11 milon south of Cape Mendoolpo, Stmr.

south of DRAKE -Richmond for Seattle: 6, miles Cape Blanco, Stmr river: 12 HOOPER San Francisco for miles porth of northwest soul rock. Stmr miles north CELILO--San Francisco tor Portinod; 50 of Blunt's reef. Stmt 30. ADELINE miles SMITE- COON BAY tor San south of Coos bay. FranStmr NANN SMITH- Coos bay for San cisco: 82 miles south of CooN bAY.

miles San Francisco for Portland: Btmr south or Cupe Stmr South FALCON Parallove -Port Islands. Angeles for San Pedro: off Bemp RICHMOND-Seattle for Richmond; 27 miles from Richmond, Stmr OATANIA -Portland for Port San Luis: 77 miles south of San. Francisco. SATURDAY, AUGUST 15, 5 P. M.

Stmr -San. Francisco for San Pedro: miles south of Pigeon point. Stmr WITTIER -Port San Luis to off. Point Bury Stmr HERRIN- for Monterey; 106 milon from. Monterey.

Stmr SANTA CLARA- -Port San Luis tor Ban Francisco: 10 milon mouth or Pedras Stmr PREBIDENT San Francisco for Seattia; miles porth of Point Arena, 124 OLEUM -Port Hartord for San Francisco; miles south of San Francisco. A HYADES: Honolulu Tor SAD Francisco: 248" out. -Stmr GOVERNOR- Seattle for San, Francisco: 10 north of Cape Stmr HUBBARD- -San Pedro for Astoria: 120. miles south of Columbia river. Stmr Astoria for San Francisco: .20 miles north of Caper Blanco.

Stmr BUCK -Drerett for Monterey: 290 miles from Everette 8tmr ASUNCION-E1 Segundo for Aberdeen; 25 miles north of Cape Blanco, FRIDAY, AUGUST 14, 8 P. M. Stmr Ketchikan ALAMEDA- 1 P. Seattle for Alaska left Stir VICTORIA for Seattle: 10 miles east of Cape WINDBER- -King Cove for Bellingham: 000 miles wort of Cape Flattery. Stmr SONOMA- -Honolulu for San Francisco: left Honolulu, 7 P.

N. Stmr MANOA- call for Ello: leaving Khanacall, Stmt OH -Monterey for 1708 miles out. Stmr MATSONIA- -San Francisco for. Honolulu; 894 miles out. Stmr HILONIAN- Seattle for Honolulus 780 (miles from Diamond Stmr WILHELMDIA- Honolulu for Ban Frencinco: 1278 miles, out, ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES POINT LOBOS, August 15, 5 P.

Weath or, thick: wind, northwest; voloolty, 15. miles. ARRIVED AUGUST 15. to Stmr MANDALAY, Jobnson, 88- hours from Crescent 2:86 A Mg bound souths PALE lu for Stmr Gray's TAMALPAIS, harbor; 145 A Anderson, -61 boura from 075. lumber to Wood Lumber Co.

LOGAN, Williams, 81 daze 6 hours 19 minutes from Manila, via Nagasaki 26 days minutes, Honolulu 8 day: 5 hours 46 minutes A pass to Govt, Stmr WHITESBORO, Ny bourg from Green wood; 6110. A 200 lumber to. White Stir Fort Wahlgren, 14, hours from Bragg; 6.40 800 lumber, 2200 HER to Union Lumber Co. Stir from TAMES Luis: HIGGINS, 7:90 Swanson, 28. bours.

Port San A 280 lumber to El Higgins Stmr FRANUIS LEGGETT, Maro, 64 hours from Gray a harbor: 8:80 A bound south, called in for pass and fuel. Stmr land, Vin ROANOKE, Astoria 54 9 hours A from Port, 46 TE PASS mdse. to North Pacito 6 Co. Stmr NAVAJO, Jacobsen, 37 hours from Colum bia river; D.15 A 1800 toNE 700 lumber 900 tons mase tp. Swayne Hoyt, Stmr! HARVARD, 17 hours 42 min.

utes from Ban Pedro; pass and so to Navigation Cor Stmr DAMARA, Coonan, dave from Ancon, via Ban Pedro: 82 hours; mdse to Luckenbach 8 8 Co. atmr HYNDFORD, Horne. 19 el from Otaru: 5:40 Mg indie to Mitsul Stmr RICHMOND, Bridgett, from Seattie: 9:20 ballast to Standard oll Co. CLEARED AUGUST 15. Stmr PRESIDENT, Zeh, Victoria and.

Seattle; Pacino Coast Stir ADMIRAL FARRAGUT, Brennan, Seattle; Stmr Pacino DAISY Alaska 8 Co. Smith, Portland: Swayno Host Stmr HARVARD, Stremmel, Los Angeles; Pa oldie Navigation Co. Bri Stmr OAPE FINISTERRE, Wilson, Aberdeen; Robert Dollar SAILED AUGUST 15, Sohr GAMBLE, Lund, Port Gamble: 9:15 A M. Bohr HUGH HOGAN, Rotu, Florence, In tow of tug 0:20 A M. Sohr SAUSALITO, Florence, in tow of tor Hercules: 9:80 GEORGE LOOMIS, Phillips, Gaviota: 0146 Stmr MANDALAY, Johnson, Ken Pedro: 10:20 A Stmr Senitie: 12:30 M.

Stmr I A KILDURN, in 12:30 M. Stmr DAISY. FREEMAN, Devitt, Willapa bar. bor 12 M. Stir FRANOIS LEOGETT, Maro, Ban- Pedro: 2.20.

U. 8 BOUTH DAKOTA Honolulu, with submarine 8. 1,46 P.M.. WEST VIRGINIA, Honosubmarine 8 4 In tow: 8:40 8tmr HARVARD, stremmel, Los Angeles: 4,20 PI Simp NORTH PORK, Nelson, Dureke: 6:80 Stmr FAIR HARDY, OAKE, Michelsen, Lawson, CooN Aberdeen: bast 5:35 5:40 P. N.

Stmr JAMES 8 HIGGINS, Swanson, Port Bragk: 5:501 M. Stmr DEL NORTE, Sanford. Crescent 6160 P. M. Stmr NOXO, 8:50 M.

JIM Winkel, Puget, Sound: Stmr. WASHTENAW. Broch, Port San Dale; 7 Stmr DAISY GADEBY Smith. Portland 8 Stmr ADMIRAL, FARRAGUT, Brennan; Newttle; 0120 P. M.

PANNED AT NEA. By DAMARA- -Aug 15, 5 miles: southwest of Lightship, Ger war Delpsie. SPOKEN. Tr bark BABIN CHEVAYE, from Rotterdam for San July 31 Ion 10 W. Br ship DUDHOPE, from Hamburg for San Diego 60 N.

lon Br GALGATE, from Antwerp tor San FranJury 11, lat 2 N. W. Bohr SPOKANE, hence 1 for Ludlow, by Br stmr River Forth; Ang 14, 40 miles south of Tatoosh. Stmr UNITED STATES. Copenhagen for Now York: Aug 16, 12 M.

1058 miles oust of Sandy Hook: dock, about 8 A M. Tuesday. COAST PORTS ABERDEEN- -Arrived Aug 16, 8 atmr Lindauer, hence 12, Aug 15, 6 stmr: Rose City for San Francisco, Edgar Vance Arrived from San Aug Pedro; 15, A stmr hence 18. Salted Aug 16, 4 A M. atmr Multnomah for San Francisco: Dainy Putnam for San Francisco: for San Pedro.

BANDON Salled Aug 16, 6:30 M. atmo Elizabeth for San Francisco. BANDON Salled AUK 10, 5 A M. sobr took for Portland. CORDOVA -Sailed Aug 14, -stmr Victoria for Senttle.

EUREKA Arrived Aug Sun 15, 6 A 2 stmr Ham Murphy from Pedro; stint Hanalel, hence -14. Sailed Aug 15 1 Atmr Prentina: stmr Aene for San Francisco 3 stmr Lakme for San Francisco: Vanguard for San Pedro: 5 M. Santa Monica for San Francisco: 6 atmr Bowdoin for San Per dro; 5 P. Olty of Topeka for San FORT BRAGG- Aug 16, stmr Nahence 14. Salled Aug 15, stmr Spokane for Skagway Aug 14, atmr Alameda for Condo HURT or Seattle for Seattle: POINT REYES Passed Aug 10, A atmr Solano from Willape for San Pedro: 10:30 M.

Atmr Catania from Portland. for Port SaD: PORT ANGELES -Arrived -Aug 15, 4 stmr. Nome A henge Br 12. Salled Aug 10 9 M. Strathenk for: Port Jirle, vIa Newcastle, Aus.

PORT. LUDLOW Aug 15, sobr James Bruce for San Francisco, Arrived Aug 10. star Rainier, hence 12. PORT BAN LUIS Arrived Aug 16, 12:30 A M. stmr Whittier, bence 14: 1 A Oleum Hay -from Ventures 9 stmr.

Santa Clara from Sam Sulled Aug 10 M. stair Con Ban Francisco: 12 stmr. Oleum for San Fran Cisco: 8 A M. Goos Bay for San Clara, tor San PORT TOWNS Sulled AUK 15, Br bark Andromeda for Tacoma: San Mohr James 1. Bruce from Port Ludlow for Francisco, Arrived Aux 10 Br.

stmr Strathesk from Port Angules, with list to port. BAN DIEGO Arrived An 15, 5 Br atman Queen Helena from Norfolk: Jap war atmr 1d. suma Troin Mexico. Halled Aug 15, yacht Lucero for cruise. SAN AUR 14 Br Clam Trout Hongkong.

Aug 15, mime Yale, hence 14; Mastairy from San Diegos atmr Apolitie, hence 181 atmr Beaver, benco 14; Br stmr Frimley from Antwerp. Sailed AuK 15. atmrs Willa mette, Klamath, Bandou. Aroline and Harbor for San Francisco: RtmIr Yale for Sau Dioxo, BANTA BARBARA Arrived Aug 16, stIr Raymond from San Podro and Mulled for Pranciaco. BANTA CRUZ Arrived.

Aug 16, 10 yacht Marion, hence 14. SEATTLE -Salled Aug 14, atmr. Delhi for SKAgWAY. 15 Humboldt for 0 atmr Honolulan ton San Prancison: atmr Admiral Watson for Sau Franalano. Arrived Aug 10, Br atmr River Porth from Portland.

BEWARD -Salled Aug 18, stmr Admiral Sampson for. Valdos. -Salted Aug 14, atme Tomerson for Seattle SOUTH BEND. Sailed Aug 10. 8:10 stmr Santa for San Pranolien, TACOM A Arrived Ads 10, Br bark An dromeda from Port Townsend, Harbor News Valen TRANSPORT LOGAN ARRIVES.

Arriving at thin port too to pass quarantine Friday night the oina: Mail Panama liner Sun Juan. Captwin C. E. Stewart, from Balboa via WAS boarded startly Central American and Mexionn ports, yesterday by quarantine and custome offloials, and docked at Pier 42 before 8 block. The San Juan carried small 1186 of passengers, there boing lice number In the steerage only fourteen in the, first cabl.

And A Captain Stewart reports an uneventful voyage up the coast pleasant weather conditions being encountered throughout No vessels of the beillgerent foreign powers were spoken on the voyage, and officers and passengers on the vessel were in Ignorance as the war conditions from the time she steamed from Mazatian until he was. boarded yosterday morning and Chrondoles were distributed among those on board. The San, Juan brought itsoellaneous cargo of Bastern, Central American and Mexican merchandise of 30,420 tone, In addition to nine paakages of mall and two packages 00 treasures Among the cabin passengers, arrivIng on the San Jun wore Carl. Vogt, man, German business men of MaratWilliam Madrian and. Wilhelm LogeIan, who are on their, way to join the German reserves, in which they.

hold commissions as Junior lloutenants. The trio stated that Intense excitement vailed over the Duropoa: conf among the Germans of Mazatian and that a number more would follow them to rally to the support of their country's flog, Andrew Carrigan son of Andrew Carrigan of the local firm of Dunham, Carrigan Hayden, WAR another of the San Juan's passengers, Carrigan comes from New York vin the canal zone. The complete list of cabin pastengers arriving on the liner was as follows. Joseph W. Arms, Andrew Carrigan Jr.

Gertrudes de Rosa, Manuel 105- trada, Manuel Estrada Blanca Rose de Estrada, wilhelm Logemann, WItlam Mandrian, Antonio M. Martinez, Joseph C. Perritt, Isadora Maria Rosa, Arthur Bi Stuart, Carl Vost, Maria Te The United States Army transport Logan, Captain Williams, arrived here, early yesterday, morning from Manila via Nagasaki and Honor Juli bringing 149 Arst-class passengers, sixty seven in the second class and 1020 troops. Captain Williams staton that an uneventful TOS HEE WAS experienced, with the excoption of the receipt of news of the European conflict when taree days out of Honolulu, which onused. no little excitement amoug those ou board the Owing to the bottom of the transport belug foul, she made slow progress, logging on 4 t1 average of 219 miles A das.

A remarkable tHot, however, WAS (baD on 0110 day, whlle nearing this coast. the vessel made record run of 820 miles, despite ber condition, Among the Logan's passengers wore Thomas G. Hanson son of Major Thomas Hanson, who returns from trip the Philippines O' to Farrell enter, University of California, Knight, son of Lieutenant-Colonel. John U. Knight.

0. D. general. superintendent of the Army transport, service, who: also returna from a trip to the Orient to enter West Polat. SHINYO GOES TO DRYDOCK.

For the Arst time since the inauguration of the Toyo Kalkba service to this port. one of the company's big liners, the Shinyo Maru, was drydocked vesterday afternoon at Hunter A Point, FIt was annonnced Friday that the Shinyo would be delayed in steaming from thin. port ow lug to the Deceasity for repaira, but the extent of those was not learned- until survey was, maco, and It way found that several of the bow pluton of the big vessel had been sprung to such An extent that It would be to send her to son. Orbcials of the company deny that the European War ban anything to do with the Shinyo being detained In this port and state that immediately upon the completion of the repairs she will load for the Orient. The liner o.

Maru of the SHIDO compaus, steamed from Yokobama for this port Friday, carrying A rich cargo of silk and other Oriental merchandise. CRUISERS STRAM FOR HONOLULU. The United Stater armored cruiser8 South Dakota and West Virginia steamed from this port shortly after 3 o'clock afternoon towing the now submarine torpedo Boats 8 and 8 The cruisers with their town will go directly (o Honolulu, where they a no under orders to remain until further notion, which' in all probability means until the tenminution of the present European Each submarine carries a full crow and suppiles for Ave days, being the Intention to replenish the latter when midway between thin port. and Honolulu. Owing to the fact that the submarines are subject to a 60 por cent roll when In HON WAY, it antluipated that their grown will have tar from enfor Able to the islande and to preparation for the long grind quantities of have been added to their atorex as it bus been found by previous, oxpertenne that thin frutt forms the only Receptable diet on such FOrAge.

PAC SERVICE. Alaska trade, GERMAN CRUISER SIGHTED. Announcement was made vesterday by President Alexander of the Alaska Navigation Company that the two new coasters, AdDewey and Admiral Sohley, com pleted for that concern, will go Into service on San Francisco Seattle run during the first week of September, The vossels: will cut the tline between this port and Seattle by several hours and owing to their speed, and com fort, should prove poDular. with the traveling pub 110 from the outset The steamship Admiral Watson, at present operated on the run. will be Inid up at Seattle and entirely rebuilt alolg the lines of the Admiral EvaDE, for the The: Luckenbach freighter Damarn, which anrived In this port: Inte yesterday afternoon, bringing A large cargo Pedro, of general merchandise from Ancon, San sighted the German oruiser.

off the lightship and apparentcruising In a southern direction. Captain Coonan of the Damara Minted that the German vessel was not. spoken and that she paid no Attention to the parking of. the, despite the distance fact from that ber that was impossible to toll the latter vessel WAR at such WHAt ONE Abe was dying. BRITISH FREIGHTER CLEARS.

will steam for Honolulus Tuesday, ARMY TRANSPORTS. Crook in In port. The British freighter. Cape Finisterre of the Robert, Dollar cleared afternoon from this port for Aberdeen, whor* she will lond cargo of lumber. Although of the Robert Dollar Company.

gave 110 Information an tor the" time of the departure from thin port. It Was expected alone the water Front that she would steam late Wilson list of the night Cape or curly thin morning. Captain Finisterno IN thoroughly familiar with and the will Do sition of the German cruiser Leipzig kemp well Inside the three mile limit on his voyage up the 1k In order to as. avoid extromely capture, nolikely. a8 the vessel 18 without cargo and whloh.

however. lopked upon be a hindrance. rather than valuable prize to the German Aghting ship. MISCELLANEOUS NOTES. The Jebsen line steamship Mazatian, which has recently been changed from German to Mexican registry, will steam from this port for Ensenada, and other Moxionn ports tomorrow afternoon.

The Hugh Hogan left for Hercules. Slumlaw Yesterday morning in tow of the tug arrived The schooner yacht Marian at Santa at 10 o'clock yesterday morning from this port. A wire to the marine department of the Chamber of Commerce. from the orew the yacht states that nothing WAR seen of tbe arulsen The North Pacino Const steamship Roanoke, which arrived hero rosterday morning from Portland and Astoria, brought full list of passeR germ and large genoral cargo, which included quantity of dour. The MatRon freighter Hyaden is.

sobeduled to arrive, from tomorrow. morning. The passenger launch which his been bullding for the Peterson Launch Company R6 Anderson yards will be Oakland launched today. The craft. will be taken to creek, where she will bave her engine installed, and will them go Into service liner hore: Sierra, which has The Oceanto been at the Union Iron WorkH for some woke undergoing repairs.

Including the Installation of new port propeller and tall What, will steam Con. Honolulu Tuesday. The Matson liner furline, Captain M. wards, The Sherman 18 At The Sheridan 1. in port.

The Buford Thomas In left in here port. August 5th for Manila. The Logan arrived here from Manila Jester- EASTERN PORTS. NEW YORK Aug 16, atmr: Kroonland. for stmr Minnetonka for London: Rochambonu for Hayre: stmr America: for Napier: for San Francisco: atmr Saxonia for Liverpool: atmr Potsdam for Rots terd a oN Aug 14, star Mexican for 8am Frane180o.

NORFOLK -Arrived Aug 14, Br atmr Cacique from Antwerp for San Francisco. PROVIDENCE Arrived Aug stmr Ger mania from Marseilles for New. York, Bankrupte, Cane -Petitions in bank. ruptey were died yesterday by the, D. grocer, Berkeley, If $720.

asseta George Millch, Oakland, $900 69: James F. Keel, policeman, Oakland, Mabilities 8005 50. A A A Weather Report United Staten Department of Agricolture, San Cal. August: 15. RAINFALL DATA.

Last Seasonal Normal Seasonal Stations- 24 boura, to date. to date, Last Yr. Eureka .00 .01 .14 .29 Red Blunt .00 .00 Sacramento ,00 .00 ,01 Mt. .00 San Francisco. Sun Fresno 1.00 Independence .00 San Lon Luis Oblapo: .00 03 Angeles.

.00 Diego .00 The weather Is cloudy over the northern portion of the Pacino Slope. Northern Rocky mount tain region and Southern pinteau states. Elsewhere west of the Mississippi river 16 is fair. Showers and. thunderstorms reported from the Quit and Atlantic states.

The temperature has risen over the Missouri valley and fallen over the North. PAcito Conditions are la vorable for' fair and seasonabie weather In this distriot Sunday. Pollowing are the bight and low temperatures reported yesterday. for and Eastera polute: PACIFIC COAST EASTERN. High.

Low. High. Low. Baker 90 58 Abilene 80 70 Boise 06 88 Boston 812 Monte 60 60 go 02 Cbloauo 54 Denver 02 68 I 104 Dow Helena Dodge, City Honolulu Duluth Independence, 88 98 4 Durango Galveston Los 80 Havre Modena 56 Huron Mo 89 70 Jacksonville North 80 54 Kansas City. Onkland 72 50 Knoxville Phoenix 80 Memphis Pocatello 94 Montreal, Pt Reyes 59 8 Moorhead Portland 74 80 New Red.

Blunt 100. 08 New York Reno 90 80 North: 100 Roseburg 78 54 Oklahoma: DO Sacramento 60 Salt. Lake 70 Roswell Ban Diogo 72 89 St. Louts SaD Francisco, Minneapolis Sun. Jose 80 54 Jam pa 3 Oblapo, 80 56 Spokane DO 66 Winnipeg Tacoma 58 Ta tool Tucson 104 90 Walla 94 Yuma 110 82 Precipitation- -Modena trace.

Dastern: Abllone 28, Denver trace, Duluth 40, Galveston .00, Jacksonville :16, trace. New OrJeans .14, North Platte trace. Tampa .01, Wash. .01, Forecasts made at San Francisco for the thirty hours ending at midnight Sunday. August 16th3 'San.

Francisco, Orkland and vicinity- -Fair Sundays light west wind. Sacramento, Valley- Pair Sunday: light south wind. Santa Clara valley -Fair Sunday: light northwest wind. San Joaquin valley -Pair Sunday: light porthwest wind California south of the Sunday: light west. WILLSON, District: Forecaster, A BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, DEATHS BIRTHS.

BAUMBERGER--In this city. August. 10, the wire of Alfred V. Baumberger, of a daughter. In this olty, August 11, the wire of William Cook.

of A son. DAY -In this olty. August 8. the wife of Daniel J. Das R.

daughter, DESMOND- In this city, August 11, the wite of Michael Desmond, of a daughter, this olts. August 5. the wife of Harry Getobell, or daughten. In this city, August 11, the wife of John K. difan, of a daughter.

OR Walter GROW--In I. this Grow, city, of twine. August: a 40D 10, and the a wife daugh of tor. HAND -In this city, Auguat T. the wife of Drane Hand, of a daughter.

KAHL In thin olty, August 10, the wife of Prank Kahl, of NOn. LANG this city, August the wile of Archie Lang, of son. LEARNED--In this alts August the wite of Robert Learned. of a daughter. LE BLOND -In this alts, August 2.

the wire of Luke F. 10. Blond Jr. of a Hon. LUCAS -In this olty.

August 7.0 the wife of Edward C. of HOD. la thin citis. August 10, the wife of Walter MoCurles, of NOU. MeLA this August 11, the wire of Peter Me Laughlin, of 4 daughter.

MoL MOD -In thiN city, August 14, the wife of Jobn 1. McLeod (nee Coppin) of daughter. this elts. August 8. the with of Joha O'Nolll.

of daughter. In this city. August 8, the wife of Frederick 8. Rolandi, of NOn. ROSSINI In this olty, August 8, the wife of Louts Rossini, of a sour SIMMONS- In this city.

August the wife Hardn M. Simmons. of daughter. SPOW ART- -In this city. August 1.

tha wite David A. Spowart, of a daughter. In the August 18. wife of Frank Stan of 8-800. THOMPSON- In this olty, August the wire of George Whom pron of daughter.

WRIGHT -In this city, August 11. the wite of Claude Wright. of daughter, SIMPSON- In tie city, the wife of Lieutenant W. 1. Simpson (Florence Attken).

of soul MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following marriage licenses were Issued In SaD Francisco yesterday: Robert K. Newberg, 28, and Della W. Switzer, 28. both of Visalia Walter Press, aged 29, 2809 Van Nean avenue, and Ethel A.

Ribelro, aged 22, 2402 California street. Albert: Walk 40. ADd Wilhelmina, Baumier, 36, both of 72. Perine, street. Joseph 31, Oakland, and Ann Schroder.

30, 2711 San Jose a venue, Richard P. Wilson, 04. and Bila P. Moss, 88, both of Stockton, Raymond R. 20.

Sacramento, and Flora ence Allen, 28. LOk Angeles. Victor Pekurl, 22, Rockiln, Call, and. Alma Puro, 22, 2185 Fifteenth street. Daniel W.

80, and Tulle Menjoulet, 28, both of BADON. Andrew Skero, 47. and Ida M. Cruiksbank, 40, both of 8650 Seventeenth street, Manuel Rolan, 37, and Mariana de LAIRO, 36, both of 709 Green street? and Henry Viola R. Berka, Bracken, 36, 585 36, 835 Geary Stockton street, Lloyd J.

Myers, 21, 1158 Sutter street, hand Angelena. Lagomarsino, 21. 665 Green street. George Miller, 80, 8048 Sixteenth street, and Helen P. Kelly.

21, 1870 California street. Prank J. Lasar 27. 8280 Twenty-second street, and Teresita Swett, 28, 8294 Twentysixth street. Joseph A.

Stamer. 84, Stockton, and Ethel Stimpiro, 26. 619 Hanover street. James Murphy, 21, 188 Lily, Avenue, and Elizabeth Lynch. 18.

187 Hickory avenue. Babtiate Gene, 61, 1588 Franklin street, and Mario 47. 810 Austin avenue. Withelm Drudzek. .84, 2028 Mission street, and finna.

H. Specht. 80. 1100 Shotwell street. Amor O.

Seamans. 25, 106 Plerce street, and Mattie L. Mo Bournio, 21, 837 Twenty-eighth avenue, Curtis B. Locklin, 34, Nevada: Ofty, and Edithe M. Wheat.

80, Los Angeles, James H. Tonkin 24. Oakland. and Elsie M. Gutter 24.

82. Caselli avenue, William J. Hanley. 28, 2484 Eleventh and Anna D. Clarke.

28, Lynn. Silas H. Canady, 42. Sparked Nev and Anna W. Breltake, 27.

Newton Center, Mass. Otto E. Nettelmann. 25, and Alma: Klueter, 28. both of Berkeley.

Joseph M. Radovich, 23, 504 Vermont street, and. Katherine E. Here, 718 Vermont street. -Monico rides de la Garsa, 37, and Alice Day, 89, both of Sacramento.

George W. Rhinehart, 21, 3754 Harrison street, And F. Hayward, 18,, 1400 Guerrero street. Ernest. Obrist.

28. 449. Ninth street. and Freida 28, 2513 Broadway. and.

Frederiok Faulkner, 38, 884. Stockton street, Mary Hasol Pediar, 20, 440 Arguello bottlevard. Jesse J. Laws, Mentone Hotel, and Roma C. Mauchle, 10, 1537 Clay street.

OAKLAND, August The following marrage licenses were issued here today: Patriok Crawford, aged 29, and May Bankouski, nged 38, both of James H. Thompson, 81, and Irene M. Bible, 21, both of Oakland. (Harry Kendall, 89, Spokane, and Magda: lens Golta. 98, Vanoou ver John J.

Cunningham, 21, and Alma Hynen, 21, both of Oakland. Orlando F. Atkinson. 19, and Gladys M. Keaton, 10, both of Oakland.

Dunmead, 22, and Josie Ayala. 10, both of Oakland. Mantel Oakland. 40, and Junina Hummel, 81, both Truman T. Rboades, 24, and Luella Frambeim, 18, both of Alameda.

Chester C. Hook. 31, ADd Lisa de Martial, 21, both 04 Concord, Contra 3 A BIRTHS MARRIAGES DEATHS From Coast Ports PORTLAND. Special PORTLAND. Dlepatol fo) The -Ofropicle.

August 35. The steamer Boar arrived today From San Francisco and Lion Angeles and the steamer Rose. City for ports, each with full lint of The Norwegian xteamer. Christian: Bora today began With lumber for general cargo from New York and Sun the steamer Santa Coollia arrived today The British steamer Colasa, which had been ordered from Seattle to Portland, was hold last night. for further ordora, at Port Townseud, apparently as the result of a report that Ger.

man orulMer was speeding north from California. The British, Queen Maud la reported to bure salled from Guaymas, Mexico, for Portland to load creosoted ties for India. The Britiku. Perley. witch arrived bere tow daye ago to load grain for the United Kingdom, has been ordered to proceed with her loading, notwithstanding the WILD Your of the on the Brit.

Consul today and asked 1 paid of here, AM they tear the vessel might be captured after leaving Two more Jog rafta will Jeave next week tor San Diego, one for the Benson and one for tbe Hammond company. The steamer Alvarado walled today for Puget sound to. discharge the remainder of her CArgO brought from San Francisco. ASTORIA. well off abore.

SEATTLE. Special, Dispatch to The Chronicle. ASTORIA, August 15. The ktoam schooner Joban. Paulson sailed today for Sati Francisco with cargo of wheat and lumber.

The steamer. Multnomah sailed today for San Francisco with lumber from Portland and St. Helens. steamer Sikkiyou sallied today for San Pedro, with lumber loaded at Wauna, Rainier, Bt. Johns and The 'steamer Dugar H.

Vance arrived today row from San Pedro and loading lumber. Tomore she will be measured to set her rating the Panama canal route, On her. trip south the will tow one of the Hammond Dumber Compay's rafts of piling, to. Ban Francisco. The steamer Daisy Putnam sailed today for San Francisco, Via CooN bay, with general cargo.

The Steamer Paralio arrived today from San Francisco, via Coos bay, with cargo for Portland. On Thursday afternoon off Cape Mendocino she sighted German cruiser patrolling Special Dispatch to The SEATTLE. August The British steamship Riverforth, which met the British sloop of war Algerine off La Push, Washington coast. and was supplying coal to aid the Algerine to set away from pursuing German cruisers when the British cruiser Rainbow appeared to con roy the Airerine to arrived today from Portland for bunker, supplios, preparatory to leaving tomorrow for Bellingham to load cargo of plumber for Australia, The oll tanker Santa Maria arrived today from Port The ofl tanker Captain Laces arrived today. from San Francisco via Port Wells, The United States revenue cutter Unalga rived today from Nosh bay.

The steamer Humboldt, with capacity. cargo and' arty passengers, departed thin morning for Southeastern Alaska. The steamer Admiral with seventy- one passengers and a general cargo, departed today for Southwestern Alaska. The steamer Dolphin, with eighty passengers, departed tonight for Southeastern Alaska. The steamer Admiral Watson.

with seventythree passengers and a general cargo, sailed tor day for San Francisco The steamer Honolulan, with Sour. wheat and salmon, departed today for Now York, Philadelphia and. Boston, Fin San Francisco and the Panama canal. EVERETT, Special Dispatch to The Chroniole: EVERETT, August -The steam sohormer Nome City departed today for San Franciaco. SAN PEDRO.

Special Dispatch to. The Ohroniolo, SAN PEDRO, August 15, The British steamon Primes arrived, today, from Antwerp and will discharge 2000 tons of co*ke and steel and proceed to Sun Francisco, The British steamer. Cloughton is stealing up the Coast to San Francisco, piloted by Captalu 0 F. Hall, who will. keep the vessel well.

Inside the three mile limit for fear of capture: by a here German cruisers The Cloughton disobarged a partial cargo of corn londed at Buenos AXION and proceeded late last night. The steamer Mayfair arrived from Coon Bay with lumber today. Departures in ballast were the mobooner Irene and the steamers Klamath and Willamette for Portland, and the Bandou for Yaquina bey, HUREKA, Special Dispatch to The Chronicle. EUREKA, August 15. The steam schooner TV.

H. Murphy arrived from San Pedro ballast this morning and de Jonding red wood nt Sonth bay. The gasoline schooner Katata crossed In this morning from the Klamath river. The steamer arrived from San Fran cisco today bringing mail, freight and KOra Last night, according 10. the vessel' her dashlights on the Hanalel until It was disofficers, the Gorman cruiser! Nurnbers played covered the was not a foreign bottom.

The steam schooner Prentice left this afternoon for San Francisco with capacity cargo redwood. Lumber cargo was also taken on the steam schooner Acme, which satied for San The Pacino Coast. mer CIty of Topeka departed for San Francisco, taking mail, froight. And 102 PASS The steam schooners Vanguard Are sobeduled to sail for San with lumber and PORT TOWNSEND. Special Dispatch to The Chronicle, PORT.

TOWNSEND, August -After wallIng from Port Angelos early thin morning for Australia the British steamer Strathenk changed her course before reaching Cape Flattery, And retorned bare to await orders in fear of German cruisers. The British steamer Colusa, war paint. wbiob arrived yesterday from Tacoma bound for Portland, beld here. PORT LUDLOW. Special Dispatch to The Chronicle.

PORT. LUDLOW. AugURt The storm M. 8. Loop arrived today from Seattle to load lumber for San Francisco.

The steam schooner Rainier arrived today from Sun Francisco. The sobooner James H. Bruce towed to 86R today with cargo of lumber bound for Ban Francisco. Indoor Yachters in Sports of All Sorts Special Dispatch: to. The Chronicle, TALLAC, August 16.

With the big cabaret show A success beyond comparison, the Indoor Yachters tonight are looking forward to the last day of their annual cruise. The members leave tomorrow night and will be in San Francinco Monday morning at 8:80 o'clock. Indoor baseball team won an exolting game from the Tallao nine by, a score of 11 to 10. Tiv Kreling was ejeoted from the game by a deputy sheriff for crabbing, Result of the day's sports, follow: Free-for'-all swimming, won by Harold Emmal, Rowing -Dr. Charles Strub, 100.

yards swimming -Buster Talt. Man vs. horse- Harold Mundrel Hat man's race--Harry Stafford, Swimming race- -Coffroth and Tait dead heat. Shuffleboard- James Healy. Pool- -Frank Hennessy, MAY TRANSFER ST.

PAUL CLUB. ST. August -The St. Paul of the American Association may be trank Marred to Toledo. O.

In the near future, meconfine tore report in circulation bere tonight George E. Lennon, who controlk the St. Dani. loft. the city today and.

18. snide tor his way to Toledo to take up the mutter with man of that alts. PIRATES RELEASE MOWREY. PITTABURG, August 15, H. R.

Mowney. third baseman of the Pittsburg National League Baseball' club. wad thin afternoon given hale conditional rolouse, with the option of roing to the Brooklyn National Coague team. All the of tho National and, American leagues we on Mowery, but officials of the Pittsburg etub amid that it was probable Mowrey would Jolt Brookien In Cincinnati NOTABLE DEATHS. J.

G. Pang born Rallroad Omeini. 15. Major Joseph rangnorn. widely known oftefal and former, nO 10am, died of here tonight or niter an liners several months, WAR 70 of Major had connected with the Haitimore and Olio Rallroad almost continuously 1880.

116 was chairman of the World' Transportation Commission, endowed by the late Marshall Pield of Chicago, Suit for Sailor's -Andrew Biolatad, of the estate of Mauser seaman. who wan drowned while attemptina, the rescue. of passenger of the steamer President en the high November 20. 1013, renterday hrought suit against the Pacide Coast Stoamship Company for 120,000 damages. 23, Claud of Oakland; Maniok, 20.

and Julia Sullivan, DrAin 0, Alameda, and Blanche Hery, 26, San Francisco, Michael Tomas. 24, land Elenor 20, both or Oakland, Manuel W. Gomes, 96, and Delphine M. Lopes, 22. both or Oakland.

Overan. 24, and Lena: Peterson, 90, both of Richmond! Walter Bray. 22, and Van de Burg. 17, both of. Onkland; Edward J.

MacDonough, 23. and Bessie W. Stewart. 23. hoth Oakland.

Antone 47. Oakland. 1. and Mars Sequiro, 38. Mountain View.

Fred H. Murray, 20, Berkeley. and Easel Gerberding. 24, Oakland, Andrew. Rogers, 45.

Richmond, and Sophie L. Penterson, 85. Antioch. Thomas B. Herriok, 10, and Sarah P.

Apple, 18. both off Oakland. Noel J. Brown, 28, Stockton, and Alma Laugh1ln. 22.

Modesto. SAN RAFAEL. August The following marriage licenser were issued here today Louls G. Rondelle, aged 22. and Edna May Swanson, aged 21, both of Oakland.

Harry B. Barnett. 84, and Alice Barnes, 29, both of San WOllam B. Sullivan, 28, San Francisco, and Elisabeth M. Hughes, 21.

San Rafael. REDWOOD CITY August The following marriage fidense, war. issued liere today: Willemn Ho Altmansberger. aged 82. and Cora Wilson aged 32, both of Sap Aug 16, 7:16 A stmr hence 12 for.

Port Gamble: 8180 M. stir Santa Maria from Port San Lula for Seattie, 5:80 A stmr Frank Buck from Everett tor Monterey. Passed in Aug 16, 11:10 A M. stmr BI Segundo, hence 12. tor Senttle.

Francisco. UMPQUA-Salled Aug, 14, sohr Lily for San ISLAND PORTS. Aug 16, 10 A stmr Korea for San Francisco, Arrived Apr. 16, Jap stmr Belyo, Maru from Callao. for ILOILO- Arrived Aug 18, Br stmr Indrakuin from Yokohama.

FOREIGN PORTS. ANTWERP -Salled Aug 14 Oristano for San. CALLAO. Sailed Aug 14, schr Alex 7 Brown for Gray harbor. Aug 29, Br Polenio for, Manila ESQUIMAULT--Arrived Aug 15, 3 atmr Alterine from cruise.

Aug 15, atmr Cameronia for. Now York: stir Grampian for Montreal HAMBURG-Sulled July 20, Gor- stmr Suk. karah. for Soutb A menion. HAVRE- Salled Aug 14, stmp France tor New York IQUIQUE--Ratted Aug 14, scar Willis Holden for Port Townsend Arrived Aug 14, 4tmr 8t Paul from New York.

Hailed Aug 16, stmr Campania for New York. LIVERPOOL-Salled Aug 15, stmr 8t, Paul for New York. -Sailed AUR 18, Atmr. Santa Catalina from Sap Francisco for New. York, NAPLES.

Arrived Aug 14, stmr. Ultonia from New York. Sailed Aux 18, San Giovanni tor. New York. NEWCASTLE, Aus--Balled Aug 15, sobr Jackson for San Francisco, VALENCIA- Sulled Aug 5.

atmr 11 Plemoute for Now. York, Arrived Santa Aug Maria 16. Nor from stmr Port Thor, San hence 11; stmr Sailed Aug 14, stmr Governor for San Fraucisco, Aug stmr Maru for SAD Francisco, Honolulu, Aus 12, Siberia for Francisco. MARINE NEWS. Branch Ay drographie Office, U.

8. San cisco, August 16, 1914, The Time Ball on the tower of the Pairmont Hotel was dropped today exactly at noon, Pacino Standard Time 120th meridian). or at 8h. Greenwich. mean time.

W. TOMB. U. 8. la charge.

6. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. Time of beights and high and low waters Fort Point, entrance to San Francisco Das. By official authority of the Superintendent. The tide at Mission-strent whart la minutes inter then at Fort Point.

The beight of tide the at. both places. AUGURT 18 -TO (Time Time Feet. Time Feet. Time Meet.

9:08 8.8 12:46 815 6:601 0.1 9:53 8,4 7:54 5,6 8:801 10:80 2:44 8.2 8:45 5.9 19 4:09 0.5 11:04 8185 2.01 9:84 6,0 20 4:46 0.6 11:86 2.0 10:21 8,0 21 6:12 2.2 011:101 5.A AUGUST 16. Run Smal Set 7,08 NOTE In the above tabulation of tides the dally tides are given in the order of their occur: rehoe, commending with the early morning tide In the left-band tide column; and the succeeding tides as they ocour. On some days but. three tides the fourth tide occurring on the tollowing moraine. The column or heights gives the elevation of each tide above or below the plape of Coast Sure vey.

Chart Soundings. chart The numbers are always additive to the depths, unless preceded by the minus sign or dash when the numbers are subtractive from depths given on the chart. MOVEMENTS OF STRAMERS. TO ARRIVE. Date From Aug.

16 Eureka Aug. 16 Mendocino AUK. 16 Los Angelos Aug. 16 Santa Barbara, AUK 16 Eureka. AUK 16 Buenos Astoria.

16 Port. 16 Pureka 17 Gray A Aug 17 Los Angeles. AUR. 17 Puget Sound. Aug 17 Astoria.

A Port. Astoria. A Los AUK 17 17 Gray Whimpe AUE 17 Astoria. AUEr 17 Eureka Aug Los Angeles. in Los Angeles, Aug.

Los Angeles. Aug. 17 Los Angelos. AUK 18 Honolulu Aug 18 Seattle, Tacoma Aug. 18 pureka 18 D.

L. A AUK. 18 Portal AUK 18 Point Aug. 10 Coos BAY Aug. 10 Fort Bragg.

Ang. 19 08 Angeles. Aug. 19 Ventura 20 Hong Kong Aug 20 Sydney Nitrate port AUG 20 Seattle Aur. 20 Eureka D.

AUR Eureka Aux 21 Lox Angeles DO Date Steamer 16 Sea Aug. 16 A rotio San. Pedro. Aug 16 Vanguard All 17 Bandon 17 Coronado Aux. 17 Aug 17 City of Topeka.

Governor Aug 17 Yale Aug 17 Northland 17 Klamath 18 Ludine A 18 Sierra AUK 18 Ben yer A 18 Haunted Aux. 18 Santa Aug. Aroline Aug. 18 Yosemite Aug. 18 Coon Bay AUK Aug.

18 Nann Phoenix Smith AUR 10 Moana AuK 19 Queen 10 Aug. 10 Aug ID 10 Yellowatone. Aug 10 A. Kiburn. AUK 19 A ome Aug 10 Sen Foam 10 Brunswick Aug.

19 Harvard. AUK. 10 RONe City Aug 10 Redondo Aug 20 Ad. Watson, Aug 20 Hanta Barbara. 20 Multnomah.

20 Ramon, 21 Roanoke AUK 21 City of Topeka Aug 21 TOSS Aug, Eureka Wedding Rings Sorensen Ca. Watchmakers Jewelers, Opticians, Market Nr. Third, MARRIAGES. 15, by Justice or the Peace Barnett, Loyd this olty. August Jesse Myers and Angelena Lu ROTAS DE LUGO- -In elty, August 16, by Justice.

of the Peace Barnett, Manuel and Mariana de Lugo. DEATHS. Blanchard, Marla (Hendry, James. 87. Brown, Hanore 65, Lank, Crayton W.

-20. Burns, Matthew Bi Lewis, Alice, Casey, Rather Long, William G. Crowley, William (Drons, George. Devoto, Antonio- -54. MoShane, Bernard J.

Diamond, G. D. D. 118. Mayer, Carmella Portia, Vlotor L.

-70. Peabody, Jr. A. 70, Gibson. William H.

Platt, Anna-58, Hanekamp, John H. Powers, Margaret 7. 10. 25. Clara U.

Howe, Charles A. -01. Quigley. Jansen, Mary E. -00.

Sebura. George H. Kaiser. Leah, Shaffer. Nellie, PAy Chase, Sherman, George Krng, Phillip J.

81ocomb, Lucy P. Kruger, Martha George W. --84. LaiDE. JaDe.

I Watta. Rose- 88. BLANCHARD -In this olty. August 15, Maria L. Blanchard, widow the late Henry O.

Blanchard, and father of Leete M. Blanchard, and the late Van G. Blanchard, native of Bangor, Mel (Carson. papers please 00 p. .) Notice of funeral hereafter.

Remains Gray's chapel. Geary and DiVisadero streets. BROWN -In this city. August 14. Hanore, loved wife or the late Patrick Brown of Somerville, Contra Costa: county.

nod mother of Charles 10d ward Vincent B. and Warren W. Brown and Mrs. Marguerite Mackall. a native of Pennsylvania, Aged 85 11.

months and 11 dark Friends and are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral Monday, August 17. a0 8:80 clock, troto ber late residence. 2882 Fulton street thence to. St. Church, where a requiem high mean will.

be celebrated, for the repose of ber soul, cominencing o'clock. Interment, Antioch, leaving the ferry At 10:40 o'clock. BURNS. In this alty. August 15.

Matthew B. Burns, dearly beloved brother of Thomas. Mary and the late Edward, James and Richard Burns, and belored of Edward J. Burns, a native of San Francisco. The funeral will take place Monday.

August 17. at 8:30 from the parlors of Carew Pheliah, 1618 Geary street, thence to Sacred -Heart. Church, where requiem MIRKN will be colebrated for the repose of soul. commencing at 0- o'olock. Friends and NO quaintances are respectfully, invited to attend.

Interment. Hols Cross. Cemetery, by automobile. CASEY--There will a solemn anniversary requelin mass for the repose of the soul of the Into Father Casey on Monday. August 17.

at C. Crowley, beloved, busband of the late 10. o'clock, at St. Peter a Church. and and Robert Crowley and MrA.

C. Cunite and tend. CROWLEY In tHIN city. 15, William acquaintances are respectfully invited to atBridget Crowley, and loving father of John the late William Crowlos. native of Ire land.

A member of Noo. Valley, Lodge, A. 0. U. W.

No. 185, Friends and acquaintances are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral Monday, August at 8:80 o'clock, from his late residence, 1138 Florida, street: thence to Potor'4 Church, where a requiem mass will be brated for the repose of tit* soul. commedcing at clock. Interment, Holy. Groks Cemet terr, by carriage.

away, August 15. Antonio, be loved busband of Hannah Devote, father of Anthony Lewis Devoto, son of G. B. De voto. and brother of 1.

Heximann. A native of Italy, BRAd 54 years, 8 and 8 das. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to Attend the, funeral Monday, Augunt 17. at 9 from his late residence. 1111 Lake street: thence to Star of the Sea Church, where high masa will be celebrated for the repose of soul, com mencing at A 30 Interment.

Hole CHORE Cemetery, br carriage, DIAMOND -In this August Captain Goddurd R. D. Diamond. a native. of PI mouth, aged 118.

3. months and 14 dars Friends and acquaintances ace respectfully Invited to attend the funeral Monday August nt 10 olelock. from the chapel of the Old. Peonin's Home, Pine and Pierce streets. Interment Lawn FORTIN In Mount Hermon.

Cal. August 14. Victor Lazaro Portin, husband of Into Julia Remillard, and father: of Damien 10.0 Octave V. Many R. and Agnes J.

Fortin. native of aged 70 years, 9 months And of Live Onk Lodge, No. 61. and and Oakland Lodge, No. 118.

0. 0, Erlenda, are respectfulls invited to Attend the funeral services Monday, August 17. At 3 o'clock, at Masonic Temple, Twelfth and Washington streets, Oakland, under the of Live Oak Lodge. No. 61, P.

and A. M. Interment private. Remains at the residence of the Truman. Undertaking Company 2985 Telegraph avenue, southwest corner of Thir tleth street, Oakland.

GIBBON- -In this alty. Angust 14. Willam Henry, beloved husband of Frances Gertrude Gibson, father of Gertrude Louise, Gibson, loving Ron of the late Samuel S. and Mary Gibson, brother of Samuel 8. Gibson and the Inte.

Louisa B. Waldron and the late George and TameR Gibson: uncle of Wesley and Edward Waldron. A native of San Francisco, Friends and the ncquaintances are respectfully Invited to attend funeral Sundae. August 16. at 2 o'clock, from the, mortuary, chapel of the Golden Gate Undertaking Company, 2475 Mission street.

a near Twenty frat. Incineration. private: Mount Ollret Cemetery, HANEKAMP--In thin city. August 10, John H. beloved husband of the Into' Beulah Fiane.

kamp, and loving. father of John and Veronica native of Germany them bet of Vereln Concordia and Bartenders Union. Local No. 41. Notice of funeral hereafter.

Remains the of D. 1. Kenny Company, 1652 Eddy. street, near Steiner. HENDRY -In this eity: August 15, James, beJored husband of the Sarah Hendry, and loving father of William W.

Orson And Luther C. Hendry Mrs. Sarah and the late Frank and Lucy, Hendry, A tire of Scotland, aged 87 roars and 8 months. Remains at the parlors of H. F.

Subr Co. 2019 Twenty Mission street, between Twentyarth and HENRICKSON -In this August 14. John R. dearly beloved husband of Ella Henrickson. and Mont of the late Henrick And Johanna Henriekson.

native of San Fran elwoo. aged 25 FORIN and 1 month. Friends are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral Tuesday. August 18, at 1:80 clock. from big Intel residence.

228. Gates thence to Emmanuel Turneran Church, on Cortland avenue, where. services will com mence at 2 clock, Interment, Oy press Lawn Cemetery, by funeral oar. HOWE -In this olty, August 14. Charles A.

dearly beloved husband of Lney Howe, and brother of Fred native Howe of and the Into Mindora Johnson Boston; aged .01 Friends and acquaintances are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral services. Sunday. August 10, at 2 o'clock, at his lute residenne, 1607 Page street, under the auspices of. Yerba Buena Lodge, No. 16, 1.

0. F. Incineration: OT press Lawn Cemetery. by automobile. YERHA BUENA NO 15, 1 0.

0. are requested to assemble 1437 Page street. Sunday. August 10, nt 1:30 for the late purpose brother. of attending A the funeral of our Charles Howe.

CARL SAW VELL. JANSEN- wite In this Charles olts, N. August 18, Mary and 0. bey loved of Jansen, mother of Bertha E. Jansen, native of froland, aged 50 rearm, 0 months and 20 days.

Friends are respectfully Invited to attend the. funeral Monday August 17. at 8:80 otolock. Alliter from the chanel of In lated Brothers, Me and. streets: thence, to St.

Church. Van Nass A and Broadway, where.A mass be celebrated for the repose of her sput: commencine at Interment. Inly Cemetery by Automobile. Romaine the chapel Mo Alliater Di KAISER In this alty, ATKURT 137 native of Washington. Funeral and Interment private.

Remains the parlors of Suar 1388 Jencia Atront, near Twenty-Atth, KELLOGG- In Berkeley, August 14. Pay Chase, belgred wife pt George Herbert loving mother of Bentley and Wells Kelloge. Friende ATE respectfully lavited to attend the memorial services. Hunday. o'clock, at 8t.

Mark Church, corner Bancroft. way and atreet; Berkeley Please omit dowers. 18.. Bertha Phillip dearly beloved husband away. ID Burllagame.

August Krug, devoted father of Walter. Rose 0100 and Lenile Krug, JOVIng brother or Mre. Wagner and Albert Krus, and son-in-law of Mr. and Mr. George F.

Rock. a native of Baltimore, member of White Curie Tribe, No, 79, Improved 0, R. Redwood Dodir of No. of San Mateo: Golden Gate Coun Union. 551.

National Union, and Mmebiniacal, No. 68. dorited Friends to and acquaintances. are respecttully 10, attend the funeral Sunday, at 2 from the parlors of Suhr Wiebolat. 1885 Valencia street.

near Tweut afth. Remains st the residence of bin 1p-law. George Reck. 1217 York street. be 10 o'clock Sunday and morning.

Twenty nett, Incineration. tween Twenty Cypress. WHITE Lawn: Cemetery, by R. S. EAGLE and members NO.

are 72. IMP requested D. 0 to attend the funeral of our late brother. Phil the Krug. Sunday, August 16, at o'clock, undertaking of Subr 1885 Valencia street.

By order of 10. M. MOKEVIIT, Sachem i F. W. KATTELMANN, Chief of Recorde KRUGER -In this city.

August 14, Martin. dearly, beloved daughter of Ludwig and Audie Kruger and loving sister of Aunio Kruger, native of San aged 1 year, month and 22 daya, Friends ADd acquaintances are respectfully 18, davited At to attend the funeral Sunday, 1 olelook, from. the residence of her' parenta, 84 Brazil avenue. Incinerations Mount Oliver Cemetery, by carriage. belored this elty, August 14.

Jane. Lains, mother of Charles D. Laing and Lucetta M. Laine. a native of Scotland.

Funeral and interment, private. Please omit dowers. LANG Kerorille, August 12, Crayton Winton Lank, beloved son of Charles S. Lane. sod Brother of Lydia Ruth and Charles Lang Ir.native Funeral or services Hayward, aged 20 years, Monday.

August 17. olelock, at him late residence. DONG -In Kernville, Calls August 12, William G. Long Jr. brother of Mrs.

W. W. Fair banka. Charles S. Lone.

Percy V. LORE. Robert Long and Mrs. Frank S. Doughty, native of California.

Services Tuesday, August 18, at 2 o'clock, at Cypress Lawn Cemetery. Cremation LEWIS--In daughter of this olty, August 18, Alice Lewis, the late Oscar and Sarah Lewis or San Francisco, and sister of Howard and Arthur Lewis, native of Ban Prancisco. Funeral, private. Remulos at the parlors of Geary Ashier and McMullen, Clement 326 Sixth avenue, between, streets. LYONS In this elty, August 16, George dearly beloved" son of Catherine Lyous, outi brother of Richard and Frances, Lions, native of San Francisco.

Friends and acquaintances are respectfully 47, invited to attend the runeral Monday, August of 10:80 o'clock. from the mortuary chapel 2476. the Aliasion Golden Gate Undertaking Company, ment." Mount. Olivet Cemeters. street, near Twenty InterMOSKANE.

In thie. city, August 18, Bernard Joseph. dearly beloved husband of Mary MeSbane, and devoted of Joseph J. Vir ginia Thomas: Henry and Raymond J. F.

Moshane, Dative of of County Armagh, Ireland. A member 8. F. Eng. CO.

No. 24; Mutual Aid Ansociation, 1. of 8: En Local No. 64. (New York and Chicago papers please copy.) Invited Prlenda and the acquaintances are respectfully to attend funeral Monday.

17. 4112 8:80 o'clock. from him late, residence, Twenty-second street: thence to NE. Phillip's Church, where a requiem high man will be celebrated for the A repose of his soul. commencing at 9 o'olock.

Interment, Holy Cross Cemeters, by automobile. MAYER In this city. August 14. Carmella Mayer, beloved daughter of Annie Mayer, and loving slater of Raymond Franciaco, and -Leland Mayer: 17 pative of San aged 14 yeara and dare, Funeral Interment strictly private. Re mains at Gray's chapel, Geary and Divisadero Streets.

PEABODY- Entered into rent. in this city. Ad gust Sarah 140 Peabody, beloved, husband S. lear Chappelor, of Captain L. 8.

ChappePeabody, and loving father of Mra? of coast artillery corps. stationed at Fort Miley aged 70 rearm. Remalus at the new mortuary chapel tho California Undertaking Company. 100 more street. corner of Hermann, where the funeral services will be beld Monday.

August 17, at 3 clock. -in this city. August 14. Plutt. beloved mother of Edith, Genevieve: and Charles Plutt.

M. Brown. Mrs. J. Stretl MrA.

T. Knox and Mrs. P. Guzman, a Dative of Austria, aged 53 years. Invited Friends, and the acquaintances are respectfully 11, 9 to attend funeral Monday.

August At o'clock, from her late residence, 150 Connecticut street: thence to the Church of the Nativits, where a requiem high mass will be celebrated for the repose of ber soul. commencing at. 9:80 o'clock. Interment. private.

Holy Cross Cemetery POWERS -In this elty. August 13, Margaret, M. Powers (bee Copper), dearly beloved wire of the late Edward Powers, and loving mother of Edward William. John Marguerite Powers, a native of City Waterford. Irelaud, (Seattles and New York papers please funeral 8:30 will take place Monday, At o'clock.

from the residence August her third son. C. Powers. St. 0558A Twenty.

street: thence to Paul's Church. whor* a requiem high mass will be celebrated for the repose of bier soul, commencing at o'clock Interment. Holy Cross Cemetery. by carriage, PURNELL -In beloved San. Diego, August Clara native U.

of Now. wife of aged Charles B. Purnell, York. 48 Seara, month and 26 Invited Erlande and acquaintances are respectfully. to attend the funeral services Sundar.

August 10, at 10 o'clock. wt the chapel of Halsted 1122 Sutter street. tion private, QUIGLEY -In this rity, nt the 'Tuberculosis Hospital. Charles Quigles. tivu of aged 44 years.

SCHURG- -In Oakland. August 14. George H. deacts: beloved brother of Chadwick Thompson of San and Mrk. Thornton Thompson.

A native Francisco: member of Pa Lodge, No. 0. 0. are respectfully to attend the funeral Mouday, August 17. 3:80 from the residence parlors of 'Andker 870 atreet, between Grove and Castro.

Incineration, Oakland Crematory, SHAFFER- In this city. August 12. Nellie Shatter, dearly beloved mother of Richard and Elizabeth Shatter, and alster of Irene Ross, a native of New York, (Elmira, N. Y. papers please cony.

The 10. funeral services will false place Sunday. 1889 August at 2 o'clock, at her late residence. Farrell street. Interment.

Cypress Lawn Cemetery. by automobile, SHERMAN. In this city, August 14. George H. Sherman, beloved husband of the late Lillian Shor man.

loving fatuer of Herold. Leslie and Albert Shorman. beloved FOR of of the Jade Teresa Koller, and beloved brother MIN. R. J.

HAPPIN. MTA. R. Sire. G.

Sanborn, William Keller and the later Luoy Hall. A member of Laundry Workers' Union. Local No. 20. Friends and are respectfully furited to attend the Cuperal Monday, August 17, at 8:80 o'clock, from the parlors of Gantnor Brothers, 424 Guerrero street.

between Sixteenth and Seventeenth: thence to Ht. James! Church, Twenty third and Guerrero streets, where requiem ligh mars will be celebrated for the repose ot his soul. com mencing at alock. Interment, "Holy Cross Cemetery, by antoniobile. BLOCOMB- -In Onkland.

August 14, Dr. Lucy P. wife of the lute William 810comb, A native of. (Philadelphia, papers, please copy.) Friends are respectfully Invited, tor the funeral Monday. of August 17.

at 11 o'olock, from the Albert Brown 584 Thirteenth street, Oakland. Interment private. VINCENT In burband thin elty. August 15, George Walker, of the late Agnes Vincont, and father Mrs. A.

L. Dennison and Mrs. George De Forest, a native of Bostons weed 84 Notice of tuneral hereafter. Remaina Gray'A chapel, Geary and Divisadero streets. WATTS -In Stockton.

August 2. Rose, beloved wife of Ed Watts. mother of Leland and. AIR sinter of Clyde Mary Wagner and Mary. Eljeen Watts, daughter of Fitzpatrick.

San Francisco, aged and months. Leland and James Pitapatrick, ya native of CARD. OF THANKS Berkeley. August 15. 1014: wish to thank all our friends for their kind of sympathy la' our late: bereave ment.


Steamer Pier Olty of Topeka Sea Foam Santa Clara, COOK Bay Cloughton San Ramon. Vanguard' Coronado Governor Rose City Northland Yale Ily aden Santa Barbara Multnomah Hanniel Beaver Aroline: Willamette th Wifelmine Watson Kilburn. Queen Yosemite Sea Redondo FoRm RAN Harvard Arctic Cureka Korea City of Topeka. Congress THREE Roanoke Manalel Governor Sade: Destination Point Arena Port Eureka Los Yaquion Angelos 28 BuS LON Angelos PM Mex. porter.

6 PM Portland .11:30 L. A. S. D. Los Angelos Los Angeles Port.

Hono Kabul Honolulu Port: Eureka Santa Los Angeles Los Angeles Monterey Los Angeles Coos Sydney Sonttle, Tao 12 Tao Har C. Port Dureka Point Eureka Arena. 88 Fort Los Angeles 11 Los Angeles Seattle: Tao Willapa Port Ant Ventura CARD OF THANKS, SOMNER- -We herewith desire to express our heartfelt thanks and appreciation to the many fringda and offerings and acquaintances for the beautiful doral extended for the comforting words of of sympathy during the sad hours our late bereavement. MRS. JOHN SCHARINE.

MRS. PILLIP ADAMLY WHEN THE UNDERTAKER BECOMES NECESSARY SAVE HALF of the Funeral Expense Telephone JULIUS S. GODEAU Market 711. Oakland 4046. Independent of the Trust THE furnish GODEAU FUNERAL SERVICE wIT for $76.

embalming Abroad. sliver mounted, limousine, cloth covered canket, hearse and and give personal Hupecrialon. TRUST UNDERTAKERS WILL CHANGE you $150 for the funeral. All their are Service Saves You Auto wad limousines for SAN FRANCISCO OAK LAND 41. Vad News 210.

Webster 805. A Phone OhM..

San Francisco Chronicle from San Francisco, California (2024)
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Author: Horacio Brakus JD

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Author information

Name: Horacio Brakus JD

Birthday: 1999-08-21

Address: Apt. 524 43384 Minnie Prairie, South Edda, MA 62804

Phone: +5931039998219

Job: Sales Strategist

Hobby: Sculling, Kitesurfing, Orienteering, Painting, Computer programming, Creative writing, Scuba diving

Introduction: My name is Horacio Brakus JD, I am a lively, splendid, jolly, vivacious, vast, cheerful, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.